
Challenging Oración Seis

I observed the abandoned castle in front of me with focus. Invel stood beside me with a serious look, "Sir, are we really going to attack a member of the Baram Alliance?!". He looked the same as in the series only much younger.

I replied offhandedly, "Of course not, I am going to attack! You are going to watch it!". I felt his desire to facepalm, "Sir, I don't understand the point of this risky action! Can you explain?!".

I sighed, 'This Invel is really annoying sometimes! Can't someone do something for fun and without reason?! Gimme a break!'. "That's for me to know and for you to figure out!", He contemplated and murmured, "So it's a test of my comprehensive abilities!". I chose to ignore him...

I manifested a pair of demonic wings and used them to fly above the castle. "Oración Seis! Come out!", I shouted and my voice echoed over the entire castle. I had been tracking them for a few days and had finally found their hideout.

Cobra floated out on his serpent. "I heard you coming from a mile away! Who are you and what do you want?!", I answered indifferently, "I want to fight all of you, as for who I am... you are not worthy to know!".

He was angered but the other members came out thus he didn't take action. "So, you think you can fight us all?! How preposterous!!", Brain said. I looked at them coldly, "Spare me the small talk, let's fight!".

I manifested a thousand blades of light and made them rain on them. Each of them used a type of magic to counter it and on this first barrage, Sorano was knocked out since she was injured because she couldn't defend herself in time. Cobra dodged them all and dashed towards me, "I heard it coming!".

He took a deep breath and released a massive amount of poison, "Poison Dragon's Roar!". I formed a simple shield the size of a massive wall and held it back. A blue ray joined his attack and slammed into my wall and managed to cause a crack, "Dark Capriccio!".

I rotated the wall and their attacks dispersed in the surroundings, The poison was falling from the sky like rain and most of it I made to fall on them. They retreated and I used this chance to form a red sphere in my hand. "Take this, Cero!", 'Even the sound is the same, great!'.

Feeling the hot ball in my hand expanding and suddenly exploding in the form of a ray of destruction towards them felt amazing, It was not a real Cero, it was a mere imitation but it still had considerable power.

To my surprise, the attack was somehow avoided easily, I focused and realized midnight had used his Reflector. I felt a sense of danger so I dodged to the left and several ethereal slices passed me. "Invisible Scythe!"

I felt a massive hand clasp my leg and looking down I saw a portion of the earth had risen up in the form of a hand to restrict me. Before I had a chance to counter it, I felt a dozen punches and kicks hit me everywhere. 'Racer!'

I saw them retreating and realized they were going to get out of racer's range of slow and attack with long-range spells. I Manifested a spherical shield around me and made it expand instantly. The earth under me collapsed and racer was pushed far away towards his teammates. His slow magic was still active so I saw they were all slowed down expect for Racer.

I took Goku's pose when he wanted to launch a Kamehameha, A blue ball of light manifested there. "Kaaaa!" I increased its size and potency with my imagination, "Meee!". It grew powerful enough that I felt my hands burning slightly, "Haaa Meee!".

I released a blue beam of destruction as thick as a big boulder towards them. "HAAAAAAAA!"

They were engulfed in the attack and the beam traveled to the horizon exploding there, A mountain peak in the distance was hit and it exploded sending its massive burning debris in all directions as if a massive inferno had erupted.

I was breathing rapidly and my magic power had almost been depleted, however, it was worth it. The rush of power as if your veins were filled with electricity, the anticipation of a massive explosion and finally the taste of victory made it worth it. When I released it I felt as if I was pushing back a hot and unstable and trembling construct of light. It felt powerful.

I patted my clothes and looked over. I saw all of their members on the ground barely breathing. 'Midnights reflected most of the attack, otherwise, they would have been ash now!', I realized. I turned to go back but the sound of someone standing up alerted me.

Brain had stood up this time without marks on his face, 'Zero!'. "You are powerful indeed! I will make sure to enjoy your destruction!", His red eyes locked onto me, on his face a menacing grin. A green hue surrounded his form making his face dark, the ground was slightly trembling due to his immense magic power. I was not intimidated at all, "You can try!".

He made a sweeping motion with his hand, "Zero Slash!". I wanted to dodge but I felt my body was much heavier than usual, "Dark Gravity!". He pushed his other hand forward, "Dark Capriccio, Scream!". 'He cast 3 spells at the same time!'

Seeing I couldn't dodge, I formed the most powerful shield I could imagine at the moment with all my magic power, "Lord Chaldeas!". The attacks landed on the shield, it cracked but held on. A few seconds passed and the shield faded. I managed to defend.

I looked on and saw Zero still standing strong with a dark grin. 'This won't work! I underestimated his power! I need to increase my magic power! It can't be helped!', I decided to use my elemental powers.

I focused and a black flame appeared in my left hand, A ball of red lightning appeared on my right hand. I brought my hands together and shaped the two of them into a sword. I pointed the sword at Zero, "You will go down with this attack!".

He laughed, "How ridiculous, I don't even feel any magic power left in you! you must be on your last legs! I will Erase you! Genesis Zero!". From the tip of the sword, a terrifying destructive force was unleashed, "I call this Volcanic Baraq Saiqa!".

A silent red lightning bolt engulfed in black fire as thick as a skyscraper was shot towards him. I aimed it slightly to his left because I felt it was a pity to kill him, 'He could be useful later!'. His spell was instantly crushed and a blinding flash of red engulfed the entire region. A few seconds passed and a horrifying sound of thunder cracked in the skies and earth.

If I was not ready my eardrums would have exploded, I had covered them with layers of defenses using manifestation with the last of my magic power. I saw the hole that was made on the earth and the several mountains in front of me. 'I can't imagine the kind of destruction it would have done if I hadn't aimed it at the sky!!'

Zero was on the ground and half of his face was burnt, He was alive though! I ignored them and decided to go rest and get ready for my next target, Grimoire Heart.

Invel looked at me with wide eyes, I could see the fear and awe in them. "let's go!", he silently followed me. 'It feels surprisingly good to order people around, hmm, maybe I should become a king or something?! meh, I will think about it later...', I thought.