

Dear Fans,

I want to thank you all for your love and support during my difficult time in the hospital. Your get-well messages and words of encouragement meant so much to me during my recovery. I'm pleased to say that I'm now out of the hospital, though the pain still lingers at times.

Your patience as my writing was on hold is much appreciated. I'm now eager to continue working on the fanfic again. However, before diving back in, I want to get your input on an important aspect - the fights depicted between the main character and their opponents.

fighting style: realistic grit or plot armor glitz.

I want your vote on whether you prefer the fights to be realistic, with wins, draws, and occasional losses determined reasonably based on each character's powers and strategies employed. Or if you like the main character to have ultimate plot armor-pulling "Hail Mary" comeback wins out of nowhere despite being on the verge of getting Mercy Ruled? emerging victorious from every confrontation no matter the seemingly impossible odds stacked against them.

Cast your vote in the comments for whether I should take the story down the path of logic-based Rocky Balboa realisticness. Or go full-on Matrix-meets-anime insanity where the main character is literally invincible no matter the stacked odds against them.

Please let me know your preference in the comments below, so I have a better sense of how you all would like to see the story and fights unfold moving forward. Your feedback will help guide me as I work to continue providing exciting chapters for you to enjoy.

Thank you again for your patience and support. I'm grateful to be back and hope to have the next installment out soon.

With appreciation,

[Divine Dream]

P.S. Polls close tomorrow at this same time, so make your voice heard before then!

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