

Just something that I wrote when I had nothing better to do.

Master_of_Mana · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

I was going back home with Morita as we exited the the school.

"Takashi you betrayed me!" He complained as I shook my head

"You were the one who was late how did I betray you?" I asked as we walked down the steps.

"We were supposed to be late together, Takashi, we were supposed to be different not the same as them you were my brother Takashi" Morita started spouting some star wars lines.

"No I am your father" I but in

"Fuck off!" he tried walking away but a shout behind us inttrupted him.

"There you are" the pink haired woman was after me again,

"I will see you tommorow!" I said to Morita and ran out, but I think I miscalculated she had a car and two full grown adults with combat experience on her side.

And now she was standing in front of me as she pulled my ear dragging me into the car.

"Oi oi that hurts!" i said as she released my ear sitting beside me as the car drove towards my neighbourhood.

"Where are we going?" I still asked since I wasn't too sure about it.

"Since you are intrested in me, I should talk with auntie right?"

"Hey now wait a minute..." was this woman being serious?

"What aren't you confident in facing auntie?" ok now she is playing with me, I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer as I could see the two men paying full attention to what we were doing as I closed the slider blocking them off as I looked at her, I could see her starting to lose her nerve.

"If that's the case shouldn't I meet your father first to disscuss this then fight with him to win your hand?" I threw it back at her as I could feel her breath as I smiled and pulled back as she slid the divider open.

"Staop the car and throw him out!" she said as I could see her blushing furiously.

"You are the worst!" she said pinching my arm while saying.

"I don't know if you have matured or not but you surely have lost a screw up there"

"Sure sure, now drop me home would you?"

"No you are going to walk!" and I was kicked out of the car by the two men. Just you wait fuckers I am going to beat your ass up.

I stood there as the car drove off with the Tsundere. Well shit, I have a soft spot for Tsundere.

I shook my head, back to business.

I started walking back, I should probably talk to Mom about joining a Dojo. I am pretty sure she would agree, and as for Dad well he would...probably? If he doesn't I will have to sign up myself and get a part time job.

I reached home as Mom was already there,

"I am back!!" I said walking in as I saw Mom wacting her shows on the TV.

"How was your day, Takashi?"

"Well it was good enough though I wanted to talk about something."

"Oh is it relationship advice?"

"I would never ask you for that"

"You are so mean!" she sat there pouting while I just shook my head.

"So I was thinking of joining a local Dojo."


"Can I?"

"Sure go ahead" she said waving me off and focusing on the show, uh did she just agree without asking much.

"Uh...can I ask why you agreed ?"

"Of course, Rei in Sojutsu club so you probably want to learn a weapon to defend yourself." she replied, as I just sighed she isn't going to change.

I went up and searched for some local dojos finding one about an hour away, I could take a bus there probably.

I changed up and went downstairs grabbing a snack before heading out.

"I am going out!"

"Be back by six!"


I went out, as I flipped my phone re reading the address. before going there.

Yamashiro Dojo, that was the name of the place where I was standing in front of.

It wasn't all that big but had the reputation of being one of the best around since its rankings are quite high in the competitions.

Signing up wasn't all that difficult as I could start the next day, I left after that heading for the fast food joint.

You have to enjoy while you still can!


Time skip no jutsu 1 week

What can I say it was fun for the week, messing around with Saya, and Kendo was where most of my time got spent while Morita asked saya out for the thrid time and was turned down.

Now I was sitting on the roof of the building with Morita.

I was talking with Morita while another guy Imamura was further away to taking a smoke.

"So you finally overcame your depression over losing Rei!" Morita patted my back as I looked at him.

"And what about you, if I remember correctly it was the third time." I said as he acted like he was hurt.

"I liked you better when you were depressed." He muttered.

"Of course, anyway there are more fishes in the pond you can try for someone else." I said smirking as he looked at me before bringing out a black diary.

ah yes the Morita report.

"Takashi, what I am going to show you is a secret alright. It for when my band makes it big then these girls will be our groupies. Komuro I prenst to you the Triple A-grade hot girls Morita edition" He said presenting the diary.

"Oh really I don't doubt your taste but you really complied it into a diary" I said looking through.

"Girl No 1, Saeko Bujishima captain of the kendo team, Not only does she have beauty on her side and a dazzling combination of serenity and kindheartedness" Morita said this as I was trying to control my laughter.

Saeko Bujishima and Kindhearted did not fit together in reality but since it was his fantasy I let it remain intact.

"Well since you started kendo maybe you have a chance of getting close to her" Morita said this as I just smiled, if things went according to plan you will be seeing her with me.

"Well that's for me what about you?"

"coming right up, Yuuki Miku...blah blah blah" he went on about her, I didn't really pay attention as I did not like that thot.

Then were the two girls that were always together, Ichijou and Niki.

after that came the girl that had just rejected him.

