
House of the dragon: The Dragon King

This is a story about a man who meant his end earlier then he was supposed to as as an apology he will be reincarnated into House of the Dragon, Watch as he uses his powers to fight against people who try to cause a civil war in House Targaryen (I am new to House of the dragon and will be basing most of my knowledge off the TV Show) MC will be the Crown Prince of the Targaryen household but there will still be the greens and the blacks.

Shinmon_Dagger · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: Drama With Dragons

AN: Some of you might be angry that I let Daemon and Rhaenyra make-out but I felt it was necessary for some of the future scenes in future chapters. Plus, it adds some emotion to the book and I felt it was a good way for Rhaenyra and Daeron to strengthen their relationship. Plus it will also give me the excuse to write some more scenes with Laena, which will be coming in the future chapters. Hope you enjoy this chapter, please tell me what you thought or if you have any questions.

Daeron Pov

The sunlight hit my eyes and I started to blink rapidly. I rolled in my bed, expecting to hit something yet I felt nothing but my pillow. I sat up and looked at the other side of my bed expecting to see Rhaenyra but instead saw nothing. I looked at the bed and saw a red splotch on my bedding and was instantly hit with the memories of yesterday night. I was torn from my memories when I heard a knock on my door.


"My Prince, the King has ordered you to join him in the throne room"

"I shall be there in a short while"

"Understood, my Prince. I shall inform the King"

I quickly rubbed my face before jumping out of bed, taking off the bedding and throwing it into the fireplace I had in my room. I stared into the fire for a bit, watching the bedding burn slowly as all evidence of last night burned away. I quickly put on some black clothes with the Targaryen symbol on my chest as well as a red trimming. I walked down the hallway and entered the throne room where I saw my father kicking Daemon in his side and saying

"You defiled her"

My heart jumped into my throat and I felt my eyes widen a bit as I thought to myself

'What the fuck is this talk about…I can't be what I think it is…can it?'

Daemon winced in pain as he rolled on his back and gasped to catch his breath while my father, who either didn't care or didn't notice that I had entered the room, was walking around him and said

"Still, you say nothing."

Daemon quickly spoke up and said

"What does it matter, brother? When we were Rhaenyra's age we fucked our way through most of the brothels on the Street of Silk."

"We were young men. She is just a girl. Your niece!"

"Rhaenyra's a woman-grown. Better her first experience be with me than some whore"

And then I felt something click into place

'That's why she was dressed as a peasant, that's why she came into my room all hot and bothered, that is why she insisted on fucking me. I still took her maidenhead meaning Daemon chickened out for some reason…so all I am…is a rebound'

My heart clenched and I felt a stinging pain enter my very being, I had never experienced anything like this before. It felt like I was on fire yet ice poured through my veins, I felt my heart stop beating while also beating too fast to be normal, and I felt my very soul being torn apart. However, soon I felt something shift in my entire being. I felt an all too familiar heat consume me and I felt my vision darken as I started to growl. I heard some clothes shuffle as both of the men turned to me and I saw Daemon quickly try to push my father off of him and get up before saying


I sprinted at him as quick as I could, reaching him within a second and grabbing him by his clothes

"You dare to try and fuck my sister"

I lifted him up and shouted


I slammed him onto his back making him gasp in pain before I grabbed him by his neck and dragged him to one of the many swords that stuck out of the ground by the throne. I quickly held his neck by one of the spikes and said

"I trusted you, I befriended you, and I cared for you…I thought you would do the same for me yet all you wanted is to sit your ass on the throne…So why don't we let it be the end of you"

"DAERON, STOP! Just listen to me and stop this!"

