
How do you want to die?

Everyone wants to die a certain way. some want to die rich, some want a happy life before dying. The wheel of bad fortune started to turn aggressively for the world when beasts turned into mana beasts. The world was in chaos when the mana beasts were causing chaos in the world. As adaptive as humans are, they quickly find a way to create a little balance. The state in which the world was in right now was perfect for anyone to rise to power. A famous saying is that weak times create strong men but what will this time of chaos and gore create? Now in this brutal and chaotic world, what will the people wish for? What will be their wish? How will they want to die? By the way, How do you want to die?

Author_sahab · Fantasy
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1 Chs

VIKRANT[World building]

The beautiful sunset was painting a gorgeous canvas on the freshly rained forest, calling it a forest would be an understatement as it covered an enormous area comparable to an empire. This whole place was known as Vanam.

Vanam was inhabited by the elders. Elders are the most powerful and old people from every tribe living in Vanam. The people living in Vanam are called Tribals.

Vanam was decorated with giant trees. Their giant appearance was the result of the competition between the trees to get maximum sunlight and mana. The higher up you are, the more pure mana you will get. Mana makes trees live longer and their bark stronger, overall it is very beneficial to the trees.

The largest tree in this world is called Arayani (goddess of forest and animals). It has spread nearly two kilometers in radius and a height of one and a half kilometers and is known to live as long as three thousand years.

The kids of Arayani are called as world tree. It has a magical and out-of-the-world presence and appearance, you just can't describe it and make someone understand its presence or appearance, its leaves have a golden yellow but with a rough texture but smooth to the touch. The color of the bark is dark brown with a glitter of gold.

Even someone blind can 'see' it. The sages have concluded that the appearance of a world tree for someone blind is just like living in a world deprived of light and overrun by darkness and loneliness but the only thing shining as a ray of warmth is a gigantic and majestic tree.

Those who recently lost their vision explain that its bark and branches as milky white with a shade of gold in colour but strangely they described the leaves as having a white color with a tint of varity colours. some even had a color the person had never seen in their life. 

Even people who were blind since birth described it as otherworldly despite having never seen the world itself.

{Authour here "Just consider that the World Tree has the shape like an oak tree"}

The kids of Aryani were gifted by the elders to every race in the world when the world peace treaty was established a century ago. But they prohibited other races from making a settlement within a kilometer radius of the tree, allowing them to visit only. The reason for the condition was not disclosed.

World tree's bark is comparable to mithril-(the strongest metal known) in toughness, and its fruits are juiced with the most nourishing mana. It makes excellent handles and acquiring one of its fruits can make you as rich as a baron and consuming ones makes you several times stronger but it is heavily secured and only provided to the ones selected by the royal family.

But the one we are going to focus on resides in the [Unconquered forest] not inhabited by any race because of the unstable mana existing there. The actual reason behind the unstable mana is still unknown and is being researched by the sages.

This region is overpopulated with unusually large and overly aggressive mana beasts and unfortunately, they are also reproducing very rapidly. They started spreading in various places and invaded many forests, normal beasts without mana couldn't deal with them or share an ecosystem with them.

This whole problem started around the time the apex predators of the unconquered forest suddenly vanished and the new apexes that took over were overly aggressive. The new apex predators seemed to have evolved too quickly which led them to have an aggressive nature still coded in them. They developed gigantic proportions almost thrice the size of their normal counterpart.

They hunted numerous animals every day to meet their hunger and to maintain their mana. Every living being has mana flowing in them but at birth the amount is different. Having mana lower than the amount is very fatal because that is the amount necessary for you to survive. Having lower mana is just like eating less food than your body needs.

 Eventually, the beasts started hunting and eating humans in bulk. Many strategic places were made into fortresses and nearly all resources of the Monarchy were deployed as the first fell between their boundaries.

The monarchy was an empire ruled by the humans. The whole had a plain landscape with some mountains and rivers here and there. The Monarchy was called the First Empire and or simply The Empire. It was the first declared kingdom in the world history.

