
House Party Jungkook FF

She hates parties as much as she hates being called a good girl. He's a bad boy who likes trouble. When they meet at a house party and end up going home together how will there friends take the news. How will her bullies react. How will she change

Lia_23 · Celebrities
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Your pov

You quickly found your friends on the dance floor drinks in hand having fun you carefully examined them. We don't all look the same do we.

Soyeon: there you are y/n drunk enough to dance with us

You: not even close

you were even more pissed at jungkook for insinuating all females look alike. Like what an asshole. How would he feel if i said he looked like every other guy. He would probably glare at me. Best to stay away and try to forget.

Aisha: the hour isn't up already is it

You: i don't know.

Soyeon: then why are you here

You: maybe cause your the only people i know

Soyeon: You know everyone here. You are student president you take account for all these kids

You: I know them at school. I don't know any of them outside of school.

Aisha: meaning.

You: yes i know one side of them i am forced to know. Like sunmi there in school she is the future art major. Always drawing or painting. But look at her now in heels and makeup. I don't know anything about her

Aisha: so you're saying since you're wearing heels and makeup the kids don't know anything about you

You: just what they know at school. Just how i am at school plus this all just makes me look basic. It is just to fit in it means nothing

Aisha: You are the same in school as you are outside of school no heels or makeup changes that you are right. And you won't change because of a party. Now relax and have another drink

She handed you her cup. You took it and started drinking. Alcohol is disgusting.

Soyeon: did you see where jimin went

You: no

Soyeon: he left after you did

You: probably back to his friends

Aisha: can you stop worrying about him soyeon

Soyeon: i only came because of him

You: that's worse than me, i at least came for you guys who i know won't leave me you came for a guy who is with many girls

Soyeon: who says we won't leave you

You: it's basic friend observation. We are always together unless I leave you. But you two are never not with each other unless forced.

Aisha: i don't think that is right

You: think about it in class you two are partners and I am stuck with a random. Has been that way since elementary. When we go out you two are locked in arms while I wonder. If I find one I find the other. It's not a bad thing it just means you have a strong bond but can sometimes be codependent on each other. You will always expect the other to be by your side on your side.

Soyeon: what does that say about you

You: humans need social contact or they go insane. You hold me to humanity anytime I wonder you can bring me back. You're like gravity. I expect you to be there even if you're not seen. I forget about you and take you for granted. But that doesn't mean I am not thankful for your existence. Without you I would float a drift into space and die

Soyeon: i can never tell if she is insulting us or saying she loves us

You; for now I love you and am thanking you. It's a time when i remember gravity

Aisha: she need more alcohol she is still talking all smart

Soyeon: let's get another cup

You: how about shots

Aisha: yes shots

We walked to the nearest alcohol table and began drinking everything in sight.

Jimin: hey girls having fun

He popped up out of nowhere like he was waiting for an opportunity

Soyeon: yes so much fun

She got all happy and giggly. Ugh you rolled your eyes. She is drunk already, we've barely had anything. Such a light weight for someone who drinks every weekend

Jimin: we are about to start a drinking game want to join

You: i am not drunk enough for that it would be boring and stupid count me out

You took another shot

Jimin: ah come on we need more girls to play or it won't happen

You: so sad

Soyeon looked at you with pleading eyes

Jimin: really you won't have to do anything you don't want to do

Like that ever happens in every drinking game you are pressured to do things you don't wanna. That is why it's a game people get competitive

Soyeon: please y/n you heard him you can sit in the back and drink until your turn

You rolled your eyes. Curse this feeling of girl code. You know she want to take this chance and get closer to him and it might be her only chance

You: fine but i am gonna leave if i get tired of the game

Jimin: that's the spirit let's go they are waiting

He led us to a large group of people sitting in a circle. He sat down and soyeon took a seat next to him. You found an empty spot and sat down. Aisha found a seat across from you.

Jimin: okay i think that is everyone who is playing

It was of the top students of the school. And not top like grades but social status so basically his friends. Just by looking at the girls in the circle I could tell you that you would rather have food poisoning than be sitting there looking at them. Let me just show you the worst group of girls you will ever meet. Scary when alone but dangerous together: Lisa, Jennie, Dahyun, Nayeon, Hwasa, chungha, LE, Jiwoo, Seulgi, irene. You could feel their evil radiating off them

Lisa: can we get this game started i am so bored

She was sitting on the other side of jimin. As she batted her eyes at him you could see the anger rise in soyeon. But she asked for it, having a crush on him. Last time you talked about him with her she got mad at you saying you can't control who you have a crush on. But you have never believed that of course you have control of who you like.

Jimin: first game would you rather but with a twist you have to do one of the choice or drink

I felt like it was a given how else would it be a drinking game. I swear sometimes these people are so slow.

Jimin: alright let me spin the bottle

He grabbed an empty jack bottle he probably finished and spun it. Everyone waited.

Jimin: Taehyung

Everyone got excited

Jimin: would you rather makeout with irene or hwasa

Taehyung smirked. It started off sexually I thought he would ease into that things are gonna get so much worse from here on. Of course all drinking games are excuses for things to get sexual to be a whore and blame the person daring you but you know you would do it even if they hadn't.

Taehyung: i will makeout with hwasa

She smirked at him as they began to lock lips. And let me tell you they were basically eating each other's faces. Tongues just everywhere the right amount of slutty that is Hwasa. Oh she has a boyfriend too, he's in college. The game went on forever. jackson made out with jiwoo, lisa gave yugyeom a hickey, L.E made out with seulgi, chanyeol did a body shot off dahyun, and soyeon let jimin give her a hickey bet she was in heaven. You just sat back drinking a beer and the bottle never landed on you. They all laughed and played. When they caught attention of someone else

bambam: look who showed up to the party

He yelled drunk slurring his words like half the people here. why must i be surrounded by childern

Jimin: jungkook decided to join in the fun instead of brooding in the corner