
Chapter 2: The Prince Reborn Through Dragon Fire

285 AC

In the bedroom, there were two people. One was a man with silver hair and purple eyes and the other a little girl with dark skin and dark curly hair. The man was seen reading a large book to the little girl and the girl was captivated by whatever the man was saying

"And so he came to rule and for a hundred years more he gained multiple titles such as

'The Prince reborn through dragon fire'

'The Undying King'

'Daeron the Mighty'

'Daeron the Great'

'The King of the Dragons'

'The Rider of Cannibal'

'The Conqueror of Dorn'

'The Genius King'

And many, many more. Daeron the 1st was arguably the best king that ever sat on the Iron throne and it was said that due to him, the Targaryens were able to hold their power for as long as they did and we are his descendants. Honestly, Rhaenys, the only reason we are still able to hold the Iron throne is because of the influence that Daeron, even after death, is still able to hold over the entire realm."

"Father…can you tell me the story again? The story about Daeron!"

"Yes Rhaegar, my love, please do start from the beginning. The ending certainly sounded nice"

The two people in the room turned to the voice and saw a beautiful dark-skinned woman leaning on a wall with a smile on her face. The woman stood up and sauntered over to the man before giving him a kiss on the cheek. She then crawled into bed with the little girl and invited Rhaeger, her husband, in. Rhaegar smiled and said

"Well if two of the most beautiful girls in the realm are ordering me to read, then read I shall"

And he crawled into the bed, flipped to the first page and said

"It was a beautiful day…"

Narrator POV

Dearon was born sickly. The day he was born, the sun was high in the sky and there was no cloud in sight. And once Aemma, Viserys' wife, had finished pushing the boy out there was no sound. Not from the baby, not from the mother, and not from the maester. The mother had passed out due to her having been in the process of labour for almost an entire day. And yet the Maester seemed more worried for the baby as it had yet to take its first breath. The Grand Maester and his acolytes hurriedly tried their best for the baby and by what they claimed to be a miracle from the gods, the baby took his first breath. And, although the breath was frail, it was a breath that any other baby should not have been able to make.

And so they informed the royal family of the birth and everyone piled in to see the baby and Aemma. Once they entered, they saw the baby being fed by the milkmaid who, when she saw the royal family, covered herself up and gave Viserys the baby. Viserys gently grabbed the baby held him in his arms and almost started crying tears of joy. The rest of the family stared at the baby in awe and it was Jaehaerys who said

"Dear Gods…he looks just like the ones with Valyrian blood of old"

After 2 years it was found out that, due to the complications at his birth, Daeron would forever stay sickly and it would be likely that he would die in the coming years. This was news that the Targaryen family, especially Viserys and Aemma, did not take well. So Viserys and Aemma continued trying to have children and had Rhaenyra. However, there was one boy who took this news the worst and that was Daeron himself who refused to let the illness dominate him.

In the following years much had happened for the Targaryen family. Aemon died, so Baelon became the new crown prince, however, he soon died after that. Which meant that the old Jaehaerys had to hold a vote for who should become the next heir to the Iron Throne. The result was an absolute victory for Viserys. During these years Daeron was resolute on not letting the disease defeat him so he trained with a blade until his body gave up, which didn't take long. Ser Harrold Westerling, a king's guard, says that Daeron had great strength and skill for someone as sick as he is. Daeron also studied long into the night how to rule and many things such as farming, warfare strategies and tactics. The Grand Maester often told the royal family how gifted Daeron was and that he even had some Maesters at the Citadel beat.

