
A Dragon's Laughter

"If I had a bad day its everyone's problem"-Prince Aerys-


~~~(Date: 13AC)~~~

Maester Varlyn Record of the Scarlet Dragon Meleys:

Summer's End, Year 1

I have begun chronicling the growth of the scarlet she-dragon Meleys and her bond to young Aerys Targaryen. Though newly hatched, this creature displays a ferocious spirit within her slender frame. Scales still retain their natal sleekness but promise future rigidity. Lean muscles flex powerfully for one so young. Most astounding is the evident rapport between dragon and rider - their affinity seems poised to achieve marvels.

Planting Season, Year 2

By the Seven, how Meleys has flourished in merely a year! Scales along her spine now bear subtle bony ridges like rising mountains. Wings have doubled in length, portending aerial grandeur. The lean form has thickened with corded muscle underneath gleaming plates the color of blood. Though smaller than veterans, a rare focus and strength emanate from this scarlet dragon. Her rapport with Aerys appears accelerated; their bond merits close study.

First Snow, Year 3

Three years find Meleys exceeding dragons twice her age in size and grace, an astonishing rate of growth. Scales gleam with prismatic beauty despite winter's chill. Though outmatched by aged Vhagar, none can deny the wells of draconic majesty contained within this vibrant creature. I endeavor to document their meteoric rise.

Summer's End, Year 5

Five rich years cultivated Meleys into a magnificent sight. Muscular form cords heavily beneath rippling scarlet armor that glitters fiercely. Wings now hold dominion over the sky. While lesser than weathered Vhagar, none question her ascendance among legends. The marvelous growth achieved through her rapport with Aerys surpasses all preceding records.

Planting Season, Year 6

Six fruitful years cultivate Meleys into a formidable colossus of scarlet and sinew. Her jaws could engulf a bull with ease, filled out with corded muscle and jutting spikes. Wings now hold greater surface than a large sailing ship from tip to tip. While lesser still than the ancient Vhagar, no doubt she soon will contend among the greatest of legends.

First Snow, Year 8

Eight winters past have brought striking changes. Meleys now stands taller than four men stacked and longer from blood-red snout to spiked tail tip. Steel-thewed muscle coats her like a mountain's stony skin beneath glimmering scarlet armor. Flames churn the sky to red when unleashed. Though marginally less than colossal Meraxes at the latter's fall, her supremacy in these skies seems assured.

Summer's End, Year 10

Ten abundant years elevate Meleys near the heights of fabled dragons past. Her leathern wings now hold greater span than a dromond's full sail. Scales gleam terrifically, patterned over coiled strength capable of snapping mastiffs in two.

This year, a marvelous phenomenon has occurred - between the twin horns jutting from her brow has emerged a crown of white sculpted bone, elegantly arching to point skyward. Hardened over time, this elaborate osseous structure resembles lacework frozen in amber. Its appearance marks the completion of Meleys's transition into the full glory.

After a decade's devout study, I have chronicled the astonishing growth of the scarlet she-dragon and her unparalleled bond with Prince Aerys. Never before has a dragon achieved such formidable stature in so brief a time. Their rapport defies all precedent and portends marvels yet to be witnessed.

It fills this old master's heart with wonder to have borne witness to their meteoric rising. Alas, my duty here is done. I close these aged tomes with the prayer that the wonders recorded within may one day shed light for future scholars. Meleys and her lord take flight; may their legends only continue growing through the mists of time.

With that, I gather my notes and instruments. The Hour of the Star draws nigh; it is time this maester took his evening meal. Farewell, mighty Meleys - may you soar forever among the stars!

~~~(Location:Aegonfort ,Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 17AC)~~~

Maester Gawen's POV:

I have seen the young Price Aerys grow all his life and sending reports to the citadel at first my duty was like any measter to report everything I see or hear to the citadel and do what they see should be done for the greater good.

Prince Aerys always had a unique mind He was always distant from his father as King Aegon was always busy with his council meetings or educating the heir Prince Aenys to rule.

Queen Visnya was very close to her twin sons, Prince Aerys and Prince Maegor. However, this raised concerns among the archmaesters in the citadel, as allowing the queen to raise the young princes alone could make them more susceptible to her influence. In contrast, Prince Aenys was seen as easier to control due to his indecisiveness and weak will.

He was weak and sickly at birth and cried all the time. He refused to nurse from wet nurses and would only nurse at his mother's breast. He was so unlike the king that it was rumored that the boy could not be the son of Aegon the Conqueror, who was a peerless warrior, and that perhaps his father had been one of the singers or mummers that Rhaenys delighted in.

