
Ch 1

Note:I have mad some slight changes in the faminy tree of the Darrys.

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Patrek Pov


I watch as my younger cousin training with his bow and arrow in this beat up place.No ,I have been watching him do this for an hour or so in this beat up place.

"What are you doing?And Why here?"Jon stops for a moment just looks at me as if I grew a second head.

"I am training obviously."He shrugs as he starts practising his archery skill again."As for why here?I like it here it is calm here.Away from all the noise at Seagard."

"Why though?" Again that look is starting to irritate me."I thought you wanted to be like our uncle your Name-sake knights with unparalleled skill with a sword."

"*Sigh* I can't train with a steel sword right now.Uncle wouldn't allow me to wield a live steel."As soon as his words ender he released the arrow piercing his target , a lemon tied to a tree branch with a strong thread."Besides I will be able to take part in archery the tourney hold.I can even get some good Gold coins from them."

"And what about your time with the merchants, shipwrights and sailors?"He shot another arrow at the lemon hitting it." Archery and Sword can bring you fame and Glory,but your time with the Merchants, Shipwrights and Sailors will bring you only insults."

"Let them bark their opinion won't matter.Once I achive my goals I might throw

some bone for them."Jon just stood still as if contemplating his action and words."I don't wish to raise my house back to it former state and power, I will raise my house back to it former state and power.No I want to surpass it."

"And building and maning ships will help you with that?"I raised my brows at that.Learning from merchants will help him with the coin even if the lords of the Seven kingdom look down on it.

"Corlys Velaryon, The Sea Snake did it.He didn't command the sailors to go for his voyages,he went for them himself."Jon started to pack his things."Besides, A lord who understands the craft and then properly orders will always be greater than a lord who just barks order."

"Enough with me and my goals.What plans do you have for the future?"

Silence followed the question.The only thing that could heard was the sounds of animals and birds alike in the forest.

"I don't know."That question.Thats the very question father asked me a few times,all recently.He must have heard him asking me."Probably succeeded my father as the lord Seagard and do what the Mallister have done till now."

"Once,A long time ago the Mallister did reign as the King of River and Hills.King of Trident for quite long time."

"For exactly 3 decades."I saw him looking at me with this Topaz eyes of his,deep shade of gold with sight yellow hints."Before being put down by the Storm Kings who took the control of the riverland back."

Jon just continued to stare at me as if expecting another answer.

"Use simpler words I am not wise as you."

"You have a long legacy and history to stand for.Yet you are content with being just a lord of riverland.Don't you wanna be someone whose name is spoken with respect all across the Seven Kingdom."Jon looked at the remains of the Oldstones."I am just saying you have the choice to be greater that any of your predecessors, and I know you can do it.You can either be The soldier in a war or one of the many soldiers in a war."

"We should get going its quite late."Jon said looking at the sky darkening."Mayhaps we will come tomorrow as well if we have enough time."

"I will get the horses ready you pack your things."I started moving towards where we had left our horses.Jons words started to overwhelm my thoughts.You can either be The soldier in a war or one of the many soldiers in a war.

(Pov End)

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Jon and Patrek could be seen riding their horses steadily down towards their home,Seagard.Patrek could be seen holding a map of riverland.

"So what you are saying is that after I gain some mor authority and following I should try to rebuild the Oldstones with my father's permission?"Jon nodded his at his cousin.

"Yeah,Mallisters territory does extend upto the Oldstones and Blue fork,with that you would be able to have some presence inland whether it be for trade or war."Jon said as he fed Griff some dried mead he had brought."Oldstones can serve as a sort of port for your house,the blue fork is wide enough for at least two Galleys or three Dromon to be sailing side by side with out getting in the others way."

"Port for trade? The nearest port or harbor by river or sea from Old stone would be Maidenpool that too is blocked by the bridge at Fairmarket."Patrek said as he traced finger along Bluefork on the map.

"No need to be in such a hurry,first you will need to get som authority and following in Seagard.If enough people follow you it will be easier to work on rebuilding the ruin at a cheaper price than when it is required to hire foreigners to our lands which will cost a shit ton of gold."Jon looked bak ta the way the duo came from."Once built you can establish a Cadet Branch of your house there,have atleast 2 children let the eldest one have seagard and the other can have Oldstones."

"And What about Fairmarket?"

"Like I said we have time.I will look and see if I can convince my uncle Tytos Blackwood to take the bridge down,as it probably will if a strong storm or rainfall hits."Patrek looks at his cousin as if'And if he doesn't agree'."And if he doesn't agree Fairmarket can serve as a port and harbor.And once coins start coming we can convince him build a crossing high enough to let Dromons pass."

"First of all there aren't any structure like the one you are speaking of?"Patrek sighed looking at Jon.Sometimes he gives the wildest answers then again I am speaking to a Eight-names-day boy smart he may be."Thats besides the fact if it even exist it will take generations and a mountain of gold."

"Find me good worker and it can be built under a two decade.Just because it doesn't now doesn't mean to will never exist."Jon just shrugs at Patreks word."And who said the structure will be built by one house."

Next Morning

Jason POV


This certainly is refreshing.Looking at the courtyard where his nephew ,his page, was sparring with his son Patrek brought him a smile,despite falling every time his page stood up and sought more.These two have grown closer to each other than most other brother.Yes,we must stand united if we are to survive the coming future and the catastrophe it is to hold.

"They certainly seem to be enjoying themselves."A voice belonging to my Dear wife brought me out of my musing.

"That thay are."

"So,How has he been so far ?"Mariya stared at me with those Topaz eyes.A common traits among the Darrys.

"With the few instances I have taught him of lordship and with a sword,teaching him has been satisfying, he's focused young man, has already set his goals he wants to accomplish which is very admirable. Most boys his age are aimless, without a purpose, just doing what they are told to do, being whatothers wish for them to be."I looked at two boys whose bout was soon coming to an end."He might not have the best of talent for arms but he seems to have his ways with the people.He is beloved by the people of Seagard.Shipwrights, Merchants, Blacksmiths, Knights and Smallfolk alike seems to have only good praises of him."

"It is all good and all…"I looked at her looking worriedly towards our nephew."But don't you think all that will soon.."

"Break him."My wife just looked even more worried at the word."That is the part I don't understand, he seems to be in a rush.Maybe it your brother putting thoughts in the boys head."

"I doubt that,My brother is many things but his not a man who would use his own child for his ambitions."Mariya just shook her head at my words."It's probably Jonothor own ambition.He has always admired our ancestor Tristifer Darry and my cousins.He probably feels it is and will be his responsibility to bring back House Darrys prestige ,fame ,power and wealth."

"Speaking of House Darry,I heard the Freys are offering a hand for your sister's hand in marriage." My Dear Wife's mood soon turned sour.They did offer a hand for her in the past."Not a bad preposition if you ask me,The Freys territory are near Darrys are a wealthy enough House and are quite strong in the Riverlands.Just behind our house, Bracken, Blackwoods and the Vances."

"My Sister is not some brood whore to be offered,She will marry who she wants."My Dear dared me to speak any further.Her almost Topaz Iris promising pain."Besides Jeyne is helping raise Raymuns younger children after my good sister's death,Jeyne will herself reject any offers for her hand untill laymun reaches age of Ten."

Taking a last look at the boys, I went back to my solar to deal with the work still left to be done, leaving my wife as she continued to look at the boys, the times seemed to be uncertain,the reports says the Ironborn are gathering their forces,I hope they don't do anything foolish.No,It doesn't matter,if they try anything in my lands I will throw them back in the sea.

Next chapter