Daemon tried to say while struggling in my arms to try and get himself loose from my grip. As I was about to do something I felt all of my sanity come back and I thought,

'Fuck, what am I doing…he is still my uncle and I will e branded a Kinslayer if this goes any further. Plus in the end, Rhaenyra came to me, so that must mean something right…fuck, I can't even lie to myself. How can she go from making out with me and wanting us to get married to going to a brothel with Daemon of all people? I'll talk to her about this later'

I clenched my teeth before pulling Daemon back from the sword and throwing him to my father. Who seemed to not care what I was about to do and instead looked down on Daemon and said

"I have spent a lifetime defending you. But your heart is even blacker than I thought. I should banish her as I did with you and be done with it"

Daemon was on the floor panting for air with eyes wide open having just seen his life flash before his eyes. And he just couldn't ignore the irony of it all, he was about to be killed…by the very thing he craved. Father looked at him with pity and said

"Go back to the Vale, Daemon, to your lawful wife. Strive to restore whatever scrap of honor remains in you. Or don't. Matters not to me. As long as you are gone from my sight for good."

Daemon exhaled loudly and said

"As you wish brother"

However Ignored them both and, angrily, pushed the door open causing it to fly off of the wall and crash onto the floor. I was panting in rage before looking around me and seeing the Kingsguards all staring at me in awe. I quickly took a deep breath to regulate myself before looking at them both and saying

"Get someone to fix that will you?"

They nodded and I left, practically running towards Rhaenyra's room.


Daeron pov

"She said that she didn't want anyone talking to her today"

"Ser Criston, I believe it is time for you to remember that I am the one who drafted you into this service and I am also the one who will be the one who can kick you out and kill you without so much as a single person batting their eyes at me. Now, leave and keep yourself busy or I shall see to it that the Cole name dies with you. Understood?"

Criston started at me, before looking back at the door, and then back to me before nodding and saying

"Yes, My prince"

He walked away from the door and I pushed it open, making sure that I wouldn't throw it off of its hinges like the last one. I saw Rhaenyra in bed, sitting and looking at me with sad eyes as I said

"You will tell me everything that happened between you and Daemon or I will personally see to it that you join the silent sisters."

She looked at me in sadness before trying to come up with an excuse and saying

"Daeron, please-"


She flinched back, slightly in fear and slightly in shock. This was the first time I had ever yelled at her in anger and she did not like it.

She took a deep breath before shakingly nodding

"It all started when…"


Narrator POV

Rhaenyra had just said good night to her Kingsguard before she closed the door and walked into her room. She was fiddling with something on her table before she noticed a pouch that she did not own. Rhaenyra, being too curious for her own good, opened the bag and spilt its contents onto the table. From the pouch came clothes that the small folk would wear, Rhaenyra was confused and quickly rummaged through the clothes and found a small scroll with some words and a small map of secret tunnels that connected to every room of the Red Keep. So she put on the peasant clothes and went through the secret tunnel to meet up with the note writer. After walking for a while she passed a massive dragon skull but ignored it and continued to run to her destination. Once she finished running up the stairs she spotted Daemon, also dressed in shabby clothes, yet he didn't say anything instead smirked and walked away. Rhaenyra followed Daemon and asked

"Where are we going?"

Yet she didn't get a reply and instead, he continued leading her to the city. This was Rhaenyra's first time ever being in the city at night, even one of the first times she was ever there, and she saw many new things. Metallic constructs, built to be similar to dragons, spewing fire, men and women fucking in the alleyway with no hesitation, people covered in dirt, and crazy people with fire on their hands. She saw people laughing and playing music and was enjoying herself before a drunk man bumped into her and said

"Ahh fuck off, boy"

Rhaenyra smiled at Daemon and said

"He called me boy"

It was the first time ever, she had been insulted or even spoken to without any kind of ass-kissing involved. She was incredibly excited and couldn't contain her enjoyment as she looked around in wonder. Daemon handed her a waterskin filled with the strongest alcohol she had ever had. Daemon grabbed her hand and led her to an alleyway where they would be watching a play.

"And then it comes to the matter of the Iron Chair."


