
House of the dragon: The Dragon King

This is a story about a man who meant his end earlier then he was supposed to as as an apology he will be reincarnated into House of the Dragon, Watch as he uses his powers to fight against people who try to cause a civil war in House Targaryen (I am new to House of the dragon and will be basing most of my knowledge off the TV Show) MC will be the Crown Prince of the Targaryen household but there will still be the greens and the blacks.

Shinmon_Dagger · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: The Rouge Prince and War

Narrator pov

Location: Red Keep

It had been 2 weeks since the announcements of both of the royal weddings and the small folk of Kings Landing were excited to hear of their Crown Prince's betrothal to Laena Velaryon. However, inside the Red Keep, the atmosphere had been frosty between the royal family. Rhaenyra had been giving Daeron and her father the cold shoulder ever since the news had come out. Now Rhaenyra was standing on a balcony that let people look into the training area where she could see her brother, Daeron, sparring against the Kingsguard candidates.

Daeron Pov

I tightened my grip on my long sword before quickly bringing it up to deflect the blade of Ser Rymun Mallister. I swiped the blade to the side before bringing it harshly into his side making him keel over in pain. I brought my sword back into my sheath before giving Ser Rymun my hand and saying

"Thank you for your service to the crown, Ser Ryman. You are a talented knight"

Ser Rymun laughed, took my hand, and said

"You honour me, my Prince. However, it seems that your skills with a blade far surpass mine. At least I can say that I have spared with 'The Mighty Dragon' of King's Landing"

He gave me a curt nod before he walked away from the sparring area clutching his ribs. Looking at him leave I quickly stood up a bit straighter and said

"Remember that this is all to test who is worthy of the Kingsguard title and more importantly who is worthy to be my sister's sworn shield. I expect the best, so I am looking for the best. Now, has any knight seen actual combat…anyone at all"

I looked behind me and saw Ser Harrold, the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, pointing to a man with dark and curly hair and stubble along his cheeks. I heard Ser Harrold speak to my sister and say

"That is Ser Criston Cole. Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven."

I then said

"Ser Criston, come here"

The man walked forward and I asked

"Where did you see active combat?"

He looked at me and said

"In the Dornish marches, My Prince. I fought for a year as a foot soldier against the Dornish incursions. Ser Allen Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway."

"Well then, Ser Criston. Let us begin"

He nodded to me and put on his helmet while I unsheathed my sword. I spun the sword with my hand while he pulled out a large Morningstar. I quickly thought to myself

'So he is a strength build character…poor guy, he doesn't know what he has signed up for'

We walked in circles and he, being impatient, swung his Morningstar at me which I dodged with spin and, not using my full power like usual, attempted to swing at his head. Criston managed to dodge, much to my surprise, so I continued and threw an upward slash at him before stopping midway and turning it into a side slash. Criston saw through my feint and went to block it with his Morningstar. 


The two weapons hit each other but, much to the surprise of Criston, my strength was much greater, even when toning it down, so it threw the hands holding the Morningstar to the side and exposed his ribs to me. I merely hit him with the flat of my sword before taking a few steps back and letting him get his thoughts together. I saw that he had gotten angry at my strength, and obvious cockiness, so he started furiously swinging his Morningstar around. I dodged most of the swings with ease and was practically dancing around him, while Criston grew angrier and angrier while simultaneously also becoming tired from swinging the heavy Morningstar around. He did a heavy downward strike and I stepped to the side of the Morningstar and stepped on the handle while simultaneously hitting him in the face with the pommel of my sword. He fell down and lay there, silent, with only his breastplate rising in falling as he tried to catch his breath. I smiled down at him, barely even sweating and said

"Well, Ser Criston, congratulations on being the new Kingsguard as well as the Princess's new Sworn Shield"

Criston slowly stood up and, while breathing really heavily, kneeled and said

"I am *panting* honoured, My Prince"

I nodded before saying

"Well, Ser Criston, I believe it's time for you to say your holy vows"

"I swear to ward the King with all my strength and give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honour."

I smiled at him before turning to Ser Harrold, who stood at my side now and said

"Well, Lord Commander, I shall trust you to prepare Ser Criston for his future tasks."

"Of course, my Prince"

I placed my sword on the training rack while walking away from the training yard and towards the balcony where my sister stood. I reached the balcony and saw my sister standing there and, while looking around and gesturing towards the other people there to leave, said to her

"Are you finally going to speak to me instead of ignoring me? Sister"

She only looked at me, fire in her eyes, and said

"...what are you talking about? I have done no such thing"

I scoffed at her, tilting my head to the side and saying

"Oh really, so that time when I called you in the hallway and you ran away. That wasn't ignoring me?"

