
Training and Time skip

Chapter 3

Training and Time skip

5 years and 2.5 months later (27th July 2014):

"Come on faster, faster" Sergeant yelled at us from over the cliff.

'Come on man just 1 round left then I can rest up' I reminded myself running with other guys. I quickly got lost in thoughts of the last 5 years to ignore the burning pain in my lungs, legs, shoulders… well, the whole body.

This was my first summer camp at the military base and I can safely say that in a month my physical endurance has shot up exponentially.

It took more than a month to convince my mom to let me come here and that too with my pile of complaints, I get from schools… It was quite difficult for me to convince her while changing schools every now and then for beating some wealthy businessmen' son or back talking to some teachers

If my marks were not in the top tier and I was not a famous person, I am sure I would have been expelled much early and even with my parents' money and influence, I wouldn't have got into any school.

I had to guilt trip, my mother, in the end otherwise I would have missed this. Thankfully my previous summer holidays were not wasted. My parents sent me on a camping trip just like last time. Last year was my 3rd and hopefully the last trip. 1st trip was amazing. The second was also good but more than that and you start getting bored. The 3rd trip was so boring, I had half a mind to leave it in between.

Japan has mountainous terrain so going on a camping trip was common. It was your usual camp. We had to sleep in tents, bathe in the river and cook our food by ourselves. I even learned to swim there during my first time. Truthfully I totally forgot to learn swimming as I didn't learn it in my last life but thanks to that trip I learned it.

Thankfully we didn't have to hunt for our food other than some occasional fishing but it gave me some knowledge in what to expect from the future, if, mankind was wiped out. By the last time, instructors didn't even need to bother as I already knew everything.

For my first time, it was an enlightening month away from all the distractions of the city. I fully enjoyed nature. It was something else. I even forgot about the future zombie pandemic while I was there enjoying nature. The ever-present tension was lifted from me due to that camp.

Today was the last day of the military camp, while I was not allowed to handle guns or even taught how to use them; my body was ground through hell and back in last month.

At the age of 14+, I was quite tall for my age, standing at 5'4 with a lean but strong body. Cross country race lifting pieces of equipment with us, exercising day and night for a month would do that to anybody.

Yeah… exactly it was not your normal summer camp where kids come for playing and fun, it was another one – for Military candidates. Trust me it was very difficult to join as it is only for above 18 years old. Thankfully other candidates thought I was just short and young-looking. All that grime and dirt really helped me in hiding my identity.

Apparently, there is a law against training child soldiers. I didn't even know child soldiers existed in this reality. My father had to ask for a favor from uncle Takagi and then too, it was quite difficult, even with both of their political clout.

Didn't I tell you about my father's profession?

I didn't huh….

Well, my father is in the same political party as Souichiro Takagi but on a lower tier. We also have many properties spread throughout the city which are used to collect rent. It is actually our main source of income and fortune.

While my father is in a political party, my mother manages a small company that deals in new inventions. If the invention is profitable then the inventor is given a percentage of the profit. The company markets the product. The whole cost of manufacturing and transporting is also given by the company although it deals with small-time inventions.

Getting back to my training,

My Mix-Martial arts training was done in just 3 years, with the help of my 'sensei'. I even had few trophies back at home to prove it. Till now I had participated in the competitions which were all over in the country and winning most of them. It gave me some recognition across the country and made my school back off from rusticating me for beating up bullies. After all which school doesn't want to have the top martial artist in their school?

Through those competitions, I also met the 5th character of the series: Hisashi Igou.

At that time I was at the cusp of being 12 years old while he was some 10-years-old kid. The competition was for Under 12, so naturally, I qualified. Any martial art was allowed.

I faced him in the quarter-finals in which I easily won. Initially, I was a little out of it as I recognized his name. But I shook off my shock and easily defeated him. Still, I wasn't about to miss an opportunity to befriend a character. When he was down I helped him get up and complimented on his fighting prowess even though I wasn't much impressed with his martial arts. Then again he was only a ten-year-old boy.