"And whose bum it will bear. Our good King…"

A man heavily covered in makeup stood up, walked across the stage and said

"Named his firstborn son Prince Daeron the undying, the Prince reborn through Dragonfire, the Mighty Dragon, and the King of the Narrow Sea his heir"

The crowd went wild as Rhaenyra looked around and saw them all cheering and chanting in joy at even the sheer mention of Daeron. The man continued

"But some say he is the devil born again with rage he can't control, and that it should be his sister or the princeling of three who should be the new heir"

The crowd booed at even the mention of these accusations, and Rhaenyra could see that Daeron was a well-respected man among the small folk, he was revered as one blessed by the seven and she couldn't even go anywhere in the streets without hearing someone talk positively about Daeron. Quickly the man spoke again and said

"Yet Aegon has two things that Daeron has not. A Conqueror's name and the support of some idiotic lot"

Rhaenyra had enough and tapped Daemon as a signal that she wanted to leave. While they were walking away Rhaenyra quickly said

"For one night, I wish to be free of the burdens of my inheritance."

Rhaenyra saw a man selling some kind of food, so without thought she took some, like she was used to, before Daemon spoke up and said

"4 coppers street rat. In King's Landing, we pay for our pleasures"

Rhaenyra got scared and threw the food at Daemon before taking off running. Quickly the men started shouting

"Hey, stop that Boy!"

Daemon smirked and said

"Wait, I'll find him"

Rhaenyra ran and ran with a smile on her face as she forgot about the burdens of being a Princess. She ran through a group of weirdly dressed people before turning into an alleyway and bumping into a finely clad knight with a white cloak draping from his shoulders. The Knight spoke

"And who might you be running from, now?"

Rhaenyra was shocked to see a familiar face and she felt fear gather in her gut as she quickly spoke

"Ser Harwin!"


Daemon walked into the Alleyway and it made Harwin grunt as Rhaenyra spoke


Harwin looked her up and down before shaking his head and saying

"You take care boy. Next time, you might not be so lucky."

Daemon walked past Harwin and to Rhaenyra and said

"Enjoyed that, did you?"

Rhanyra laughed and said

"Who knows when I'll next taste freedom?"

They laughed and she felt his hand grab hers so she took it back as they laughed while walking down the alleyway. They continued walking for a bit before Daemon led them into another building and instantly Rhaenyra was shocked and slightly excited. The were drums playing as naked women were dancing all the while the smell of perfume and sex was hitting her nose quite hard. She held a cup of wine as she looked at the spectacle before Daemon grabbed her and led her away. He took off her hat, exposing her silver hair as he walked with her through a room full of people having sex. There were men and women fucking, women fucking each other, and even some men fucking each other. She looked around and couldn't deny that she was growing more and more excited as Daemon led her on. Rhaenyra saw some men, and women, giving her lustful stares so she asked Daemon

"What is this place?"

"This is where people come to take what they want"

She continued looking around and just the sheer sight of everything was starting to affect her, she felt her core heat up as a blush took form on her face. Daemon looked at her and said

"Fucking is a pleasure, you see. For the woman as it is for the man."

Daemon and Raenyra looked at each other and Rheanyra didn't know what it was, whether it was the smell of sex or the people around them, but she kissed him. Daemon reciprocated and they started making out. She put a hand on his chest and he put a hand in her hair. They continued kissing before Daemon pushed them to a wall and started to undo her shirt, letting her tits become more visible. He gave her one last kiss before turning her to face the wall and started to dry hump her. It was at that moment things became slightly more clear for Rhaenyra and one person popped up in her mind. Daeron, her brother, and the one she really loves. She didn't want her first time to be with her Uncle in a brothel; she wanted it to be with Daeron. She felt Daemon dry hump her yet was surprised to feel him be soft and not nearly as big as she knew Daeron was...

She turned around and saw that even Daemon looked depressed. Daemon pushed off of the wall in anger before walking away and leaving her half-naked and alone in a brothel. Then images of Daeron came back and stronger than ever as the times in the Godswood started to get even stronger. She remembered feeling him in her mouth as Alicent was making out with him before they quickly swapped roles and Alicent was sucking his fat cock while Rhaenyra and Daeron were making out.

Quickly Rhaenyra tied her shirt together before she ran towards the secret tunnel and towards Daeron's room. And the rest was history…

*End of Flashback*

Daeron pov

"Daeron, you have to understand I didn't mean anything by it. I was just caught up in the moment and all of the excitement of the night and-"


I looked at Rhaenyra, who had tears in her eyes and said

"Rhaenyra, I loved you…I was looking for ways for us to be wed, which I did find, and you go and do this! What am I supposed to make of this! You betrayed my trust and my love just so you could spend the night in a brothel with Daemon! I wasn't even your first choice! You wanted Daemon to be your first, and when he couldn't get it up you decided that I was the second best choice, think of how that would make me feel Rhaenyra!"