"The top of the second years, Saya Takagi,..."he was just saying as I but in

"The girl that rejected you three times, right?" I said as he crashed back down,

"You really want to put me down don't you?"

"Well I haven't really tried"

"Oh really try it then." Morita said confident that I wouldn't be able to break him.

"We have been friends since we were kids" I said as he froze up, before grabbing me by the collar.

"Why didn't you tell me! I would have a better chance at asking her out if you introduced me" he said crying fake tears as I shrugged.

"You didn't ask and I was busy with other things" I said in my defence but then Immamura came along.

"Oi, I heard you to talking about stuff earlier and couldn't help but be displeased by such plebeian behaviour." He said throwing the cigarette out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Morita asked as I smrked this was gonna be good the Immamura report.

"Of course, Who needs kids Older women are the best!" he stated as I agreed to some extent older women were better not to say they were legal.

"Older women?" Morita asked as I sighed, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I see you haven't seen the light at the end of the tunnel my friend" I said as he looked more confused.

Immamura report file 01: Shizuka Marikawa

"She's got a bombshell body and killer smile, I would let her examine me any day!" he declared as I agreed with him, while Morita was also nodding opening up to the ways of culture.

Imamura report file 02: Kyoko Hayashi

"Her body is totally filled out, she is 30 unmarried giving off the aura of being unsatisfied and only I can satisfy her!" He said as Morita finally understood that Imamura only liked older women.

I wasn't against that, but I could see that Morita wasn't fully commited to the righteousness. But for me anyone older than me or my age was a goal.

Then came the

Imamura report file 03: Neighbourhood mom (Alice's Mom)

"And then there is the Mom that lives next to me" he said as I just shook my head she was Alice's Mom so that's a no go.

Both me and Morita walked leaving the older women Enjoyer with his fantasies.


3rd Pov.

Isao Yamashiro was a thirty year old Kendo master, he had taught a lot of talented students during his five years of teaching after studing under Master Bujishima he had opened up this dojo.

But in all his experience he had never seen the boy who was praticing in front of him.

'No matter how I look at it he always swings his sword as per the teaching not even diviating a little bit, it's almost like he is copying the movements initially then adapting them to his own body.' the man thought as he saw the brown hair kid swing his sword constantly with a almost perfect grip on the hilt.

If he hadn't seen the initial day of this boy he would not have belived that the kid only started a week ago.

'Should I snacth him?' he thought looking at the group who were praticing, 'alright I will start training him personally to see if he is capable or not'

He said leaving for his office as the kids continued to swing the sword.


1st Pov

Why the hell was that man looking at me like that? I had caught the thirty year old man with dyed black hair standing in the corner looking at me before he walked away.

I ignored him focusing on the lesson as the instructor continued to show us the moves.

[Swordmanship Level up]


Time remaining: 1279:23:56 hours remaining

Name: Takashi Komura

Species: Average Human

Age: 17

Mutation level: N/A

Mutation points - 0

Skills: Perfect copy (Max), Protag Aura, Swodsmanship (Level 2)


Skill store:

Skill points - 0

Mutation tree:


It was when the class got finished that one of the older students came for me.

"Master Yamashiro is calling for you?" he said before leaving.

Huh? why would the owner of the dojo call for me? wait was it that man from before? I sighed before following the student into a much smaller hall that had a couple of other students along with the Man I had seen earlier.

I apporached the man bowing as he acknoledged me to come forward.

"Takashi Komuro, 17 years old and has never practiced kendo before. Am I right?" he asked his light brown eyes staring at me.

"Yes" I replied as I felt like this was an investigation.

The man stared at me, "stand and watch the fights, you will be joining them after a few bouts" the man said as he signalled me to stand near the back as the matches began.

What the hell? I only know....wait did he figure it out so fast? I looked at him as he smiled lightly yeah he is experienced of course he will pick it up.

I sighed as I started focusing on the bouts copying every move both defensive and offencsive.

I kept on reading the moves for a couple of spars before Master Yamashiro stopped them and I replaced one of them.

so here I was standing in front of a man who looked around 24 holding a Shinai covered in protective gear as I was the same.

I must say I was nervous This was the first time I was fighting against someone and the guy in front of me was experiienced in that regard.

Well what can I do except try my best, I breathed out as the spar started I didn't rush in instead waited for the other person to make a move.

And he did swinging first as I blocked and returned a similar strike but he dodged and backed out.

Before engaging again, as I too strated my moves. It took a few moves but after that I was the one on the ground after taking a hit on the shoulder.

Damm these things actually hurt.

I lost the match as Master Yamashiro called me again.

"So you noticed?" he asked as I nodded.

"experience" I replied as he smiled.

"Start coming here for your classes also you should work on your stamina and strength" he said before dissmissing me like that.

I am quite confused by all of this but clearly real fighting lessons are better than the theroy I was being tought although helpful I could feel the improment from the spar.

Well what can I do except do it all over again and then practice back home.