
Aerys The Dragon Knight

"The King and his three young sons, along with his bastard half-brother Orys Baratheon and the Kingsguard, were on a hunt when suddenly, ''as if appearing from thin air'' if the words of the king's guard are to be believed, a wild boar half the size of a horse' charged towards Prince Aerys, according to the Kingsguard's reports. Prince Maegor, ever protective of his twin, shielded Aerys with his body while the brave Aerys drew his dagger to face the beast. As Prince Aenys cried and fled in fear, it seemed the dragon twins' fate was sealed. But thanks be to the Seven, Orys Baratheon's swift strike with his blade cleaved the boar in two, saving the lives of Aerys and Maegor on that day."-Maester Gawen-



Aereys strode through the halls of Dragonstone with renewed purpose. Ten years under his father's watch had been insufferable, with so much power just out of reach. Now, exile provided an opportunity - five years of freedom to achieve what he'd long planned.

As he made his way out to the courtyard he met his mother Queen Vinsya Targaryen with her ever-judgmental gaze""Nyke stunt ilys tāstaleo nyke māzigon"(( I was just about to find you, Mother")) said Aerys.

"Īlva ziry, ȳdragon? Ōronagon nyke hāedar hoti tolī mērī zirȳla daor maragon ānogar se dīnagon māzigon miisā."(("Were you? It seemed to me you were planning on leaving without saying goodbye to your mother")) said Visnya in her strange cold yet loving way.

Aerys walked to his mother and hugged her"Rūelia nūmerī ānogar ūdrikā halta rīlagon morghūljagon daor mistegion ao ȳdagon vēznunagon se aōho mīsagon viōntan rȳ sīr vir father, sāssȳ se lidagon ao. Ōdrikagon hae se oblivion sīr daor se hen ao sirduqābagon."

(("I know you and if you came to me I would have beheaded you thinking you were another faceless man"))

Visenya smiled but said nothing and drew an ornate sheath from her robes. "Bo-Īlon Vīlītres Āeksiō gīs Gaolagon belma se mēre sōvēs tarar ēza patranda. Skoriot hen āeksiōba daor rȳ rūves."

(("Dark Sister was always meant to serve the hands of people like us. Wield her well on your travels."))

Aereys drew the Valyrian steel blade slowly."Ziry henora mantan, Māzigon. Hae vitīlot henno māzigon daor aōha lēdys ziry peksa gīs vgeli naejot se bari kostaqei kepa."

(("You honor me, Mother. Her steel shall remind me of you and aid my purpose outside these walls."))

Visenya raised her eyebrows"Ūdragon se hae vitīlot henno daor mantan siri rȳ iksis mēre henā māzigon bāzā mēre se brōzagon?''

(("You mean you wouldn't have remembered me if I hadn't given you this steel sword?))

Aerys smiled, but he didn't say anything. He realized that he had said something he shouldn't have. Instead, he simply hugged his mother, even though he had always struggled to express his emotions in his previous life. Whenever he was in her presence, he felt a connection to her that he cherished.

Just as Aerys was about to make an excuse to his mother, a commotion saved him from doing so.

Aerys turned his gaze towards the source of the commotion. The garrison of Dragonstone, 600 men fierce and loyal warriors clad in shining red and black Targaryen armor, stood in perfect formation, their weapons raised in a salute of utmost respect. The rhythmic pounding of their armored fists against their breastplates reverberated like a war cry, a testament to their unwavering respect and loyalty.

Aerys, a seasoned soldier and leader in his past life, knew how to command the respect and admiration of his men. He had grown up amongst them, nurtured by their guidance and camaraderie. In turn, he had dedicated himself to their well-being, ensuring that their families were cared for and their spirits remained unbroken. Unlike many nobles, Aerys never saw them as mere pawns or disposable assets. He treated them with the dignity and honor they deserved.

Ser Gawen Corbray, Aerys' master at arms, approached him and said, "Congratulations, my prince. You have outdone yourself and made history as the first Targaryen prince to be exiled."

Aerys responded with a jape, "Never forget, you trained the first exiled prince."

Ser Gawen unsheathed his sword and said, "Seven forgive me for what I will do on your knees, my prince."

Aerys knelt before Ser Gawen. Ser Gawen placed the flat of his sword on Aerys' right shoulder and said: "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave in facing the challenges of your exile."

He lifted the sword and placed it on Aerys' left shoulder. "In the name of the Father, I charge you to uphold justice and protect the innocent, though you may find yourself among enemies."

"In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend those in need, no matter their name or house."

"In the name of the Maid, I charge you to honor all women and protect the virtue of ladies, even when facing hardship."

"In the name of the Crone, I charge you to learn from your experiences and grow wiser each day."

"In the name of the Smith, I charge you to forge your future with strength, perseverance, and resolve."

"Arise now Prince Aerys of House Targaryen, a knight in exile. May the Seven guide your footsteps and your sword."

Aerys rose to his feet, looked around, and unsheathed Dark Sister raising the valerian steel sword above his head for all to see. The garrison burst into cheers as Aerys represented the epitome of a king and Valyrian dragonlord.

"30 gold dragons to all the garrison in Dragonstone and 5 for every servant and maid," said Prince Aerys as he exited Dragonstone and made his way to Dragonmount earning another round of cheers.

Aerys made his way up to Dragonmount, where the massive red dragon Meleys had taken to resting. As he approached, he was surprised to see his brother Maegor waiting for him next to Meleys.

"Jelmazmō hen iksis nyke vaēlie mīsagon, visenya?"(("Are you here to wish me goodbye brother?")) asked aerys

"N'ogon kessa, mīsagon. Iskis henyī vāzmā jikagon mī."(("Even worse I'm here to come with you,")) said Maegor "Jikagon se jenet iksos ñuha iārontan dorī se ulē īlva mēre zaldrīzes sȳndī lenton ynne Essos?"(("You really thought I would stay here rotting while you went flying in Essos?))

Aerys stared silently down at Maegor, who was slightly shorter. Maegor puffed out his chest and moved closer until they were face-to-face, holding the pose for several minutes.

A smile broke on their faces as Maegor and Aerys hugged each other, breaking the challenge."Malio hen kessa se ao sīrio lenton bē ulyōn daor naejot siri osmembrados. Šustan se hae glaesion henno ñuha jentībelma. Maē dan ao naejot bē, mīsagon? ((Let's go and carve a piece from this world just to ourselves What you say, brother? Our little heaven.))

sensing his arrival. Meleys lifted her head from where she lay, stretching her long neck towards Aerys. He gently placed a hand on her scaled snout in greeting. They stood quietly for a few minutes, bonded rider and dragon sharing a wordless moment of affection.

When Aerys and Maegor moved to climb up onto Meleys' back, she lowered her wing to aid their ascent. Once settled in the saddle, aerys gave a soft pat on her neck. With a few mighty flaps, Meleys' leathery wings carried them both skyward.

The winds whipped through Aerys' hair as Dragonstone fell away beneath them. He leaned into Meleys' neck, enjoying the rush of flight on her back once more. As they gained altitude, the island and castle shrank into dots on the horizon.

Aerys felt liberated, soaring through the wide open skies astride his faithful mount. Their figures grew smaller and smaller until they blended into the clouds, heading off on their journey together as one.

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