She tilted her head up and placed a finger on her lips while saying

"Hmmm, I wouldn't qualify that as ignoring"

I growled before grabbing her by the throat and pushing her against the wall of the Balcony. And said

"I know why you are angry, but you must understand that we are no longer children hidden by the Godswood. We are the royal family so we must do our duty…"

While I spoke, she started caressing my cheek while staring at my eyes with a deep lust. And something within me snapped, all the memories of me, Rhaenyra, and Alicent making out and doing naughty stuff in the forest all came flooding back. I pushed my lips harshly against hers while my other hand snaked around her hips and pulled hers close to mine while feeling my breeches tighten a lot. 

Rhaenyra moaned into the kiss and placed one of her hands into my hair and started caressing it, while her other hand started rubbing my large bulge. I grunted into the kiss while slowly starting to dry hump her while using my hand on her waist to lift her up to mine while grunting more into the kiss. Rhaenyra started grinding on my bulge while her legs wrapped around my hips and moaned hard into the kiss, and I felt my breeches start to become wet. After a couple of seconds of her grinding on my bulge, she moaned even louder and after a couple of seconds I felt her spasm and my breeches became even wetter than they already were.

She grabbed my shoulders hard and broke from the kiss while placing her head on my shoulder. I started panting, my eyes on the top of her head, and I placed her on the floor where she wobbled a little bit and needed to use the wall to support herself. She looked at me with an arrogant smirk on her face as she said

"I guess you still are the boy in the woods, huh Dae'. You feel it too, why are you denying it"

She had a raspy voice as I had been choking her, I stared at her and fixed my breeches as the tightness had become a bit too much for me. I sneered a her and said

"Of course, I still feel those things 'Nyra, Love can't be so easily forgotten! You are my first love 'Nyra, I'll love you until I die. But I have duties, and me marrying Laena Velaryon is unavoidable"

I started caressing her cheek, and she leaned into my hand while tears started pooling in her eyes. She stared up at me and whispered

"But, you are the only one I want to be with Dae…I don't want to be with anyone else"

I gave her a deep kiss and said

"I'll…I'll try to find a way, for us to get married"

She gave me a smile and I gave her one back and was about to kiss her again before all of a sudden a knock on the door interrupted us. I growled slightly and said

"What is it"

An old voice, most likely Mellos, came from behind the door and said

"A letter has come for you, My Prince"

I sighed and looked around before picking up a glass of water and dumping it on my body to hide the wet spot on my breeches, much to the surprise of my sister, and opened the door. I looked at the Maester and grabbed the letter, seeing that it was a letter from Dragonstone. I opened it and started reading before I low growl came out of my lips and I screamed

"Where is my Father!!"


I burst through the doors of my father's door and shouted


I noticed that Alicent was also in my father's room but I ignored her and turned to my father who looked away from his Old Valyria model and looked at me surprised but I shouted at him

"Why has no one told me that Daemon has taken over Dragonstone with his band of cunts he calls golden cloaks!!"

"Son, you have to understand that…"

"Understand what, that you let Daemon both get away with stealing my dead brother's dragon egg for his unborn son, that he sired with a WHORE, AND him stealing Dragonstone away from me!! What is there to understand father! That you are a weak man that lets others-"

"ENOUGH!!! Alicent, get out of this room now!"

She bowed before quickly walking out of the door and the Kingsguards shutting it behind her. My father quickly said

"You will not forget boy that I am the King!! You shall do your best to remember that and act accordingly to that information!! I will be treated with respect!"

"And what respect do you deserve, father! You have let Daemon get away with much more than he deserves, men have been killed for less! But…all of this isn't the worst, no. The worst is that you have kept this from me! You told me nothing of this information and have let me believe that all was well for the past 2 weeks! And instead of entrusting me with this task, you sent Otto! The slimiest snake that the seven kingdoms has ever seen!"

"He is the King's Hand-"


The room was silent for a couple of minutes and I just couldn't handle it so I sneered and said

"I have had enough of this fuckery…"

I turned around and walked out of the room, ignoring my father's orders for me to turn around and talk to him. Before I did anything else I walked towards the armoury to pick up what belonged to me… After I had finished my business I walked until I had entered the dragon pit and sent the signal for Neltharion to come through our bond and in just a few short minutes I saw him shooting towards me like a missile. He landed with a thud and I wasted no time and climbed on his back and shouted

"Sōvegon, Neltharion!" {Fly, Neltharion!}

And with a flap of his wings, we were in the air.


