
Hound Master In The Apocalypse

Leon, a 23 year old that lives in his apartment goes to the store one day to obtain sustenance from a grocery store across the street from his apartment. All of a sudden a huge earthquake shakes everyone off their feet. Once the earth settles something unexpected happens. Zombies appear out of nowhere and attack everyone on sight.

Sylvan_Cornett · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

18. Spider Queen.

All of the baby spiders suddenly obtained increasing amounts of speed and ferocity. It seems the queen spider has an ability that boosts other spiders. At this point Leon was covered from head to toe with the baby spiders, throwing energy beams in random directions.

Alexis is still doing just fine, the spiders are more interested in Leon at this point. With his entire body covered in spiders he started using his hands that were covered in golden gauntlets to punch the spiders off of himself while slashing with the sword in his other hand.

Edgar noticed his master struggling and decided to help him out. He ran through the horde of spiders and when close enough he released his poison breath directly on Leon. The spiders fell off one by one succumbing to the poison. Fortunately, Leon can't be hurt by his own summon so he was completely unscathed.

The queen spider was still observing the fight while hiding farther back in the room behind her baby spiders. She became more and more angry everytime she witnessed one of her babies die. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and charged straight up the wall and up to the roof.

Huge chunks of stone fall from above while the queen digs her legs into the ceiling. Leon sees the queen leave her initial spot and disappear up the wall. His senses are turned up to max waiting for her to attack.

It doesn't take long before thick webs are shot at Leon. He doesn't have enough time to dodge as the web hits him on his right shoulder.

He then feels a tugging feeling from the web. As soon as he notices this he is pulled off the ground and up towards the queen. He doesn't panic though, while spinning around he waits for the right angle and slices the web attached to his shoulder and begins to fall.

He roughly slams into the ground and slowly lifts himself up. The queen is still moving around on the ceiling. Leon sheaths his sword and pulls out the obsidian bow. He takes aim at the queen as best he can and let's fly a couple of arrows on after the other.

They hit the queen but did minimal damage. It's going to take more than that to take her down. Or maybe he can hit the queens weak spot if she has one.

He carefully observes the queen while she skitters around in the shadows. She has multiple eyes that might be a good place to attack but her many legs get in the way.

He decides to shoot a few arrows at her eyes just to see if they hit. The first few arrows get smacked out of the air by her blade like appendages. Luckily though, one of the arrows makes it through and pierces directly in her eyes.


The queen let out a deafening shriek as she fell and crashed on the ground below crushing a group of unlucky spiders.

Leon didn't waste any time as he ran forward while unsheathing the azure sword. He lashed out at the spiders in his way until he made it to the queen spider lying on her back wiggling in agony.

Energy started to build up in the sword in his hands as it lit up the area around him before releasing a powerful energy slash directed to the queen.

In the next moment, the spider queen lay still. Most of the spider babies were already dead as Edgar continued to finish them off.

Not long after Alex rode up with Spike and Edgar joined soon after. There wasn't much to say right now so Leon decided to just loot the queen and move on.

He walked over and started searching around the queens body. It took a minute for him to find the loot but when he did he was surprised. He found a C ranked core as usual, but what surprised him was the slick black ball laying there.

He picked it up to examine it but couldn't think of what it could be. It was the same as the egg covered in fur that he found on one of the lower floors. It didn't have any info pop up when he examined it.

It was smooth to the touch and completely black. He decided to hang on to it for now until he found a use for it.

"Hey, what's that?" Alexis walked over and saw what he was holding and got curious. She thought it looked cute.

"Hmm, I'm not sure exactly." He said as he handed it to Alexis. She gently held it in her cupped hands and looked closely at it.

"Can I have it?" she asked with expectant eyes.

"I don't see why not. Just be careful, we don't know what it is or what it does okay?"

"Thanks!" she said while hopping up and down excitedly.

After searching around for a bit they decided to move on and went to the crystal at the end of the room. They both placed their hands on it and were teleported to another room with a golden chest.

Leon went over to open the chest with Alexis and the dogs following behind them. He pulled open the chest and in the bottom he found a small silver crown. It looked like something a queen would wear. Very fitting reward for taking down a queen spider he guessed.

Its called the silver crown of the spider queen, it says that it boost the users influence over spider like creatures. It also gives a boost to all spiders under the command of the user.

"Hmm, I'm not sure if this will be very useful to me. Here." Leon says while walking over to Alexis. He moves her hair out of the way and gently places the crown on her head.

"H-how does it look?" she asks nervously while looking at the ground.

"It looks beautiful on you." He replies.

She blushes when he says this but a big smile appears on her face as well.

They set up a makeshift camp there in the chest room like usual before moving forward. He's starting to worry that maybe there are a lot more floors ahead and maybe there only at the beginning. What if the enemies become to difficult for them to fight?

He didn't really know what they were getting into when coming to this tower. Yeah, the rewards are good but how long will they be stuck here?

The situation is starting to take its toll on Leon's mental state. Usually it's hard to find something that would affect him in any way. But ever since the apocalypse started he feels like he's changed.

Be it mentally or physically or both. He can't tell if the changes are good or bad yet either. With them being stuck in this tower with no end in sight, it's making him feel trapped. It would be okay if it was just him but it's Alexis hes worried about.

He doesn't want her to have to spend so much time in a place like this especially when every moment is a life or death battle one after another. Either way, there's only one way out now and that's up.

He looks over to see Alexis fidgeting with the weird ball thing she got earlier. Suddenly that reminds him of something. He goes over to his backpack and pulls out the furry black egg.

It feels lifeless, dead even. He's worried maybe it's a bad egg and it isn't going to hatch at all. That's when he notices a strange feeling from the egg. Its pulling at him, almost like it's hungry for something. He observes the egg closely while trying to figure out what it wants.

After a couple of moments he feels the pulling sensation become stronger. Instead of fighting it he gives in. He knows the egg has no ill intentions. Hes not sure how he knows its just a feeling hes getting.

As soon as he stops resisting he can feel the mana flow through his body and into his hand that is holding the egg. Then as it enters the egg it stirs a little. It must feed off of his mana to grow. He lets it take as much mana as it needs, he has plenty to spare. A few moments later and it stops absorbing his mana.

The egg feels warm now, and much more lively. That's good, he gets a sort of happiness from this experience. It's a very strange egg that's for sure. Definitely not something you would have found on earth before the apocalypse.

When he finishes feeding the egg he gets another thought. What if the ball he gave Alexis is also an egg maybe?

"Alex? Try giving some of your mana to the ball I gave you."

"Hm? Why?" she asks puzzled.

"Just try it and see if anything happens."


With her new class as a mana Well she has nearly infinite mana she can utilize. She picks up the black balk the size of her fist and furrows her brows as she focuses on channeling her mana into it.

At first nothing happens to Leon's disappointment. As soon as she's about to stop though she suddenly yelps out in surprise.

"Ahh!" she screams while holding the ball in front of her at arms length.

"What's wrong?" Leon asks.

"I-it just moved!"