
Defination:Behavior phycology

The definition of behavior is how one conducts themselves or acts, especially toward other people. If you think about it, we are our behaviors. The way that the people around us choose to measure and define us can be traced directly back to how we behave. Because of this, our relationships are all going to be more healthy or less so depending on what behaviors we choose to undertake. The better our choices in this regard, the more balanced and manageable our lives will be. Let's talk a little more about behavioral options and behavioral psychology.

What Is Behavioral Psychology?

Behavioral psychology is also sometimes called behaviorism. It is the disciple whereby human beings are studied with the assumption being that their actions are predictable through their conditioning. That conditioning comes about through one's interaction with the surrounding environment. For instance, if you grow up in a household where there is a good deal of anger, yelling, screaming, and physical violence, then it makes sense to assume that you have a high chance of repeating those behaviors because you have come to understand them as being normal. By contrast, if you grow up in an atmosphere that is very loving and nurturing, then that is probably how you are going to behave when you begin to have acquaintances outside the home.There are always exceptions to these proclivities. Just because a person grew up around violence doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be violent. This brings up the whole concept of nature versus nurture. The prevailing theory is that while some of what we become are based on what is around us during our formative years, there's also a part of us that takes the form of genetic coding. This is what causes our personality traits that have nothing to do with how we were raised. It is ingrained in you that has nothing to do with how the adults who were around treated you.