After almost a day's worth of travel, I had arrived at Dragonstone, there was a slight fog but even then I could spot Otto and Daemon talking to each other from far away. I noticed that behind Daemon was Ceraxes but I ignored her as I approached I whispered to Neltharion, knowing he would hear me,

"Ivestragī's mazverdagon jemēla known!" {Let's make ourselves know}

Neltharion must have understood what I asked as he let out the loudest roar I had ever heard. It was so loud that I saw the Dragonstone Bridge start to shake, and I even saw that Ceraxes was cowering and lowering her head towards Neltharion. I flew over the bridge once, covering them all in Neltharion's mighty shadow before flying over it again but this time low enough for me to jump off and land in front of Otto, who looked terrified at me and the dragon. I walked towards Daemon who said

"Ahh, Nephew, I must say you are a pleasant surprise-"

I punched him quickly in his nose, making sure not to go full strength or else I would have punched his head off while grabbing the dragon egg that belonged to my brother. I walked back to where I had landed before I turned to him and said

"Skoros se fuck gaomagon ao pendagon ao issi doing uncle, insulting issa muñnykeā se morghe lēkia gō taking zȳhon zaldrīzes drōmon se pār issa birthright. Emagon ao gone vēdros? Bona's daor gīda mentioning se fact bona ao sired nykeā riñnykeā rūsīr nykeā līve, se issi determined naejot lua ziry. ȳdra daor ao emagon nykeā ābrazȳrys ao should sagon doing bisa rūsīr?" 

{What the fuck do you think you are doing Uncle, insulting my mother and dead brother before taking his dragon egg and then my birthright...Have you gone mad? That's not even mentioning the fact that you sired a child with a whore, and are determined to keep it. Don't you have a wife you should be doing this with?" 

(AN: Sorry for the broken Valyrian, the translator I am using doesn't seem to know every word and that was the best one that I could find)

My uncle, who was grabbing his bleeding nose turned to me and said

"Sȳrī, nephew bona certainly wasn't se bāne greeting bona nyke istan expecting. Se nyke kostagon gaomagon hae nyke jaelagon, ziry iksos ao qilōni iksos se prince naejot se dēmalion, daor issa. Se ȳdra daor mention bona brāedāzma aspo kesīr, gīda se mere mention hen zȳhon mazverdagon issa manhood shrivel, plus daorun would thrive isse bona wasteland ziry calls womb" 

{Well, Nephew, that certainly wasn't the warm greeting that I was expecting. And I may do as I want, it is you who is the heir to the throne, not me. And don't mention that bronze bitch here, even the mere mention of her makes my manhood shrivel, plus nothing would thrive in that wasteland she calls womb"

I only growled at him and was about to say something before the whore behind my uncle said

"Just to let you know, I also speak High Valyrian, My Prince"

I looked at her and said

"Oh wow, so impressive do you want me to clap for you?"

When the bridge went silent, save for some snickers behind me, I spoke again and said

"Uncle, tell your whore that the next time she speaks without being spoken to I will…"

I quickly grabbed the handle that was poking out from behind me and swung forth a massive blade that any other man would struggle to hold yet one that I held steady and pointed it at the whore and continued saying

"...cut off her head without a second thought and feed her to Neltharion"

I heard my dragon roar from behind me and I saw Uncle grit his teeth in anger while also drawing his sword before he said

"I see you found your sword, Nephew. But you should think twice before threatening to do something everyone knows you won't. You are too much like your father, Nephew, too scared to act"

"No Uncle, you misunderstand…I am not scared to act, only scared to be disappointed by your ability with a sword. After all, if any young knight can beat you…well that's just embarrassing, isn't it?"

Daemon growled but before he could do or say anything I cut in and said

"However, A merciful King is better than a Kinslayer and if your whore is with your child then she will be treated as such. For even for all of your faults you are still a Prince of House Targaryen"

I said as I looked behind me and saw Otto about to say something so I quickly spoke

"You have 2 options…1, you will give birth to the unborn child and then the crown shall give you a small boat and a couple gold dragons and then you can go back from whence you came"

The woman scoffed and said

"You mean to separate me from my child for only a few gold dragons, do not think me an Idiot, My Prince"

I looked at the woman and said

"Well then, Option 2. You and your child fuck off back to your country of origin where the child will not be legitimized as a Targaryen, and thus not enjoy any benefits of the name, and you can stick with it. What say you, hmmm, which is the better option, Myseria?"

