
How far can you go for love?

glasshalf_full · Fantasy
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1 Chs


'I wanna sleep' I thought, after all keeping my eyes open was too tiring. I think I had lost too much blood..so many things I wanted to do...i closed my eyes and these old memories started flooding my mind. It was like a movie playing and I'm watching it from somewhere far away. I was thinking about the worst day of my life... the day I met him.

It was 6th august. I was in a car with a friend and we were waiting for another friend. Finally there she was...walking towards us with a smile. Her name was Katy. She was with a friend but it was him My worst nightmare. We were all headed to our tuition classes. My friend introduced me to her friend. He was a handsome guy named Luke, weird name right... but now that I think about it, it suited his personality. Luke and I started to talk a lot, we also hung out like every Saturday and grew closer and closer every day. "Humph... Why am I even thinking about him. I wished I never even met him" I hated him for what he did to me. I started to think about the events that led me being here. When you are waiting for death all you can do is think about the past.

One day he invited me to a party. It was supposed to take place very far away from my home...we used to attend a lot of parties together so I didn't suspect anything heh so stupid of me! As we reached there and it seemed like a dull warehouse.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked

"yes it is"

Then he jumped towards me with a cloth in his hand and forcibly placed it on my nose. I blanked out, when I woke up I was tied up to a chair and he was staring at me. I shouted "why did you do that.i thought we were friends and how long have I been here".

"It's been a whole day, I don't know why you were passed out for so long but I guess now that you are up...we can start"

"start? Start with what.please let me go."

"ok" he replied.

He untied me from the ropes and gestured me as if to tell me to run but then I looked beside him. There was another older man. It was his dad, Mr Payne. I immediately understood it was their plot to kidnap me for something.

"Goodmorning Iris. It's not time yet you know...sooo goodnight"

He punched me so hard I fainted.

'This is all I remember' I thought. It felt like my thoughts were getting blank. I thought I was really close to my end.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I tried to open my eyes to see who it was, Icould only see black shoes

"Iris" he shouted...yes it was him.

"Are you ok" he said.

"I don't want to talk to you during my last moments, leave me alone you traiter"

"You're not gonna die. Don't worry"

"Your dad probably sucked all of my blood out of my body. Just please go"

"why can you talk so much then". I paused for a moment.

" I said I don't wanna talk to you"

I was angry. He wouldn't even let me die in peace. Next moment what happened surprised me. I was choking him, I held him by his neck and threw him against a tree. My teeth started to hurt and I could feel my canines growing and this urge of drinking blood.

"But how is this possible. I was so weak, how could I".

"Vampires are strong after all. It's easy for you."


"I gave you my blood"

I was shocked and this faded memory came to my mind. It was after I had fainted after Mr Payne had punched me. I was half conscious and Luke was making me drink something. It was something red and salty and warm.

He was not lying. It was blood.

"And why did you do that, and why am I a vampire because of it"

"That isn't necessary right now. All you have to know is that you are a vampire and that I took some of your blood. So thankyou for that."

"I am going to kill you"

"You don't wanna do that because if you do my minion aka Katy will kill everyone that you love. They let her in their house thinking she would help them find you. So naïve"

"Just kill me already but don't hurt them"

"Kill you? Why would I do that. I need you right now do this one job for me and I will never bother you again, also I wont harm your family and make you a human again. My blood is in your body right now. If I remove my blood you will be a human again so I guess it's a win for you ,right?"

"What do you want me to do"

"Nothing much gain supreme power I guess"

I was shocked but I was determined to help my family and turn back into a human so I agreed because I knew the basic nature of Luke, he was a man of his word.

"What do I need to do to help you accomplish that"

"Help me kill Mr Payne."

"But he is your dad"

"No he's not...we faked it. He is the one who converted me into a vampire"

I was shocked but then a more important question came to my mind

"But why did he do what he did to me" I asked.

"Oh you have no idea right... the day you sealed you fate.Remember that one time you saved Ten children who were being abducted."

And I did remember that day... after all I became this famous saviour of the whole state after that.

I remember that I was in a car when I saw this one very old man taking ten children into a bus. It looked shady because he didn't look like their teacher. So I followed them, they stopped at a red light and suddenly a boy got up and started to run towards the exit door. The man suddenly appeared in front of him and stared at his eyes. The child who was running got weirdly calm and sat down silently. I understood something was up so I called the police thinking maybe its nothing... but what if... WHAT IF something was actually up.

I was continuously telling them his location so that they could come to us. At last the bus stopped at a closed lane and it let to a dark alley. He took them all into the alley and lined them up. I was scared but regardless I shouted to stop him. He looked at me angrily and ran towards me but the police arrived. I turned back to see them and when I turned back towards the old guy he had completely disappeared.

I replied to luke "Yes, I do remember that day" and now that I think about it that old man looked similar to Mr Payne, the old guy Mr Payne's dad? Is that why he is trying to kill me"

He laughed for some reason.

"It was not Mr Payne's dad. It WAS Mr Payne."

"But how"

"The children you saved that day weren't any normal kids. He had collected them over years."

"For what"

"For a special dinner I suppose, as soon as he drinks the blood of all ten of them he will be back in his prime again, but because of you that didn't happen. He wanted revenge but to his surprise he found out something about you."