Anyways, I invited him to spar at any time which he didn't take although he started coming after our 2nd meeting. He was quite surprised that we lived in the same city and not too far away.

From then he and I became sparring buddies through those sparring didn't help me much, as I was quite superior in martial arts compared to him. His prowess, on the other hand, increased quite much with all the practice he did with me. We were not quite friends. You could say we were more like acquaintances who had the same hobby or more like I was his 'senpai' and guided him in martial arts skill.

Hiashi was like something Naruto, very jubilant and outgoing. He was very different from his canon counterpart. I suspected that something or some incident will mellow him out as in the canon, he was definitely not like this. I was sure of that.

Most of my initial training was done in the Dojo with my sensei.

Speaking of my sensei – He was from China. He stood at 5 feet, quite small. I was about the same height when I last saw him.

He was very professional but a cruel man. I later got to know his sadistic personality when he belittled some students just after a month of my joining. He expected all his students to be ruthless as him. The first 3 years were not bad, as I was in the beginner's class, just learning the steps and stances. I diligently practice all the stances. It became second nature to me after practicing for 3 years.

When I got in higher class (3rd highest), it all changed. It was after the summer holidays. I just came back from my 2nd camping trip. We were shown how to spar only after 2 years of practicing.

During the spar when he asked me to 'finish' (knockout) a student who was already on the ground after I beat him. I refused to do it. Not because I wanted to but because I decided to take a stand. Truthfully, I liked his teachings. He taught us to be ruthless while fighting, which I admired. But, lately, I started noticing some problems. Due to his teaching, the students were beginning to get into bullying.

I wanted to stop that though, I had to give it to him. He only showed this side when students had already studied under him for years. By then students were used to obeying his order so nobody questioned him.

Next, I knew was he told another student to teach me the lesson; and then next until I was black and blue. Still, I didn't obey him. He had no choice but to send me away when the time was over. By the time it was over, I had beaten 5 students of the beginner's level which was quite frankly good; scary good.

I was somehow able to hide all my bruises from my parents. Not because I was scared. Well, I was scared but I could have easily told about it to my parents who would have taken some actions against him.

But I didn't. The reason was simple. I wanted to check my theory.

It proved to be true the next time I was there.

If my theory would have been wrong, I would have told my parents everything…. It didn't prove wrong.

I went there again after a week, as it took a lot of time to heal all those bruises. They were quite surprised to see me there. No doubt, they thought I won't be coming back.

When it was time for the spar, naturally I was the first one to be selected. I already knew this would happen so I was prepared. I already healed in 4 days but the last 3 days were spent in training.

This time he told me a year above me to teach me a lesson. This time instead of wearing me down, my 'sensei' sent the best of the bunch. They all were surprised to see me defeat him easily though I took my time in defeating him.

Next, he sent the best that batch had to offer. After quite some time, we both ended up in a draw due to time getting over. We were both evenly matched. In no time, class ended.

When my 'sensei' asked me to stay back, I was suspicious. I decided to stay but be on my guard. When everyone got out, he told me that I will be attending the next batch. I instantly understood his intentions. The next batch was of the senior batch. They were his most prized students. Now I wasn't a coward, but I understood my position so I quickly made a tactical retreat.

I just told him that my parents expected me soon and I couldn't be late.

Before he could refute me, I was out of the Dojo. After all, I wasn't some stupid bloke who would just get beaten for his pride.

I already tested my theory which was the main reason for coming back and there was nothing that was keeping me.

My theory was this:

It appeared that by sparring, I gain experience. Even during the spars, I was constantly improving my fighting style. Even before this, there was this instinct that let me figure out how to fight. It was somewhat like Garou's power (From One Punch Man), the more you fight, the more you learn. I don't know how it happened but I wasn't complaining. If this was a gift from whoever left me here and I wasn't complaining.