Here the beasts developed a strange trait of reaching reproductive maturity at an early age with some mutating into worse variants which worsened the situation for the empire. The reason behind this is speculated that, due to the unstable mana the evolution of the beasts took large steps which also left many mutated beasts as due to higher reproduction of the beasts the chance of genetic code mutating had gone up significantly.

Groups of knights were sent to investigate. They were ordered to return with samples of any strange things or carcasses of creatures they found the sage, Charles Darwin.

Sage Darwin excelled in evolution and was staying in a nearby camp. The ones who are called Sage are the most expert researchers or scientists in the field they belong to.

One such group who was out investigating found something even stranger than the mutated mana beasts.

They found one boy sitting naked on top of a dead 20-meter python who was also 4 meters thick. The boy was tearing huge chunks from the snake and eating them savagely. The body of the snake was in tatters and pieces.

When they got a closer look at him they noticed that he was nearly 6 feet tall with a strangely lean physique and no facial hair. He was soaked in blood. The snake had Visible holes and bruises on his body and bite marks, which also made the whole place soaked in blood.

But when they approached him instead of being alarmed or wary of them the boy jumped and hugged the nearest person rubbing his blood all over him and showing everyone a big and happy smile. The smile also showed his long and sharp canine teeth.

They took him to the nearest lake. While approaching the lake they encountered various bodies of beasts or what was left of it feasted upon by the scavengers and what they left behind was quickly decomposed by the insects. what truly fascinated them was the fact that no scavengers were mana beasts and that they were rarely attacked by mana-wielding ones. 

When the boy washed the blood off him in the lake, his features which were hidden by the blood were now clearly visible. He had dark brown hair, tanned brown skin, thick eyebrows, and a pair of sharp golden eyes. He had well-defined facial features. His overall appearance and facial features also had a hint of adolescence.

They clothed him with a clock and took him with the snake's carcass to the camp. The sage quickly asked for information about what and who they brought. He was simply flabbergasted after the knights told him about the whole scenario.

He quickly examined the boy and concluded some things. The boy was immensely strong, even being able to defeat five knights alone in a tug of war without breaking a sweat. He was faster than many knights present by many folds. The only one he couldn't beat in a race was the captain.

His skin is very tough and does especially well against sharp attacks and his stamina is surprisingly low. Comparable to an average man.

He also observed that the boy was very playful and was constantly disturbing and harassing everyone and when someone scolds him he just leaves and starts disturbing someone else. If you ask him something he answers immediately but he never answers when being questioned about his past or family.

He was naive but very brutal at the same time, he once broke both legs of a knight when his strength was being tested, and he didn't show any sign of sympathy towards the knight and simply said sorry to the knight who was screaming in pain but helped him go to infirmary.

When he was asked about the incident he just shrugged and said "I promise it won't happen again!! " like that knight was some toy he broke.

The sage named the boy Vikrant.

The name was given to him because of his immense first impression of the group of knights who found him and his inhuman strength.

He was taken away by the king's men and was examined by many sages. He was given a very big room as it could easily fit about 50 people. They experimented with many things on him, poisoned him, gave him a different diet for a period of time, and physical tests, and mental ones. After a year he was sent back to the Unconquered Forest on short notice. What they found about Vikrant was not disclosed nor the information about how he survived in the well-known deadliest forest.

A significant event happened while Vikrant was under experimentation and examination. The bodies of a hundred royal guards and seven sages were found in the area around the room Vikrant was assigned, not even one body was in one piece and it painted the whole area bloody red.

when the knights entered the room they could only hear one sound from a corner of the room.

The sound of a 16-year-old boy sobbing and whimpering.

Hello readers!

I know this chapter was pretty heavy on information and bland for a first chapter but every chapter will not be like this as this was world-building.

I am an amateur author who is bound to make mistakes. so if you find any issues or something you like please comment about it. Also, any advice would be appreciated.

The story is still in progress mode so if you have any character or any lore of your own you would like to share pls comment. I might make the character or the lore canon.

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