"What was it?" I asked curiously

"That you are special.. a pure soul... a supernaturanl entity born to do good. We call them Dreyards. We thought they were extinct but you were a surprise. When he drank your blood he became more stronger than he ever was. "

"But how will I help you now."

"Do you know why Dreyards are extinct because if a vampire drinks their blood their body creates a venom, fatal to that specific vampire. That is why he killed you but my blood saved you so now you are my weapon against him"

"You sick freak. "

He laughed for reason "I don't need to explain myself to you... all you need to know is we need to kill him. Are we clear?"

I nodded

"Ok then. You my precious will cut your hand with this knife, take some of your blood, dip the knife in it and stab yours truly Mr Payne...easy peasy right".

I nodded again. Keeping the communication on my part as less as I possibly could.

I was just doing this to save my family and make him disappear from my life. He then took me to some other place where I suppose Mr Payne was staying.

I could sense someone inside. I think it was my vampire powers. I could also tell that that someone was a very strong being.

I was asked to take my time to find out patterns in his behaviour to find an opportunity to stab him, surprise was my only chance to kill him as Luke told me he was way faster than me. I stood there for a few hours and saw that he went to bask in the sun like every 10 mins. I had heard that vampires can not go in the sunlight. My guess was that he newly acquired the ability to stand in the sun so he was enjoying his new ability and I knew that while he was enjoying that he was vulnerable because he was feeling something new and would be unable to differentiate fear and the strange sensation.

So I sneaked below the window he was going at again and again and waited for him to come back there. I hadn't cut myself yet because I knew he would smell me and it has to be sudden.

Finally my wait was over. He started moving towards the window where he stood with his arms wide open and his eyes closed.

That's when I slashed my hand and dipped my blood in the knife and jumped up the window. All of it happened in a flash.

Mr Payne got shocked as expected but to my surprise he caught me before I could even touch him. He grabbed me by my the neck. I swung at him again but he threw me away like a peel of banana.

He was way too strong but I had to save my family so I ran at him but this time I saw Luke runNing towards him as well. I thought we were going to attack him at the same time but instead of attacking Mr Payne he threw me away and I almost lost consciousness.

Mr Payne smiled and nodded his head as a sign of approval. Luke stayed there while Mr Payne came towards me and grabbed my neck and picked me up.

I saw Luke take out a vial from his pocket at a distance.

"You thought you could kill me humph... you ruined my plan last time but this time you can't. It's too late".

Suddenly his eyes opened up wide. They turned red and his mouth started to bleed. I could see a knife right through his chest.

"WHY" that's all Mr Payne could say.

In a moment's time his body turned to ash.

The knife in Luke's hand started to shine. I thought he was going to get his power... I was happy, my family would be free now.

While I was thinking... Luke started to glow. I saw him looking at me. He had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

Then suddenly his body expanded and he exploded.

I didn't know what happened. I didn't understand what happened. It was just another big shock to me... He was supposed to gain powers.

I was happy that he died but I could still clearly see that teary smile which made him look like a human. It reminded me of my friend Luke.

Suddenly Katy came running towards me. I didn't think about anything else and just hugged her and started crying. I had finally seen someone I could trust, someone who didn't want to kill me.

I asked her what she was doing here, she responded that Luke had sent her.

"But Luke is dead".

"I know... He told me he is dying and that I need give you a message."she replied

"What message?" I asked

"He told me to tell you that you aren't a vampire anymore. When a vampire dies all those they have converted turn back into their normal selves".

"So when he killed Mr Payne….."

"Yes Iris. He turned back into a human but when he killed Mr Payne he was still a vampire and its forbidden that a vampire kills another of it's same being... If they do, they die too".

I was shocked.

"But but.. why wouldn't he let me kill Mr Payne. If he would have let me kill him, then he would have been back to his human form and also the girl he hated so much would have died as well."

"Because it was never an option for him. It was either you dying or him and he couldn't let you."


"When he sent me his message, I saw his memories. Mr Payne wasn't his dad. He had converted Luke"

"Yeah I know that, he told me"

"What he didn't tell you is that Mr Payne also killed his family and made Luke's younger sister one of his slave. He wanted his revenge and to free her."

I was blank

She continued "he worked with him as he couldn't fight him off. He was too young and was not powerful enough to take his revenge, so he wanted to earn his trust to backstab him. He was sent here to gain your trust and bring you here. Dreyards are very clever creatures so earning their trust was important to mislead them. They can't be controlled like he can control us, so just getting you here by controlling your mind was not an option. Luke met you and gained your trust but in the process he fell in love with you. He knew he can't go against Mr Payne because he would have killed his sister so he did what Mr Payne had told him to do and you know the rest"

"He loved me?"

"Yes Iris, he did, he gave up his chance to unite with his sister to protect you"

Tears started pouring down my eyes... I was blank... As blank as could be. I didn't want to cry but those tears came involuntarily.

"He died knowing that you would hate him during his last moments. He didn't just die in agony but he made the sacrifice for love Iris" Katy said.

She continued "He also left you another message."

I was startled "WHAT IS IT?"