
Hotel Asphodel

After death, the souls of the departed are guided by beings to either Heaven or Hell. But what if one day, souls are unable to ascend or descend because of their lack of peace even after life? Kazu Shinoaki, an 18-year old university student used to see ghosts when he was young. After an encounter with a mysterious building, he was able to see ghosts again. Because of this, he was hired by Hotel Asphodel, a hotel where ghosts stay until they find peace. His job is to help the souls find peace so they can either ascend or descend Heaven or Hell. All Rights Reserved 2020. Ivan G. Arroyo.

ItsIvanArroyo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Part 8 - New Employees

I woke up to the sound of knocking of my window. I decided to take a look and saw nothing. When I looked down, I saw a bottle with a paper tied to it. It says:


I heard from my Neko Patrol that you found us new employees. That's amazing! But for them to see what you see, they must consume what's in this bottle. It's a couple of petals of poppies and asphodels. They must at least consume two of each. I gave you plenty in case you find more people to join us.



I took a look inside the bottle. Yep, they were petals. Thanatos didn't say how they should consume it.

I got out of my room and to the dining table. There, Hanzo was preparing breakfast, while Juwan is on his phone.

"Good morning guys," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning," They both greeted back. Juwan took a sip of his coffee.

"So, Thanatos delivered something for us," I said.

They both looked at me. "Huh? Thanatos? Why?" Juwan says. I already explained to him everything about the hotel, the ghosts, and Thanatos.

"He says that you guys have to consume this so you could see them," I showed them the bottle.

"Wait, how did he know about that?" Juwan asks.

"Neko Patrol."

"Ahh, I see," Juwan sips from his coffee cup.

"So…" I shrug and gave them the bottle. "Eat this."

Hanzo took the bottle.

"That's petals of poppies and asphodels. He says to eat two each petal." I explained to them.

They look at each other in disgust. They opened the bottle and took two for each petal.

"Is there no other way of consuming this?" Juwan asked.

"I don't know," I shrug. "It didn't say anything about how it's consumed. Maybe eat it naturally so it would be effective."

"I guess so," Juwan was still disgusted.

"Juwan," Hanzo looks at him, "Just think of this like the superhero anime we watched. In order for the main character to gain superpowers, he must consume the DNA of his mentor."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Juwan took one last look at the petals. "Here I go."

They both consumed it at the same time. "Honestly, I don't taste anything," Hanzo says.

"Yeah," Juwan agreed with him. "We were just overreacting."

They laughed.

"By the end of school, let's meet and go to the hotel, okay?" I said.

"Okay," they replied.

We finished our breakfast before getting ready, then went to class.


The three of us stood outside the hotel. They can finally see what I see because they were amazed.

"I didn't see this before," Juwan was admiring the hotel. "We can only see this?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Should we go in now?" Hanzo says.

"Yeah," I said. "Oh, just saying tho, remember Cerby?"

Juwan shivers at the thought. I also told him about Cerby. "Yeah."

"He's probably guarding the door right now."

Juwan hides behind Hanzo. "You go first, Hanzo."

"Eh?" Hanzo looks at him. "I thought you were facing your fears?"

"I'll do it at my own pace," Juwan waves forward. "Now, go."

I chuckle at him. I went first and opened the door. As they got in, I closed the door.

"Hmm, where's Cerby?" I said, searching for him.

I heard his barking. It gets louder and louder, then, there he was, running towards us. Cerby jumped at Juwan.

"AHHH!" He dropped down on the floor in his back and Cerby licked his face. "Hey, you said he was a big three-headed dog. He's a cute three-headed puppy!"

"Heh, I forgot to tell you that he can turn into a puppy," I put a hand behind my head and chuckled. "Sorry."

"Cerby, stop scaring our employees!" A voice was heard across the hall. The owner of the voice appeared and it was Thanatos.

Hanzo helped Juwan got up.

"Hanzo, Juwan," Thanatos says, "Welcome to the hotel."

Juwan and Hanzo were in awe. "Hello, Mr. Thanatos, nice to meet you," Juwan says. He was stuttering a bit.

Hanzo shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, sir!"

"You must be Hanzo, our new chef!" Thanatos says as he shakes his hand. "The ghosts here have been searching for a new chef-" He leans in for a whisper. "since our current chefs are incredibly bad at their job."

"Oh," Hanzo chuckles. "Is that so?"

"And Juwan!" He faces at Juwan. "You're here to be like Kazu here, right?"

"Uhh, y-yes sir!" Juwan says. He's pretty nervous.

"Just call me Thanatos, no need to be formal!"

"O-okay, Thanatos."

"Well, shall we go to the main lobby?"

We all nod and follow him.


"I welcome you," Thanatos spreads his arms. "to Hotel Asphodel!"

"I'm going to guess that you're going to do this every time a new human comes here," I said.

Thanatos chuckles. "You bet I will."

Hanzo and Juwan admire the place. Like I said when I first got here, this place is aesthetically pleasing.

"These are ghosts?" Juwan looks around. Ghosts were walking around the hotel, and some were sitting down and talking. "They don't look that bad."

"Hello!" Two ogres appear next to Juwan. He screamed and hid behind Hanzo.

"Hello Chi and Shi!" I greeted the two.

"Which one is the new chef?" They both asked.

"That would be me!" Hanzo raises his hands.

Chi and Shi grabbed both of his wrists and pulled him. "Let's go to the kitchen!"

"Hey, slow down guys!" Hanzo disappeared to the kitchen with then two ogres.

The three of us laughed. Moments later, a red cat with two tails and blue flame on the tips of his tails, approached us. "Sir! I have a report!"

Thanatos kneeled to slightly match his height. "What is it, Akaneko?"

"I have found Ittan-Momen in the same area, searching for a victim,"

Thanatos looks at us. "You boys ready?"

Juwan and I looked at each other with determination. We both nod.