
How about yes...?

She was the new girl. He was the popular boy. Fate brought them together and people tore them apart.

Pappster · Urban
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2 Chs

Getting with the flow

After days that turned out just like the first, Eli began to get the hang of the things. She had made a friend, Alyssa.

Alyssa was from her biology class and was also new to the school.

She had figured out what Mr. Handsome's real name was. His name was Jackson, but everyone called him Jack. He was very kind and intelligent.

His popularity didn't surprise her though. He was a picture perfect 17 year-old boy.

After another normal day of school, she couldn't wait until the next. She was ecstatic that her friend, Alyssa, was sleeping over her house! She cleaned her room and went shopping for some snacks and candy.

The next day, each class felt more torturous and seemed to drag on forever! At lunch she sat by Alyssa and they planned out the night. They would stay up until dawn and watch movies all night.

When lunch was over, the endless chain of horrendous classes once more resumed. But, when calculus came, she had butterflies. She had no idea why. Until, a thought came to mind. She rushed to the bathroom to check if she had her period. Fortunately she was clear. That made her wonder what that fluttery feeling could be.... When she returned to class she knew. It was Mr. Handsome.

It seemed that class, thankfully passed by quickly and she was one class closer to the end of the day!

After what seemed like an eternity to poor Eli, it was time for the sleepover!

When the two young girls arrived at Eli's house, Alyssa looked astonished!

She hadn't thought that Eli's home would be so large, because Eli had told Alyssa that she lived alone.

Once they settled in and had chosen some movies on Netflix to watch later, they decided to take a walk to the park. When they arrived, of course, Mr. Handsome was there playing with who they assumed to be his little sister. Because of Eli's reaction, they decided to go home immediately and start the movies.

After 3 movies, it was about 11 o'clock. They decided to take a break and went outside to look at the stars.

Alyssa pointed out the Big Dipper, while Eli was focused on O'Ryan's belt.

When they went inside, they were too tired to continue and fell asleep!

Hey..! If you're reading this then thank you!! I love you!

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