

What will you do when you suddenly woke up as a baby in one of your favourite books? Just like any other transmigrated book or reincarnation in your everyday novel, Rehan was also reading a book named " ALL IS MISUNDERSTANDING" when he died and was born as a villainess brother. But what was written and what he experienced in the book was totally upside down. He was in a mess and the only thought in the mind is that he is being cheated on by this smiling demon called male lead and a rotten girl his sister and his sister's so-called enemy best friend Female lead. He doesn't know how to deal with all this, so let us be his supporter and be a part of his journey and get to know whether he changed the genre of the book or was it all but a misunderstanding. Abstract "Ad......Adrian wha.......what are you doing?" Lucas (Rehan) stuttered as he was cornered to the wall. Rehan has always been oblivious to his surroundings and the feeling of others but at this time he could feel the anger and frustration coming out of his friend. " Me " Adrian raised his eyebrow and pointed at him. " I am claiming what rightfully belongs to me", saying that he dipped his head towards Rehan's lips and kissed him hard. The personality of MC and ML Lucas Evans (Rehan)- Proud, business-minded, loves his family to death, competitive, hate to lose especially to certain someone. Adrian Hemsworth- Proud, business-minded, loves to win especially to his proud friend, cold-hearted smiling demon\ devil and shameless towards certain someone. This story is age-progressive so it starts from their childhood. You get to know their childhood and how they become frenemies to a friend, Friend to best friends, best friends to lovers and finally husbands. This story won't have misunderstandings maybe a few here and there but not long and I don't like angst too it won't consist of that too. It will have some drama. This story will be a fluffy, comedy and some childishness and certainly love between family, siblings and between partners. Warnings My FIRST language ISN'T ENGLISH so there will be some grammatical mistakes so please be patient with me and correct me but with gentle words. And I won't force anybody to read my book but if you love my book I will welcome reviews and comments. MY LIFE MOTTO IS " DON'T JUDGE OTHERS AND DON'T LET OTHERS JUDGE YOU TOO." WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE AND LET OTHERS LIVE THEIRS TOO. DO COMMENT AND GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL HELP IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOOK. YOUR SUPPORT ALWAYS MOTIVATES ME. I will a chapter a day. if I can I would post more chapters. I hope you can motivate me to write with power stones, comments, reviews, gifts, and golden tickets. It is shameless but I hope you understand. And those who support this book be it voting via power stone, commenting, gifting, or through golden tickets please do read the author's comments in every chapter as I always mention them. And those who gift the story do look forward to the chapter dedicated solely to them. The cover doesn't belong to me. I don't know the artist too. Fans Arts submission is heartily welcome. DO CHECK MY OTHER BOOK: FATE'S WHISPER (ROMANCE CARNIVAL) FOLLOW ME ON. twitter- CHArgergirl_06 IG- ch.ar2155 DIscord-CHArgergirl#9795 THANK YOU

CHArgergirl · LGBT+
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In the darkroom, lit up with a bedside lamp, a figure could be seen holding a thick book in his hand on the bed.

It was a figure of a teenage boy, his thin wrist was holding a book and was reading silently.

There was a pair of thin gold-rimmed glasses on the tall bridge of the nose, his face was solemn while he flipped through the book.

If one could see him, they won't believe he was a teenager.

The aura he was emitting was of an adult.

In the age where most teenagers would be rebelling, fighting, reading glamorous magazines, playing romances or even shutting themselves in their room to play video games here this young boy had an ancient Hindu ayurvedic medicine book in his hand.

He has hazel brown eyes with a golden glint in them which would glow like a sun whenever he was happy as if to give warmth and burn others when he was furious.

Those eyes have always been his trademark.

His wavy unruly dark black hair has been long enough to cover his forehead.

Gone was the chubby cute Lucas, the one in front of you was the mature teenager who was slowly transforming into an adult in a few more years.

His eyes no longer smile like in his childhood and those who are fortunate enough to get to see his smile could be counted in both hands.

He had mastered the art of deception, now only a few were able to read him.

In these ten years, he has changed a lot.

When he had return home a year ago, no one could recognize him.

For his family members, he was the same lovely child of his parents and caring brother for his darling Luna but when it comes to others no one could tell whether he was joking or serious.

Something change inside him, after training he understand he was nothing in his past life, all his merits and struggle was dust in front of those who are true aristocrats.

Now that he, himself was the blue blood aristocrat he knew how different could be the vision of the ordinary people and the people with the true power.

In those nine years of his training, he had seen and experienced many things.

Some of the things were things that had never seen or even imagine.

He had experienced the life of an orphan in his last life and he had always thought his life was miserable enough but in those days he truly knew what's true misery was.

In those nine years he travel from country to country, he learned different languages as he spent time in those countries.

His grandpa was his personal trainer for the last 5 years and those last 5 years were the hellish life he had ever experienced.

His father would often visit him but he was only there to shatter his view on life.

His dream to spend life leisurely was shattered in those 9 years.

In these years he was given the chance to learn 3 professions completely and on other things he had learned surface.

Only after being trained by his grandpa and dad, he know what's it to have the surname Evans. He had been jealous and full of envy when he heard about second-generation rich kid however only now he knows with great power there always comes great responsibility.

For him to be the rightful heir of Evans, he had to face many difficulties and dangers.

But was all worth it and if you thought it properly it was his fault that he had to face this hellish training.

At first, the training time was meant for only 3 years but him being over-ambitious he hit his own foot with a hammer.

Thinking about he could only lament.

He had insisted to prolong his training period to completely masters his 3 professions and it was his greatest regret as well as relief.

Those days have taught him the cruelty of life.

He had thought being 100 years ahead of his previous world meant it was peaceful and highly advanced but the truth of cruelty showed how wrong he was.

A human could never be satisfied and the more humans have the more they want.

They have advanced but the humanity they had degraded.

He finally understood being privileged doesn't mean having luxurious bags, property, eating in a fancy hotel or other things.

What being truly privileged is having a portion of food on your table, being able to wear clothes, even being able to smile freely was something most people in the world wouldn't be able to do.

At that time grandpa said to him, you shouldn't be too wasteful, don't forget what you think as waste or garbage could be a gift for others, so cherish what you have.

Those words have reminded him, he was one of the over privilege people in the world.

No matter in which you live there would always be some unfortunate people so if you could make their life better you should so if you can't then don't make it miserable too.

It's too heavy to teach those things to a child but he was not meant to be ordinary and with the mind of a teenager in the child, he was self-aware about things too.

Those 9 years of training was bittersweet memory of the youth.

Lucas has already finished reading the book when we were discussing his life event.

Lucas was given 3 years of leave, in this time he would enjoy his high school life which will start from tomorrow.

He had returned home last year but he was still busy with the property given to him by Marcus when he had 5 years old.

In the past 1 year, he was focusing on developing it.

He had built a big shopping mall in that place but the original use of that place is still secret.

He has already returned, but the person who had promised him to meet him has still not returned.

Lucas didn't show but he was worried and angry with that person.

As for Hayden, he was the first one to return after being trained for 8 years.

Since Hayden has an interest in machines only he studied that and financial management which is a compulsory course for them.

Lucas sighs and turn off the light then went to sleep in the hope to have great school life.

But what could interest a person who has already finished a doctorate in three majors?

Only life could tell.

hope you will like this chapter.

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I am uploading this chapter at 1 am in the morning.

for all the votes and comments for the last chapter, I am thankful.

hope you will continue to support me and my book.

Happy reading.

Good night cuties and sweet dreams.

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