
Magic of the House-Elves and Training

When I first woke up as a house elf, I had decided to allot some time for training. I trained with my magic for about a month, but it was not long, before I quickly realised something. It doesn't matter how much I train, or how much stronger I get, it was a fact that I won't be able to do anything as long as I was still a slave.

That's why I used that time, that I had allotted to training, for research purposes. But, now that I was finally free, I decided to start my training once again.

After meeting with Newt, I first went to a store and bought some knives, and then went back to my new temporary home. It was already afternoon, and I needed to do some renovations in order to facilitate my training. I went to the basement and vanished all of the trash that had been left behind by the previous owner. Then I enlarged the space in the basement with a quick chant of "Capacious Extremis".

I found out during the first few weeks of my transmigration, that although, I can use magic with just my intent, using incantations made the job slightly easier and also increased the potency of the magic I wanted to cast. Previously, I had observed that, whenever a wizard says any incantation, whether he uses magic or not, there is a slight vibration in the magic around them. From there, I was able to infer that incantations themselves contained some sort of magical powers. And that, led me to the theory that, any magical being can use incantations, as long as they can pronounce it correctly.

Anyway, elf magic was different from the magic of the wizards. The magic wizards use, comes from within their bodies, meanwhile house elves instinctively manipulate the magic that is already present in the environment. Using house elf magic it was easier to cast magic which manipulated the environment, such as magic that affected a large area. Unlike wizards who excel at producing certain effects with their spells over a short area. For house elves, it becomes harder to control the magic the smaller the target is. That's why, I bought those knives. I was decent enough at manipulating small objects that I could train with the knives.

I erected some targets, and made the knives indestructible, since I am going to throw them by using magic, with considerable force at the targets.

Having completed all of the preparations, I took aim at one of the targets, and floated one knife in front of me. Clicking my fingers, the knife is immediately sent hurtling towards the target and plunges to the hilt on the bullseye. Aiming at the target once again, this time I levitate two knives at the same time and once again send them flying at the target. One of the knives strikes true, while the other one misses the target entirely.

That was what I wanted to work on. I could control a single knife without any problem, but when I divert my attention to any other target I immediately lose control over the projectiles. Some people might be wondering why I would want to fight with a knife, when I had magic. Well, the thing is, when I looted my former master's house, I also found some goblin wrought silver knives. To be precise, I found five goblin wrought silver knives in total. Now, when I have such a wonderful weapon, then why won't I use it. Not to mention, when it comes to pure magical prowess, house elves can't compare to wizards, who all get basic education and have an established system of magic.

Thus, in order to circumvent this issue, I decided to use a knife. After all, how many wizards know how to defend themselves against a knife weilding house elf ? I, of course, also needed to know how to use a knife with my hands. I can't just go flinging some super expensive knives at the others. That would have to wait though, since I needed to first complete the rituals, as my current body wasn't really suited for close range fighting.

Anyways, I continued to try to control two knives to strike the target simultaneously. It was hard, but after almost half an hour of work, I soon found a rhythm, and was able to control the knives relatively well. After hitting the target ten times in a row with both the knives, I decided to erect another target. Using magic, I aimed at both the targets and sent the knives flying. The result was both my knives missing their respective targets entirely. Deciding that it was too soon to be aiming at two targets, I decided to just go with one target for now. Though since it was getting a bit boring now, I decided to add curves to the path of the knives. This resulted in both of the knives colliding mid-air, since I added too much curve to them.

Deciding to just work on this today, I tried a few more times and succeeded after a few tries. I continued working on it for another hour while continuously changing the path of the knives I threw, with different degrees of curves.

By the end of the session, I was only able to get a maximum of five out of ten throws hitting successfully. Since, I was very tired right now, I decided to just eat and go to sleep for a while.

So, in this chapter, I have explained the magic system for house elves. So, just let me know what you think about that.

Angry_Sheepcreators' thoughts
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