

On a Mountaintop 5 youths were looking over the starry sky. One of the youths with short jetblack hair was the closest to the edge as he turned around to look at the other youths. One had red straight hair, he was Mark, another had long black hair falling over his face, his name was Marco, and the last was a girl with curly long blonde hair. She was shelly.

The youth who was the closest to the edge asked with a confused face, "Why did you bring me here babe?" Looking straight at shelly. She let out a seductive voice, "To kill you fex…" The youth who was close to the edge whose name was Fex had a twisted expression, "Wait wait wha-" But before he could finish his sentence the boy mark with red hair let out his hand and ihis fingers enlarged pushing Fex over the edge.

Fex looked in horror as he fell looking at his so-called friends and girlfriend. They looked at him smirking and smiling before they left. Fex only felt one emotion..


After all the things he did for them, after all the memories they made I get paid with this?!?! A BETRAYAL!. The wind rushed through his back until he heard a crack. He fell on rocks cracking his head and breaking his bone. Blood leaked out, 'IF I COULD GET ANOTHER CHANCE I WILL KILL THEM!'. He gritted his teeth and was getting ready to face his inflatable end.

He started to think of his past and memories flashed. One of them showed him as a kid and the doctor proclaiming that he was traitless, Another showed him running with tears in his eyes as his home was burned down. Then it showed him sitting in a tree as 3 kids around his age, one with red hair, another with balck hair and a young girl with blonde hair reaching out a hand to hand it to him. He gritted his teeth with more anger 'WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THOSE TRAITORS!'.

Fex eyelids started to go heavy as he was about to close his eyes. But suddenly he heard footsteps.




The sounds of leaves crunching made Fex open his eyes. A man with Black hair and Emerald Eyes, He wore a long coat and had many accessories on him. He walked in front of Fex and said with a slight nod, "I feel anger in you, people you have trusted have betrayed you. I will give you power in place of your elegance. Become my 3rd general and help me bring down olympus!" When he said the last words I could see a tint of anger and sadness in his eyes.

I had no other choice, "So I accepted". He then took out a ring with the head of a dragon and placed it gently on my finger.

[ You have made contact with the ring of the dragon lord ]

[ Dragon Lord powers are being transferred ]

[ Error. Host is to weak ]

[ Starting from the beginning. Inserting flying snake ]

[ Success ]

Then all of a sudden Fexs body arted to heal at an incredible speed and he felt a lock break and knowledge of a purple flame appeared in his mind, setting off a cool feeling. The man looked at Fex and spoke with a smile, "From now on you are one of my 7 generals. You are the 3rd general of my team 'The Dragon King'." After saying this a crack in space came out of nowhere and the man was about to leave but Fex called out, "What's your name".

The man stopped and stood still before smiling, "Call me Felix or THE GOD OF BLOOD" He then disappeared into the rifts. Fex stood up looking at the screen in front of him, "Felix… i'll remember that.."