
House of Dreams

story about my dream.

Vienheartz · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 [Game]

I think almost everyone wants to join in isekai and other fantastic stories right?

what if you really got into a fantastic world but with a different genre?

today my sister got married, so my schedule is very busy. in the morning I will go to school for a while then let me go home to my sister's wedding

My school is very crowded but I am a closed person, so it is rare to communicate with each other

'ok this time we will do an impromptu exam, don't complain and just do what you can'

'ugh- yes sir'

After finishing the exam, it's break time

I eat lunch that I made myself and enjoy it in the back of the garden

After I finished eating someone from behind followed me, turns out he is my crush

then he ask me

'you want rho go with me?'

'sorry i can't, today is my sister's wedding'

'ouh ok, maybe later'

'yes sorry'

then I came home early to go to my sister's wedding, I changed my uniform to an elegant white dress

before leaving I saw the chat in the class group, and they were planning to go play.. then I remembered that my mom also said that after the wedding was over I would have a family picnic

Then I saw a chat from my crush saying that he couldn't play with classmates, my crush said he would go on a picnic too

I thought we'd go together since he's free, but he probably just wanted to stay away from the picnic

'honey, are you ready to go?'

'yes mom, I'm coming'

. . . . . . .

'Have you finished your make up?'

'mom.. u know that i can't make up'

'ugh- that's embarrassing'

'sowrry mom'

'it's ok honey, someone will do your make up there'

'ok mom, love you'

'yes honey, love you too'

when we got there, my sister met my mom and talked in the dressing room

- then the game starts -

game? yes, as stated in the title

all places changed, the atmosphere became terrible and gripping

we are divided into several groups, and each group has a different mission

we must not cooperate with other groups, otherwise they will become monsters for players to defeat

I saw my friend's head being brutally ripped out, then i met my crush group, without knowing it i was working with them

then you know what happened?

YES, my crush turned into an enemy instantly and I had to defeat him

I see the difference between humans and monsters, humans turn into stone like dwarves and move monotonously around a certain area

then I saw that in fact they can still return to normal if the shards of rock that stick together are separated from them,

I tried many ways to help my crush return to normal, and just the opposite

I accidentally killed him

- - - - -

Then on the way, I met my sister and she actually intends to kill me while saying a word

'Finally I can kill you with my own hands, this will be the best gift for my wedding day!!'

and i just think 'hollyy f*ck what have i done'

I mean is, then why has she been pretending to be nice in front of me!?

she never even scolded me


oh well, luckily I managed to kill that crazy girl

I was thinking, if this was a reality in normal life it would already be in an uproar by other people and the police

. . . . . . .