Rhaenyra was openly sobbing as she said

"Daeron, it wasn't like that at all!! I only love you, the entire time I was with Daemon I wished it was you! I wanted you to take my maidenhead! Which is why I came directly to you, I stopped it before it could take that turn! And why are you blaming me for this when you are about to wed Laena Velaryon!! You will be fucking another woman while I will be forced to listen to her moans echo throughout the Red Keep!!! Have you thought about that!" 

"You knew that was going to happen! I told you that I would try to find a way to let Laena join you in our bed but you continue to ignore me and focus only on the negatives!! You always try to get me angry so that I would play with you as we did back when we were younger and in the Godswoods!! But we aren't children any longer Rhaenyra! We are adults, and you have yet to act like one!! Instead, you choose to try and get me jealous and angry with your little excursion with Daemon hoping it would end in my proclaiming my love for you! Well, you are a child!!"

Tears entered my eyes and I tried my best to blink them away while Rhaenyra looked at me in anguish. She spoke with a small voice and said

"Please, can you forgive me Dae…I -I just don't know what to do anymore. Alicent married father, you are marrying Laena Velaryon and I am going to be sold to the highest bidding lord who will only care about the chance for dragons to be in his family. I don't know what to do anymore so yes, I tried to make you jealous but you have to understand it wasn't meant to go that far…I love you and only you Daeron, you have to know this. I even gave you my maidenhead as proof of my love"

I looked at her and just sighed before saying

"I know you love me Rhaenyra, you have been saying it since we were children. Telling me how one day you will be my wife and give birth to my heirs…*sigh* Rhaenyra, what am I supposed to do now? You betrayed me in every sense of the word, and you came into my room just to make up for your betrayal while I thought it was a moment based on love as you knew my wedding with Laena was soon and you wanted a night with me before I was to be wed."

"Daeron, you don't have to think of it like that. W-We can just ignore it, pretend this whole thing didn't happen and live happily ever after while you convince Laena to allow us to wed!... Right?"

"Just…just let me think about this, about us, for some time…I need to meet Father, he will want to talk to you but I shall persuade him otherwise. You will stay in your room and for the next coming days you better stay on my good side Rhaenyra, because I am seriously questioning everything about…us, right now."

Rhaenyra fell to her knees and hugged my legs while saying

"Please don't leave me Daeron, you are the only one I have left in this world. I know it was a mistake but it was just that…a mistake. I'll do whatever you say and when you say it just please…please don't leave me…I love you!"

I pulled her up and gave her a short hug and whispered

"I said I would think about us so just stay on my good side and…*sigh* and maybe I can forgive betrayal"

I pushed her onto the bed and left the room while Rhaenyra said

"I love you Daeron"

I stopped for a moment before walking out the door, ignoring the sobs that came from inside.


Daeron pov

I sat in my room playing on a piano that was sent from the Braavos Sealord during one of my name days. During my past life, it was the only instrument I learned before my death and one that I played with a lot of joy. Currently, I am playing 'Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement' by Beethoven. I finished the piece and heard some clapping behind me and turned around to see my father looking at me with a smile as he said

"You know…Your mother always said that when you played the piano, it was something magical…I am happy that I finally got to experience it. I see that she couldn't have been more right"

I smiled at my father before saying

"What was decided? For Rhaenyra"

He had a frown on his face before he said

"She shall marry Laenor Velaryon. They were the only ones I thought I could trust to not say anything about Rhaenyra's actions."

I held in my snort that was threatening to escape me as I thought

'From a womaniser to a sword swallower. How funny'


My father's voice knocked me out of my thoughts as he said

"...you are to be the hand now, should you accept, for I have gotten rid of Otto"

I looked shocked as I quickly knelt in front of my father and said

"I would be honoured father"

'Suck on that Otto, you bearded bitch'