

'No me despedere, te amare hasta el final. Hastague nos volvamos e encontrar mi amor.' We can't complete the puzzle if we lost a piece. But what if that piece will be the reason to destroy the whole puzzle? A dead person can't comeback to life but he can hunt you while you re living your life. Elise is an author who lost her memory due to an accident with her fiancé who lost his life while protecting her.  But years after the accident, their fate collided for the second time around. Same face, but different person.

AestheticChaos · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

It's 9 in the morning when I decided to call Black. I just hope that he got some sleep.

"Hello?" I greeted when he answered the call after three rings.

"hello, goodmorning El" he said using his bedroom voice and yawns that made my cheeks burn. I cleared my throat before talking.

"are you still sleeping? I'm sorry if I disturbed you"

"no, it's fine. what is it?" he asked and I heard a water running so I guess he's in the bathroom or what.

"are you free by 11? Or should we go after lunch?"

"11? We will have lunch at the resto I booked?" he asked.

"your choice"

"I guess we can eat there at night because of the view, i reserved us a table at the terrace of the resto. Let's just grab something on the way for our lunch" he suggested that made me nod at myself.

"alright, that's a great idea. I'll get ready. See you later" I said and hang up the phone. Still have two hours left so I will probably have time to eat and cook my breakfast.

While stirring my coffee and staring at the blank wall of my kitchen, I suddenly remembered my conversation with mom.

"he's back mom, Seb is Back here in Liechtenstein." I said that shocked her.

"h-he's back?" she asked and I don't know why I can see fear in her eyes.

"yes, he's back but he won't talk to me" I said and I guess it gave her some relief 'cause she heaved a sigh and lean in the chair.

"don't try to talk to him again. It'll just worsen your condition. That's the only favour I want to ask of you" she said and held my hand and look at me in the eye.

After taking a bath, I blow dried my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know who is this girl but I'm eager to find out who she is.

Before the clock strikes eleven, I'm already ready to go. I checked my unit if I already unplugged the cords, and when I'm ready to go, I decided to just wait for Black outside of my door.

Minutes after, I saw him exiting his unit. When he saw me he smiled instantly and walked towards me after locking his door.

" hey" he greeted when he approached me.

"hey" I greeted back and smiled at me.

"did you wait long? You should've stayed inside and wait for me"

"it's fine, I just got out. Let's go?" he asked and I just nodded and walked after him. It's a coincidence that the elevator door opened so we didn't wait long. When we entered the old woman inside stared at me with concern in her eyes.

"what's with you that he can't leave you alone?" she said while staring at me blankly and faced Black.

"leave her alone, you can't take her with you" she said and when the door opened on the third floor a nurse around our age looked really stressed while contacting someone in her phone but when she saw us she immediately went straight to the old lady.

"gosh, Ma'am Esmer where did you go? We've been looking for you for hours" the nurse asked and held the old lady in her arms. She looked at us apologetically.

"I'm sorry. She has dementia and she sneaked out their apartment this morning when every body's sleeping." She said and slight bowed her head.

"it's fine" I said and smiled at her.

She just smiled back and stepped out of the elevator still holding the old ladies hand. When the elevator closes Black and I remained silent. I'm still thinking about what that woman earlier said but I decided not to mind it because she probably said it because of her illness.

"are you okay?" Black asked beside me so I looked at him and smiled.

"of course. I'm just worried about that lady, it's hard not to remember something but I'm pretty sure that she feels worse because she can't remember everything. It prolly hard for her family as well" I said and sighed.

"let's not talk about it so it won't affect you. Let's just enjoy the day, shall we?" he asked and offered me his hands and smiled at me. I accepted his hand and we both didn't let go.

Before we went to kunstmuseum we stopped by at a park nearby, called Haberfeld Nature Park because Black suggested that we should find something to eat.

"I made us a sandwich, do you want some?" I said and handed him the sandwich I made this morning.

"thank you" he said and smiled at me. I also handed him the bottled water I packed.

"I really love living here in Vaduz. I mean look at this place, it's not as good as Switzerland that seems magical but Vaduz its beautifully stunning in different way." I said as I stare at our surrounding.

"I love your perspectives" Black suddenly said beside me.

"why? What's with my perspective?"

"well, you look at beautiful and positive part of everything. You could have said you hated that we only have few attractions here in Liechtenstein. Like we doesn't have many options when it comes to bars, restaurants and theatres."

"you know me, I'm inlove with nature. Once that my surroundings is beautiful, you don't need to worry about me." I said and drank my water.

"you are right. I mean, who wouldn't love this place? You can enjoy adventures even on your own. Just like them, they are enjoying themselves even though they are on their own." He said and pointed at some people around us that's enjoying their time under the tree, alone.

I was reading my book under a tree when suddenly someone places one stem of yellow lily that put a smile in my face.

"did you liked it?" he said and made me faced him by holding both of my cheeks.

"I love it. thank you" I said, smiling and kissed his cheeks.

"anything for my love" he said and gently pinched my cheeks.

I got back to my senses when I felt Black tapping my shoulders.

"are you okay? I've been calling you but you mind seems out of this world. You just stared at that tree and smiled nonstop" he said while chuckling.

"I just remembered something but don't mind me" I said picked up my bag.

"let's go?" I said and smiled at him. I felt happy because I remembered something even though I can't see his face clearly. It's still blurred but it still an improvement to remember something.

"what can I expect before we go inside the museum?" he suddenly asked while we are walking.

"well based on what I researched, it's more on paintings of famous painters. I haven't been there for a while now so I really don't know what's new."

"you are not into museums?"

"I love museums but Kunstmuseum have so many tourists."

"I guess it's really famous" he said still walking.

"of course there are may famous paintings there that's why people really book tickets beforehand to avoid falling in line"

When we got there, I showed the guard the tickets in my phone.

"where's your company ma'am?" the guard asked.

"the guy behind me" I said and when he looked behind me, he lets us in.

"you are right, there are so many people in here" he said, surprised on how many people are lining up just to get a ticket.

"that's why we should start wandering now" I said and chuckled.

"thank you for bringing me here" he said while we are liking at some paintings in the entrance.

"it's nothing, I mean, you always help me and it's my time to return the favour. I just hope that you can find your inspiration here." I replied and smiled at him.

"I already found my inspiration." He said and faced me so I looked at him.

"where?" I asked and looked around us.

"let's go" he said and made me face the other way and pushed me to walk.

"you saw a beautiful girl, don't you?" I asked, teasing him.

"no, let's just keep moving" he said while laughing and pushing me to walk forward.

"do you know that there are less or more 4,000 paintings here?" I asked him while we are looking at the paintings. I don't know its names who painted it but it's really beautiful to look at.

"I don't need to look at every one of them. I already landed my eyes on my inspiration" he said while smiling and staring at the painting infront of us.

"that's your inspiration?" I asked, referring to the painting infront of us.

"no. But don't think about it" he said and chuckled.

"let's go" he added and left me so I just followed him.

We got into the part of the museum where the sculptures are located. I think they are minimalist type because they look so simple yet elegantly beautiful.

"many people cannot appreciate these artworks because of it's simplicity" he said while looking at the sculptures infront of us. There were just simple circled sculpture that if you don't look closely you cannot see it's beautiful details.

"that's the reality. People always look at things lightly." I replied and moved at the other side to look at the other sculpture.

"what can you say about this sculpture?" he asked and pointed at the tilted sculpture that looked like a doughnut.

"well, there's always a reason for every artpiece but I'm really curious about the story lies behind that sculpture."

"I'm curious about you too. I'm curious what lies, lies in your eyes." He said and seriously looked in my eyes.