
how I became a divine aspect

In the year of 2029 Lin Yi was a prominent figure in the gaming world. the king gaming company released the first ever full play dive gaming console the simulated the five senses. Lin Yi and another 100,000 randomly selected to participate in the beta testing the full dive console and the first full dive called "Infinite online". Lin Yi had special access to the game he got eriler access to the game. by two days. Infinite online where anyone can be any thing if you want to be a bandit, king, emperor, wizard, bard, cultivator. all is up to you if you can think it you could be it. but the only catch is that you have to find your own way. it is even possible to become a god if you so desire. all races are playable you can even be something as simple as a tree or something as power full as a angel or a demon. But what will happen if when all the beta testers logged in but but when they went to go to log out the button was gone.

Trueone_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

celestial staff ch 11

As Lin Yi moves his divine power all over his body to his hands. A golden light emanating from his hands. As he held his hands out and grasp the air. As soon as he did the light started to condense in to a staff. as the staff was being formed. It started to turn silver. the silver light started to dissipate.

When the light dissipated a silver staff. On the head of the staff was a blue orb with two sets of wings.

[divine praxy created...]

[staff effects:

Angel Summoning: User can summon angels/celestial beings from other worlds to help them fight.

Limitations: Without precautions, angels may turn against their summoner, summoned angels may become uncontrollable and put the summoner in danger, Summoning angels very likely takes immense amounts of power, Summoning may require a sacrifice, such as blood, wealth or life, Certain symbols, carvings and/or ceremonies may be needed to summon given Angels.

Contract Bestowal:

Users can make contracted deals; a supernatural and versatile contract, typically characterized by its ability to bestow wishes that grants users almost omnipotent power and is able to achieve almost anything within the realm of thought, akin to those of a genie. The impact on others is meticulously controlled through the terms of a contract, and these effects must precisely adhere to the contract's conditions.

The necessitates of the contracts can be highly strategic with their choice of words, as any ambiguity could potentially be exploited to warp the recipient's request. For example, agreeing to a contract for immense strength or power might lead to the user transforming the recipient into an uncontrollable creature or a destructive force of nature.

With that in mind the given to these constraints, practitioners of contract bestowal exercise great caution in their choice of words. Because of the power's nature, users strive to avoid unintended loopholes. For instance, agreeing to a contract for immense strength or power might lead to the user transforming the recipient into an uncontrollable creature or a destructive force of nature.

Contract bestowal can take various forms, often initiated by the recipient to begin the process. Methods range from elaborate rituals to simple actions like signing a document or a handshake. Additionally, contract bestowal often demands a sacrifice in return for the desired boon as part of the dealing, the specific nature of this sacrifice varies among users, shaped by the specific limitations of their power.]

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