
A Dragon is Born

"If only I had known what horrors that small, still prince would bring upon the world. In my haste to revive him, perhaps I overturned the will of the gods. This terrible cost...was it laid upon the realm by my hand alone? The guilt will haunt me to my dying day."-Maester Gawen.



The moon had risen high in the sky over Dragonstone before Visneya's pains began. She had retired early to her chambers, wishing for quiet and solace as her time drew near. But the babe inside her was restless now, and her quiet evening had given way to throes of agony.

Aegon had come at her bidding, taking a seat beside her on the bed and grasping her hand gently in his own. He knew better than to speak empty words of comfort, for childbirth was no easy affair. His steady presence was supportive enough.

Maester Gawen's POV:

As the first light of dawn crept over Dragonstone, cries and screams could be heard emanating from the royal chambers. I, along with several handmaidens, had been attending to the Queen throughout the night as her labor pains intensified. We kept cloths, water, and tinctures close at hand to ease her discomfort.

The moment had finally arrived. I stood between Visenya's legs, offering her support as another contraction took hold. "Push now, Your Grace!" I urged her to push. Despite being covered in sweat and exhausted from her labor, Visenya summoned the strength to bear down. King Aegon stood beside her, holding her hand tightly and offering words of comfort.

Gradually, the new prince began to emerge. I encouraged Visenya to push harder while the handmaidens wiped the sweat from her brow and Aegon comforted her by brushing her hair back. With a final cry of pain, the baby was born and I caught him in my waiting hands.

However, Visenya's labor pains did not subside. She gave one final cry and another baby was born into the hands of the midwife. This second son was smaller and initially did not breathe. But after a sharp slap on his back, the baby let out a cry. "Twins, Your Grace!" exclaimed the maester. "The royal line is secure."

I said as I handed the babies to their mother the queen to hold

Visenya Targaryan pov:

With a sigh of relief, the maester handed over my children. Aegon's hand was resting on my shoulders as I gazed at them, my source of hope and happiness in this life.

"What shall we name them?" I asked, turning to Aegon. His eyes shone with pride as he beheld his firstborn son - already so robust and hale.

No need for urging cries, this prince's lungs filled perfectly as he let out a lusty wail. Rosy cheeks glowed upon a round, healthy frame. When cleaned by the midwife, he squirmed mightily, flailing arms and kicking legs that portended his future strength.

He gazed upon the baby in his embrace, with silvery-gold hair and violet eyes, and declared, "This child shall be known as Maegor Targaryen."

Then he turned his attention to the baby in my arms, who was completely bald but had a mane of blood-red hair and amethyst irises swirled with an inner glow like staring into the heart of a flame. The maester, who had been intently watching the newborn, did not shift his gaze away from him.

He looked at us and said, "I have never seen something like this, Your Grace. Most children born with these qualities are stillborn."

I looked back at him and was surprised he was staring back at me before he fell asleep exhausted "My son isn't like most children he is a Targaryen and his name shall be Aerys Targaryen"

A five-year-old boy with silvery-gold hair and lilac eyes, whose curly locks fell to his shoulders in ringlets, interrupted the maidens and servants as he entered the room.

"Hello father and Aunt Visenya," he said before his eyes shifted to the babies they were carrying in their arms. "Are those my half-brothers?" he said with a smile. Aegon smiled at his son.

aegon smiled at his son and beckoned him to come to him he was the only memory left to him by his beloved sister wife Rhaynes. Aenys was small, with spindly limbs and small, watery eyes. He was weak and sickly and slow to grow, but once he was given the hatchling Quicksilver, Aenys began to thrive.

"Aenys, my son," Aegon said with a warm smile, his voice filled with pride. "These are indeed your half-brothers, Maegor and Aerys. They have just arrived into our world, bringing joy and hope to our family."

Aenys approached cautiously, his small hand reaching out to touch Maegor's tiny fingers. The newborn prince stirred slightly as if sensing the presence of his older sibling. Aenys looked up at his father, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Can I hold them, Father?" Aenys asked, his voice filled with innocent curiosity. Aegon nodded, carefully passing Maegor into Aenys' arms. The young prince cradled his brother with the utmost care, his eyes sparkling with adoration.

"Hello, Maegor," Aenys whispered softly, his voice barely audible. "I will protect you always, little brother. We shall be the best of friends."

"And this is Aerys" Visenya said, her voice filled with maternal warmth. "He possesses a beauty and strength unlike any other. We are truly blessed."

Aerys pov:

I was reborn as Aegon the Conquer son. Twin brother to the infamous Maegor the cruel As far as the memories given to me by the goddess Maegor had no twin hopefully this won't make many changes as the memory only goes to 153 AC after the last Targaryen dragon died thanks to the maesters after that her connection with the world was severed.

It is crucial for Dragonriders to claim a dragon as their power is derived from the bond they share with their dragon. Although it will be challenging, spreading the religion of old Valyria is possible with patience and influence. By using my knowledge from the old world, I can persuade even the smallfolk. It may require a lot of "divine miracles," but it is not impossible. However, for now, it is best for me to rest. A child like him should not have to worry about this.

hello everyone author here Thank you for reading I'm a new writer and this is my first novel so expect some mistakes but I will try to make them as few as possible If you have any ideas or advice please leave them in the comments

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