On the Citadel's counsel, King Aegon took his twin sons under his wing. Yet distance grew where closeness was sought. Aerys displayed aptitude in lessons, but detached affection. Only with Visenya did true bonds flourish.

When word came that King Aegon had summoned Prince Aerys and Prince Maegor to be raised in Aegonfort, away from their mother, Queen Visenya was furious.

She arrived at the royal court with Dark Sister strapped to her waist, fury in her eyes."Nesa ēdrugon sīmon lilā ābrazen haradan" (("You will not take my sons from me,")) Visenya declared, staring down the king.(("Ney emā miri tolvą si, mirin perzis Targārio hen syt bābrīts se hae prūmia"))"None shall question my ability to raise the heirs to the Targaryen dynasty."

King Aegon met her glare sternly.(("Perzīnot mirre pyschys hen ambologhot bisa soro tychotys se ilagon se maesterī. Maghagon tolī mirre ziry hāre haese vala ziri.")) "The princes must learn to navigate these halls and learn from the maesters. Their place is here in the capital."

But Visenya would not back down. (("Ñuhen zaldrīzogot morghot daor hen syt ūndegon ra īlva hen mir. Ñuhā notilus ēza Maegor se Aerys syt ūndagon kessa nyke feūntine."))"Your simpering scholars will poison their minds against me. I alone shall raise Maegor and Aerys as future conquerors.

Her rage threatened to unleash Dark Sister, daring any to defy her will over her dragonrider twins. Only the king's authority as her husband prevented open rebellion.

As tensions rose between the queen and king, the royal family relied more than ever on the protection of Aegon's elite Kingsguard. Ser Corlys Velaryon, a renowned seafarer and warrior, admirably led the guard as its first Lord Commander.

Others famous for their prowess included the pugnacious Ser Robin Darklyn, known as "Darkrobin" for his brazen fighting style. Ser Richard Roote proved a stalwart shield, while the brothers Ser Gregor and Ser Griffith Goode fought back to back, synced in battle like a single warrior.

The hedge knight Ser Humfrey, more commonly called "Humfrey the Mummer" for his japes, provided moments of levity but remained vigilant in duty. Ser Addison Hill stood guard day and night, a calming presence ensuring no threat passed the royal family's chamber doors.

With such elite protectors at the ready, Aegon felt secure in imposing his will despite Visenya's fury. Yet for all their martial skills, even the famed Kingsguard could not foresee the depths of the coming marital discord, nor how dragons would soon take to the skies in the game's escalating fire.

As the princes departed with me, Queen Visenya's shouts followed: "Belmak ilȳ isse, moriot! Māzigon syt ēlībagon daor sīmon ēdrosa ilagon kessa hae hapa sīmon se ēlī ti mazemagon."((This is not finished, brother! One day you will regret removing my sons from the home I have built for them."))

Her furious warnings lingered like a dark omen, portending storms to come.

~~~(Location:Aegonfort ,Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 17AC)~~~

Maester Gawen's POV:

It was decided the princes would be raised in Aegonfort under King Aegon's watchful eye. I was chosen to oversee Aerys' education and report back.

The maesters were awed by his brilliance. Under my tutelage, Aerys excelled in all subjects with discernment far beyond his years. We spent hours in deep discussion across disciplines.

Aerys was studying with the maesters. One night, he told me about strange dreams. In the dreams, Aerys rode his dragon Meleys over Aegonfort. Meleys breathed fire down onto the city. The flames burned all the buildings and people.

Aerys had this same scary dream a few times. It worried him. we were worried too. Aerys is very smart and learns fast. But he also has a big powerful dragon. If Aerys' mind was not calm, he could cause destruction.

I knew Aerys missed his home on Dragonstone. He did not like living here away from his mother. Maybe the dreams meant Aerys wanted to go back home. Or maybe they meant something worse.

Aerys was excelling in his studies, but these dreams had us all on edge. As his maester, I had to make sure he didn't suddenly decide to burn us all to a crisp!

After detailing his latest vision of torching King's Landing, Aerys gets a mischievous smile. "You'll like this one, Grand Maester - in my next dream, Meleys and I paid a visit to the Citadel!"

The other maesters gasped in fright. Me, I nearly spilled my wine! "The Seven save us, boy - don't you dare get any ideas about remodeling our library with dragonfire!"

Aerys just laughed. "Don't worry old man, your precious scrolls are safe...for now." With a wink, he went back to poring over histories, leaving us all on pins and needles.

Truly, this prince will be the death of me yet! All his genius and none of the common sense. The gods help Westeros if Aerys' ambitions ever outstrip his control. For now, I'll keep praying those dragon dreams don't inspire any "renovations"!

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