
How can I let you go?

She sat at he front of the hospital with her luggage staring at the busy street. Life has been unfair according to her. After cathing her 'SUPPOSED BOYFRIEND' on the bed with another girl, she was also deprived of her father's wealth and properties after his demise. Now she had nowhere to go. She decided to stay at the front of the hospital 🏥,hoping they could allow her to stay for the night.

Little did she know that her life was going to change for the better and will also meet the love of her life, father of her kids.... As she was busy thinking 🤔 about her life, a little beautiful girl walked up to her.

"Good morning aunty". She greeted happily.

"How are you baby girl?"she asked.

"I'm fine aunty. What's your name?"she asked.

"I'm angel by name". She replied.

"Really?"the little girl asked happily and jumped on her.

"Yes baby". she replied; surprised 😯.

"My name too is angel 😇 but you can call me princess". She said.

"Okay princess. What of your mum?" Angel asked. Princess's face turned sour.

"I don't know. That bad Woman said mummy didn't want me and she threw me in the gutter, so other kids call me gutter girl and laugh 😂 at me. They don't even play with me. That's why I ran away from there and came here". She narrated sadly while angel comforted her.

"It's okay princess. I also don't have where to stay so go back......."

"No! I'm not going back there. I'll follow you wherever you go!" The little girl replied happily.

"Wait! Are you serious?" She asked the little girl.

"Yes aunty. Can I call call you 'mommy'?" She asked with her bright 🌞 eyes twinkling of hope and happiness. She couldn't bring herself to say NO to the girl. She sighed heavily.

"Alright princess. You can call me....." She was interrupted with a kiss 😘 on her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks and lips.

"Okay mommy". The little girl shouted happily.

"What of your clothes? Don't you have?". She asked the little girl.

"It's here". She said and climbed down angel's lap and went to a corner beside the hospital 🏥. Even angel was not aware of the corner there. Princess brought out a well kept bag 🛍️.

"So you've planned to leave there all along, right?" Angel asked and pinched the little girl's nose 🐽.the little girl pouted.

"When everyone refuses to play with me so I want to leave and good thing I saw you earlier so....it was easy for me". She ranted nonstop.

"Alright let's go back before they take my bag 🛍️". Angel said and princess shouted.

"Nooooo!!!!!! Any body that takes mummy's bag is a thief". Princess said.

Ok princess. Let's go". She said and they went back to the hospital.


Meanwhile, on the top floor of the hospital, an icy blue 🔵 cold eyes stared at the two girls and suddenly felt the urge to protect them.

"Strange. What's wrong with me today?" He asked himself. He picked up his phone 📱 and called his assistant.

"Get me those two girls downstairs right now!". He said coldly and disconnected the call. Poor assistant ran out immediately.


Xavier ran towards the two girls who were chatting away happily.

"Excuse me". He said panting heavily.

"What's wrong?". Angel asked innocently.

"Boss....he wants to......boss req...ues...ted your presence". He sutterred.

"Alright then let's go. Wait! What of our bags?" She asked again.

"Don't worry about it. It's safe". He said and called the security man to watch after the bag, while they followed him. His phone rang.

"Take them through the private elevator". He said and disconnected the call.