However, it was easy to see that his sickness was getting progressively and progressively worse. He was gasping for air even after moving only a couple of steps and barely had the strength to walk. The death of the prince happened when he heard the news of his mother and stillborn brother's fate. He was next to his father waiting outside his mother's birthing room when the Maester urged his father to enter the room. Waiting outside was like a misery for Daeron, he could do nothing except listen to his mother's screams echo throughout the Red Keep. After a couple of hours more Daeron was shown in and the first thing he saw was his mother covered in blood with a deep cut along the bottom of her belly, his father holding her hand and sobbing while the 2 Maesters in the room held a dead, bloodied, baby in their hands. And that was it, Daeron collapsed in shock and did not wake up again with the Grand Maester saying that Daeron's heart, which was already burdened with sickness, could not bear the grief flooding through his body so it collapsed. Viserys and Rhaenyra clutched Daeron's body as he was being prepared for his funeral alongside his mother and stillborn brother unable to accept his death.

Viserys POV

110 AC

Grief and anger.

If someone were to ask me how I was feeling, and for once I was honest with them, I would tell them that I was feeling grief and anger. Not only did I lose my wife but two of my sons as well. And the anger I felt towards the gods was something I had never felt before. I was never a very pious man, nor was I an angry one. But I just feel as if the gods have cursed me… even after suffering multiple stillbirths and miscarriages I still forced Aemma to try and give me a healthy heir. While I loved Daeron, I needed someone who would be able to stay on the throne, not someone who might die after one step up the throne…This is how the gods decided to punish my impatience, the death of my wife and heir…How pitiful I must look to them, as they stare down from the heavens and judge my very being.


Letting out an audible sigh filled with grief I looked at my daughter and brother and nodded, ready for them to burn the bodies of my wife and son to ashes, as is the Targaryen way. They gave small nods back before saying the words which give the Targaryens so much power…


Giant beams of orange, yellow and red fires washed over the funeral pyre. I looked at the scene in sadness while others in the crowd had to take multiple steps back due to the heat emanating from the flames. Yet, something felt wrong to me. And almost as if the gods were laughing in my face I heard an almost terrifyingly familiar scream, a scream so familiar that I prayed to any of the gods that I was mistaken.

Narrator POV


The nobles didn't want to believe it…


The Targaryen royals, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Viserys, Rhaenys and those related to Rhaenys all put their hand to their mouth in shock due to recognizing that scream anywhere.

"HELP ME!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!"

The people in the crowd felt a shiver run up their back as they all recognized the voice…Prince Daeron was not dead after all.


The fire seemed to angrily sway and move, even after the dragons had stopped spewing their flames, and out of the middle of the pyre came an almost midnight black figure. The nobles all held their breath as the figure ran out of their fire with many of them turning pale. The figure fell to its knees and let out the most guttural roar anyone in the crowd had heard in their lifetime.


The dragons, Syrax and Caraxes, almost started whining and bent down as if in fear of the black figure. The figure started clawing at its face, ripping off pieces of the charred dead skin revealing almost Ethereal level pale skin as beautiful locks of short, pure silver hair were visible to all. The screams slowly died down as the figure stood up and started walking. The crowd became terrified and a guttural and low voice, raspy from its previous screaming said

"F-Father…Sister…Cousin…You burned me…"

The figure stepped closer and more of its previously charred skin started shedding, revealing the pure Amethyst eyes and pale skin that the Targaryen family loved. The figure revealed as Daeron, was inching closer to where the Targaryen family was standing. The crowd had all frozen in place in fear of the figure. Daeron stopped all of a sudden and a massive oppressive aura caused everyone to fall to their knees in fear as he shouted


Daeron started running towards Viserys at breakneck speeds causing the dirt beneath his feet to crumble and the rest of the charred skin to flake away and disintegrate. Daeron was about to throw a punch before all of a sudden he just collapsed. There were a couple of moments before Daemon shouted 


That seemed to wake up the crowd as the Grand Maester hurriedly ran towards Daeron's collapsed form and slowly took his puls before sharply inhaling and shouting


The exclamation caused many in the crowd to start muttering amongst themselves as the king's guard picked up the naked form of Daeron, with Ser Westerling wrapping his white cape around Daeron's naked form and placing him on the first carriage he saw with Viserys, Rhaenyra, and Daemon following them. 

The only thing that people in the crowd could say, as they watched this scene unfold was

"The prince has been reborn through dragon fire"

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