
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 14

As Aerion walked through the less crowded, pristine streets of King's Landing, he took in the scene around him with satisfaction. This exclusive district, lined with his stores, bustled with noble lords and ladies who came for the high-quality goods and luxuries he provided. Aerion's gaze swept over the well-maintained shops, noting with pride how busy they were, filled with the elite of the city. Yet, instead of heading through the front, he wisely moved to the back alley, preferring a more discreet entrance.

He reached a modest door and slipped inside, entering the storeroom filled with crates and supplies. Passing through the storeroom, he made his way to a small office at the back of the building. As he opened the door, his eyes met those of Alina, the woman who managed his business affairs. She was a striking figure, her slightly tanned skin and curly brown hair giving her a unique beauty. But what truly set her apart were the determination and ambition that shone in her eyes—traits he had noticed from the moment he freed her from the brothel where she had been sold after escaping her knightly father's household.

Alina was hunched over a stack of scrolls, meticulously reviewing the accounts. She looked up at the sound of the door and quickly stood to greet him. "Lord Aerion, you're here."

"No need to be startled. Have your seat, Alina," Aerion said with a casual wave as he took his own seat.

"Ha...ha, I'm fine, my lord," she replied with a small smile, moving to fetch a glass and a bottle of wine. She poured the wine and handed the glass to him, her movements precise and efficient.

Aerion took the glass, observing her. "It seems you're very busy. Should I find someone to help you?" he asked, his tone indicating genuine concern.

"No, my lord, it's manageable. But there are some matters I believe you should be aware of," Alina replied, her voice steady yet carrying an underlying tension.

"Is something wrong?" Aerion asked, leaning forward slightly, his interest piqued.

"Yes, Lord Aerion. The sales have been seriously affected, almost halved compared to last year's accounts," Alina reported, her brow furrowing in concern.

Aerion's expression darkened. "What happened? Is someone targeting us or is it something else?"

"No, my lord. No one's targeting us. In fact, sales within Westeros have increased. However, the war on the Stepstones has severely impacted our export trade," Alina explained.

Aerion nodded, contemplating the situation. "Hmm... don't worry. The war is nearing its end. My uncle is close to securing victory, likely within the next six or seven months."

Alina's face relaxed slightly at his reassurance. "As you say, my lord. But there's more. The brothels have come together, seeking to buy large quantities of our beauty creams, perfumes, medical pills, and even our vigra."

Aerion's interest was piqued further. "What's their offer?"

"They initially wanted a 30% discount, but I managed to negotiate it down to 10%. I was waiting for your confirmation before finalizing the deal," Alina said, her eyes searching for approval.

"You can make decisions on these matters. If you think it's a good deal, proceed as you see fit," Aerion replied, trusting her judgment.

Alina nodded, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Understood, my lord."

Aerion leaned back in his chair, considering his next move. "I want you to acquire at least ten large buildings across the city" Aerion instructed.

"Lord Aerion are you going to build more orphanages or is it for some other project's ?" Alina asked as the last time Aerion bought such large buildings he build orphanages.

"Yes and no, as I have plans to build more orphanages but I also have other plans as well." Aerion informed.

"Yes lord Aerion, I will make sure to acquire them as soon as possible." Alina assured.

"Also, I want you to buy out all the stores within the street and start recruiting skilled cooks, servants, blacksmiths and women proficient in sewing."

Alina's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of expansion. "Lord Aerion, are we expanding our business?"

Aerion studied her for a moment. She was perfect in many ways, but her obsession with gold was both a strength and a flaw. His guards had even reported her recent peculiar habit of sleeping on gold coins, a detail that always brought a smirk to his lips.

"Yes, we are," he replied, a slow smile spreading across his face. "And we're going to do much more than just expanding the business. We're going to reshape the marketplace."

Alina's excitement was palpable. "As you command, my lord. I will begin the preparations immediately."

"Then I will take my leave" Aerion replied as he slowly left the chamber.

Aerion watched as she quickly returned to her work, her mind already racing with plans and strategies. Despite her quirks, she was an invaluable asset.

Departing from the lively avenues of King's Landing, Aerion made his way headed directly to the Dragonpit, a place he was familiar with, not only from inherited memories but also from his own experiences.

"Prince Aerion," a young Dragonkeeper approached him, offering a greeting.

Aerion observed the young man, who was dressed in simple, modest clothing.

These were the Dragonkeepers, a monastic order responsible for guarding and caring for House Targaryen's dragons. They donned plain, modest attire and carried quarterstaves. They also learned to speak High Valyrian.

Noticing Aerion's silence, the young man took the initiative to ask, "What brings you here, my Prince? Are you here to claim a dragon? Should I summon the Elder?"

"There's no need. I just want to enter the pit," Aerion responded, his tone steady as he looked at the young man he knew that the other party was most likely unaware of his ban to claim a Targaryen dragon.

The young Dragonkeeper was puzzled as to why Aerion wanted to enter the dragon pit, as he had never seen any Targaryen venture deep into it for a long time.

However, he didn't dwell on it much and nodded, "Right this way, my prince," he replied, leading the way.

The Dragonkeepers soon arrived at a part of the Dragonpit that was unlike the rest. The floor here resembled steps carved into the stone, with some signals to a corner from the Dragonkeeper.

Soon accompanied by mechanical sounds, the ground in front of them began to break away and descend, unveiling a hidden dark cave beneath.

Aerion calmly followed the young Dragonkeeper. The cave's air was warm and humid, carrying a musty sulphur scent reminiscent of the dragons.

"Prince," the dragon keeper began, ready to continue guiding them, but Aerion interrupted him, "You can leave, I will go on alone"

"Yes, my Prince," the other party bowed, and before he turned to leave, another middle-aged dragon keeper handed a torch to Aerion.

But before both departed the young Dragonkeeper turned as he informed "Prince Aerion, Measter James had prohibited everyone from visiting Dreamfyre due her illness."