
HOTD: What A Pain

Ever wonder what comes after death? Well, apparently, people with natural, multi colored hair. Jiggle physics are on overload and logic is out of the window. I just hope that there aren't any magical beings that just go on war paths for the fun of it, because, this world looks like straight out of an anime and it slightly disturbs me. ___ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

I opened the door to my, well, my aunt's house and walked inside, a smile spreading across my face.

"Silver! I'm home, brother!"

With that exclamation done, I tossed the damn bag to the side and held my arms open. A few seconds later, my face was being licked.

Chuckling slightly, I crouched down to pick Silver up and started heading toward the kitchen.


That one word was enough. The licks stopped like they were never there, leaving behind wet patches on my face.

Silver seemed keen on following orders, for some reason, well, except for the orders that came from Shizuka... But in all honesty, "Get me a cabbage" wasn't a good request.

Like, at all.

Letting the canine down onto the floor, I walked over to the feeding bowls for Silver and picked one up.

Pouring the required amount of dog food inside, I placed it on the floor as Silver just looked at me for a moment before I motioned to the food and he dug in.

... Silver was a weird boy, but a good boy nonetheless.

Smirking lightly at the silent dog, I turned around and opened the fridge, taking out a few pieces of bacon and cheese.

I was gonna make me a sandwich, who needs women? Pheh...

... I sighed.

"I'm a lonely bastard."

No, seriously, who could resist my charming good looks? Just the sight of my face should have all the girls swoon, get weak in the knees, and get hot!

Okay, even for me, that's too much.

I mean, I barely talk to any girls, and most of them are... Less than desirable to say the least.

And as they say, never spend diamonds on hoes.

Truly, wise words.

As I was about to bite into my impromptu sandwich, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Taking the phone out, I looked at the caller and pressed the accept button.

"What's up?"

I greeted and took a bite, chewing it over as I waited for an answer.

{Hello, Ren, how are you today?}

I swallowed and waited for a moment, thinking about what the person wanted.

"Let me guess, you skipped class to go to the dojo and "meditate" again, didn't you?"

My voice conveyed the feeling of not wanting any bullshit, or so I hoped.

{...Yes, can I perhaps borrow your notes, please?}

I took a breath and groaned.

"Mind if I bring silver? I was going to take him on a walk anyway."

Getting a positive answer, I hung up and bit into the sandwich again as I began walking up the stairs to my room.

As soon as I reached the second floor, I grabbed the leash and the collar for Silver and went to change my clothes...

In hindsight, maybe I could have grabbed these things after I changed.

Entering my room, I took off my school uniform and discarded it on the floor like the trash that it was. Too tight, too constricting, too... Everything.

Reaching inside my drawer, I took out my green cargo pants and put them on, zipping the zipper up and adjusting it slightly to make myself comfortable.

Humming in approval, I took off my T-shirt and grabbed a black one, switching them out.

Ah, this was nice.

Stretching my arms above my head, I groaned as all the tension left my body.

Turning around, I spotted a place of clothing on my study desk.

I looked at it for a moment, feeling my eyebrows get closer, and forming a frown.

Looking away from it, I picked up the leash and the collar and left the room.

Walking down the stairs, I headed towards the door and crouched next to my bag, taking out the history notebook.

I could explain everything that wasn't written inside or if I was too lazy to write something down.

Grabbing my boots, I put them on and stood up.

"Silver! Want to go on a walk?"

Without so much as a bark, Silver rushed over to the door and stood in front of me, excitedly wagging his tail.

chuckling slightly, I kneeled and put the green collar around him. There was no belt-like thing that would be annoying to take off so I just clicked the two parts of the bump buckle together and attached the leash.

Standing, I opened the door and took out the key, locking it again as I exited. Shizuka would be fine, she had her own.

Turning around, I left the house with Silver walking in front of me.

This would be a nice walk since I was not feeling like doing any homework yet.


You know, when we first met, my first words to one Saeko Busujima were "What are you in for?". Turns out, she broke someone's shoulder blade because they were molesting her, and when she returned the question, I just shrugged and answered honestly.

I was getting "Robbed" by three people when I was fourteen. They thought they were the shit when one of them had a knife and I just wanted to while those smirks off their faces.

It was fairly satisfying, actually. Seeing their faces contorted in pain, regretting the idiotic decision of robbing me.

They ended up with a broken nose, dislocated shoulder, and a cracked rib. One injury for each, to remember me with something, ya know?

Now, here was this beautiful woman, four years later, her long purple hair let down, stronger than before, more serious than before, more trained than before... Doing... This.

"Whose a good boy~? You are~!"



I swear, sometimes, I think they are an entirely different species than Men. Why? Because I didn't get them at all.

Like, she's borderline professional all of the time, making someone feel like they are being interviewed for a job, and the vacancy was the title of "acquaintance".

And now... She's like this.

No, seriously, what the hell.


I interrupted, stealing her attention from silver as her eyes locked onto mine.

"You want me to stay and explain things I didn't write in the notes, you missed quite the interesting explanation today."

I wasn't lying, the lesson was very engaging, talking about the war, which was one of the topics she was interested in.

"Oh, yes, that would be appreciated, Ren."

She immediately went back to petting my dog.

Why do I feel like she agreed only because she would have more time to pet Silver?