I continued to go there 2 more times in the next week. Every time I was promoted to the new batch and every time I either won or the spar ended in a draw. My 'sensei' was so fed up that he decided to teach me the lesson 'himself' at last. That was one of the best experiences I had so far. I didn't win but I didn't lose too badly either. My 'sensei' didn't come out without a set of injuries. I was quite thankful for my body's mutation. Otherwise, I would have easily died then and there.

It took me 2 more times in the next week to defeat him. The last time was far too easy in my opinion which only made him all the madder. He was so mad that he ordered all his 'special' students to kill me. His words, not mine.

Despite that, I was able to win the match. All the bodies groaning under me on the ground only made him madder. He then tried it himself again and got kicked around... again.

I don't know how it happened. I was skinnier than all of them and quite short. Despite that, I was able to win. I know skill can win against age but not when the other person is also skilled. This confused me but, seeing that I couldn't solve it, I let it be.

I left his Dojo in mid-August of that year. I also told my parents about it.

After that, I gave an interview on a local news channel, in which I told him about his inhumane teaching. I didn't have to exaggerate any of his deeds though I did drop a few 'tears' here and there.

His all-time popularity hit rock bottom and mine soared. Some more students came forward to speak against and that sealed the deal. His social life went so bad that he went back to China. I later learned that his teaching license also got revoked, so he had no choice but to go back to China as he could still teach there.

So for the last 2 years, I have spent my time participating in the tournaments. I also started challenging the Dojo's of every martial artist, I could find to further my training. There were many times, I was defeated but it only made me all the stronger.

It took me some tries to defeat them but I did defeat them nonetheless. I have no doubt that my mutation only made it possible. At this time, I have defeated everyone in Japan. My fighting style has changed so much in these last 2 years that it is not even funny. I had to change it to defeat my opponents. I even used the internet to watch some fights and learn from them. Unfortunately, they were not that efficient. Still, it was better than nothing.

I also met Hiashi again when I challenged his master. His master sent me one of his best pupils, which surprised the shit out of me. It was not Hiashi. Usually, the dojo masters first send one of the beginner's levels to defeat me as my popularity was still not much that they knew about me. Only after that, they send one of their prize student or their champion of the Dojo. Only when I defeat them, I go away…. only to come back once all their classes are over.

After all, it is not good to defeat the masters in front of their students. I only defeated the masters in front of their students who were like my 'sensei'. It quickly circulated that I was going around defeating all the masters of Dojo.

It looked like the masters of the Dojo's are like gossip queens.

In the last 5 years, I have learned everything there is to learn in the world of martial arts. Many masters, in fact, told me so. It even showed during the spars I had with them.

I was also called 'Dojoyaburi' as a nickname. It is a term that means the one who challenges Dojo and defeats them. This practice was actually used in the past to showcase one's dojo prowess when one defeated the rival dojo. The other dojo usually gets closed after that. It's ironic I was doing the exact opposite thing. It's not like I did it for my dojo or sensei.

This practice was stopped in the early '90s so when I did this, the first few dojo masters were surprised. After that, it became common knowledge that I was seeking every dojo to further my abilities. You gotta' respect the networking of the dojo masters.

I wanted to try out some underground fights but I decided to try that later. I did not want to die just because I became arrogant.

Though my popularity continued to soar, my social life was a bust. I only had 1 friend 'my age' and that was Asami. It was only possible because she lived near our house with her parents and brother. There were a few who wanted to be my friends but I easily understood their intentions. Either they just wanted to be friends with someone popular or their parents set them up.

Initially, I even tried to drop Asami as my friend but she didn't let me do it. She was like a parasite that refused to go away. Soon after, I started liking her presence and so she became my friend.

There were Hiashi and Saya, but they were younger and quite immature. Moreover, they were acquaintances at best.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even listen to our sergeant saying to stop. I was jolted out of my thoughts when a candidate bumped into me.

Next chapter