
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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Chapter 11

In the meantime, elsewhere.

In a clearing within the royal forest, Rhaenyra, who had previously fled the camp in sorrow, now sat composed on a fallen tree after some interaction with Ser Criston Cole

Before her, a striking knight clad in silver armor and white robes set his sword aside and swiftly added more wood to the bonfire.

"Cole, I never anticipated that your talents would extend beyond swordsmanship," Rhaenyra said, resting her chin in her hands and speaking in a friendly manner.

Cole, with a captivating smile, was preparing a hare he had caught, roasting it over the fire. He responded, "I don't come from nobility. Before I became a knight, I had to handle all sorts of tasks myself. I've hunted in the nearby woods, worked for merchants, and even labored at the docks."

Cole spoke with eloquence, his words as charming as his visage. In every aspect, Christon Cole was indeed exceptional, and Rhaenyra, who was already somewhat taken with his handsome features, found herself even more enchanted.

He was not just a glorious white knight, but also possessed good looks that could captivate any maiden. His gentle words and pure gaze only added to his allure.

Rhaenyra, who yearned for affection and understanding, found solace in Cole's company.

Even though Rhaenyra wasn't aware, deep within her heart, a secret fondness for Cole was taking root. The same could be said for Sir Cole, but bound by his knightly oath and honor, he suppressed any emotions that were not in line with his duty.

As they sat there, engrossed in their mutual attraction, they failed to notice the rustling from deep within the forest. Even Cole, a trained knight, only became aware of the movement when it was almost upon them.



The sudden noise snapped Cole out of his reverie, alerting both him and Rhaenyra. They instantly became vigilant.

Cole unsheathed his sword, stood up, and faced the direction of the sound, ready to confront whatever lurked in the darkness.

"Princess, stay back," Cole instructed as he cautiously advanced towards the unknown.

Within seconds after his words came out, a black-skinned wild boar burst out of the dark woods and charged wildly smashing Cole who was in it's way.


Confronted with the onslaught of an adult wild boar, Cole's eyes widened. He attempted to dodge, but was thrown off balance as his body made an arc mid air. He tried to regain his footing, his sword merely grazed the boar's body.

The boar, with its rough skin and thick flesh, was unharmed by the hasty and weak slash. It only served to enrage the beast further. It failed in its charge and turned around to continue its attack.

This time, it spotted Rhaenyra seated by a thick log and immediately targeted the stunned princess.

"Be careful!" Cole shouted a warning to Rhaenyra as he tried to rise and rush towards the boar with his sword.

In a flash, the wild boar leapt over the burning bonfire and headed straight for Rhaenyra, who seemed an easier and unarmed target.

The bonfire was disrupted, the burning sticks scattered, and the flames shot up into the night sky.

Illuminated by the firelight, the wild boar closed on Rhaenyra. Its sharp fangs and soft belly were less than a hand's width away. The imminent danger of death loomed over Rhaenyra, making her experience the fear of death for the first time.

She tried to resist, pushing the boar's tusk away from her with her delicate hands. Just as Cole was about to reach Rhaenyra with his sword readied to strike down the boar, a sudden sound echoed.




Within seconds, a sword with a blood-red blade flew towards the boar from the darkness. Its blade sliced through leaves, branches, and air alike as it struck the boar's forehead.

With a sudden loud screech from the boar body blurred, as bloody mist splattered. The impact pushed the boar back, impaling it into the tree trunk opposite. The blade penetrated deep into the trunk, leaving the boar hanging its blood oozing out flowing through the blade to the ground.

The handle of the sword almost disfigured the boar's head, as if it had been smashed by a hammer.

A short while before Rhaenyra was attacked.

Ser Harrold and Aerion had been drawn towards the camp by the light of the bonfire. As they neared, they could vaguely make out two figures by the fire. However, Aerion, with his keen vision provided by the Eagle eye Ability, clearly recognized his sister and the King's Guard.

His joy at finding them was short as it quickly turned to fear as he witnessed the boar's attack. He realized his sister was in danger and he was too far away to reach her in time - it would take at least 8 to 9 minutes even if he ran at full speed.

In this moment of crisis, he acted instinctively. Without a second thought for the consequences of revealing his extraordinary strength or the existence of his space ring, he pulled out his sword and hurled it like a spear with all his might.

The blade glowed with red Misty aura as Aerion gathered his mana, as it made its way through the air creating an after shadow of red arc.

"Boom!" The air split as the sword shot forward causing Sir Harrold to be startled.

"Prince Aerion!, this?" Before Ser Harrold can question Aerion spoke "There is no time to chit-chat follow me" Aerion ordered to the stund King'sgaurd before rushing to the camp.

Soon Aerion and Ser Harrold reached Rhaenyra's camp and their approaching sound made the stunned Cristion Cole to react, even though the sword just saved Rhaenyra he was sure if it was a friend or foe, so he stood with a defensive stance ignoring the trembling Rhaenyra.

But soon Aerion and Ser Harrold came out from the drakness and seeing them Criston Cole put down his weapon and greeted, "Prince Aerion, lord cammonder"

Aerion ignored him as he made his way towards his sister as he held her in his arms" Sister Rhaenyra."