But before Myseria could speak Otto quickly spoke up and said

"This is preposterous, the child is a bastard that should not be legitimized. It would harm the Crown's reputation if such a thing was to happen, it is an insult to the seven that-"

"Lord Otto, I do not remember asking for your council so why do you speak? You are buzzing in my ear like an annoying insect about matters that do not concern you. You are not a Targaryen and you will never be a Targaryen so you should learn that when I, a Targaryen and the Crown Prince, speak you should be silent! Do well to remember Otto…a Hand is easily replaced, it has happened before and it WILL happen again…" 

I looked back at Otto and saw a badly hidden look of anger, which pleased me to the absolute max. I smiled at him before turning back to Mysaria and saying

"You may speak now"

She nodded and said

"My Prince, if I may speak to you in private then it would be greatly appreciated…"

I sighed and said

"Very well, we shall meet later in MY solar in Dragonstone. Meanwhile, Otto, you may return to King's Landing and tell my Father that I will be staying in Dragonstone and that I will return at a later date after this situation is figured out. Actually, I just remembered that a snake can't be trusted so I will be sending a raven instead. Now you may leave, if you wish you may fill your supplies and sleep the night here on Dragonstone.

"Now, let us talk shall we?"


I had my head in my hands and was rubbing it while sighing before I looked at the person who was causing my headache. 

"So…what you mean to tell me is that you are willing to become my spymaster if I let you stay with the child here on Dragonstone, and then in King's Landing once I become King."

"Yes, My Prince"


I ran my hand through my silky hair before thinking it over for a bit, I quickly took a sip of my wine before saying

"Let us strike up a deal, Lady Mysaria. You shall prove your worth as a spymaster for the next year. If I find you valuable then you shall continue being my spymaster for as long as I see fit. Of course, you will be paid and the bastard shall be taken care of. However, if I find out you have lied to me then I shall not hesitate to take off your head and ship the bastard back to Lys. Do we have a deal?"

"Will you legitimise my child?"

She asked, trying to remain stoic but I could sense her anxiousness

"That depends on you and your abilities"

'Always good to use something that the person values as blackmail, and then I shall use the time that she fears me to build good bonds with her…I sound like an evil mastermind right now'

She only nodded and left before Podrick came in and said

"My Prince, you have been sorely missed"

I laughed and said

"Was my Uncle that bad?"

Podrick stumbled over his words a little bit, not wanting to insult a prince of House Targaryen, before shaking his head in defeat knowing that I wouldn't do anything to harm him. He quickly said

"The raven and backup raven have both been sent, My Prince. However, I believe that you should go to sleep now, I know that you must be tired after the long journey here and all of the tension from earlier"

"You always seem to know what I need Podrick"

"I would be bad at my job if I didn't, My Prince"

I laughed and said

"Could you get the maids to prepare a bath for me, as well as my room and a room for Daemon and his… guest"

"At your command, My Prince"

He left and I immediately slouched back in my chair and exhaled loudly, being a prince is damn hard.


It had been a week since that moment on the bridge and I had gotten a letter from my father saying that he was both very angry and extremely proud of the way that I handled things during the entire commotion. Myseria had quickly started proving her worth by giving me information on the Stepstones, and other news of the realm. I had been sparring, and beating my Uncle as well as practising to use 'The Dragonslayer' so I had been busy. I was currently sitting at my table in the solar going over the news of Dragonstone when I heard a knock on the door 

"Come in"

I said and the door opened to reveal Podrick who said

"My Prince, I have Lord Corlys here to see you"

I sighed before saying

"Very well, let him in"

Corlys walked through the door and sat down in front of me and I said

"Lord Corlys, it is a pleasure to see you again. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Corlys quickly spoke and said

"My Prince, during the small council meeting you were the only one who advocated for war on the Stepstones. And as you predicted the situation has gotten worse, the Carbfeeder has declared himself the 'King of the Narrow Sea' and has started attacking any ship that does not meet his outrageous toll for crossing the Stepstones. This has caused him to sink even more ships, including my own."

"You wish to wage war? and you have the men to do this, we both know that no one else will want to do this"

"Yes, my prince. I am confident I have enough with my soldiers and Daemons Goldcloaks"

"Then war we shall wage war on the Stepstones"

'Let's show that crab motherfucker the might of the Crown Prince!'