
Chapter 1



"DOCTOR MONTGOMERY, we need you in exam room one."

I glanced down at my phone with a long-suffering sigh and then smiled. "Be right there." That whole thing they say about smiling when you talk, it really works. As one of the youngest heads of my department, and add on the fact that I lacked a dick, I didn't have the luxury of having bad days. Nope, I kept that shit locked up behind the door of my office. Thankfully, I have an office to retreat too.

I hadn't ever planned on coming to Paradise General, but after a fight with my mother over whether I had made a mistake putting my career over a family, the distance won out. Now instead of living down the street, the entire country separated us. Some days that still felt too close.

With a sigh, I stood from my desk and made my way out into the hall. I'd always wanted to be a doctor. Funny, most would have thought my parents wanted that for me. Nope, my mom wanted me to be a concert violinist. I played until high school and then one day when she had her back turned, the poor instrument met an untimely death like the leg lamp in A Christmas Story. I have to say, it was one of my finer moments. Once the pesky violin was out of my life, I had time to concentrate on things that interested me, like science.

The hospital was big here, and I worked in a few different departments. That's what drew me to my job. I was well-rounded and doing a rotation in the ER at the moment because the chief of the department there had broken his arm and taken time off to heal.

As I rounded the corner and made my way into the exam area, I grabbed the chart and opened it. I noted Doctor Teller's name scribbled on the bottom and understood why I'd been called. He had the bedside manner of a gnome. He'd also probably headed home after being on duty all night.

"Morning, Ms. Wilson, I'm Doctor Montgomery. How are you today?"

"Okay, but I'm not sure what's going on with me. I'm having these awful cramps."

I flipped the chart back open and checked the paperwork again. At least Doctor Teller had ordered labs, and they'd already come back.

"Well, looks like congratulations are in order."

"What do you mean?" the woman asked, looking around with a horrified expression.

I realized not everyone would be happy to be pregnant, but most women, I hoped, would be. That's why I smiled and said, "You're pregnant. I can order an ultrasound to see how far along you are. Can you recall the date of your last period?"

"I can't be pregnant! My parents will kill me!"

"It's not all that bad. Things always seem worse when you're in shock. It'll be better as you get used to the idea. Let me get these tests ordered, and once you see that little one on the screen, you'll fall in love." I gave my patient a small smile before I made my way out of her room. After putting in for the exam, I headed back to my office.

Fate was a bastard. The past several months I'd been treating all these girls and younger women who were pregnant. Most of them were shocked and not excited about the news I'd given them. If I was surprised, I might not be thrilled either. That didn't change the fact that I wanted a baby desperately.

At age thirty-six, my biological clock wasn't only ticking. I'd hit that fucker's snooze button far too many times, and now it screamed at me to cut the crap and have a baby now. There was just one problem with that. I was a workaholic who didn't get out of the hospital long enough to shower and eat some days, much less date and find a guy who would stick around to marry me and have kids.

That's why I had it all planned out. I'd been a planner all my life, and just like I got rid of the violin, I'd get myself a baby. Hell, being in the medical field, I had plenty of ways to make that happen. There was one logical step for me and that was artificial insemination. I had searched through all the sperm banks in the area, and after careful consideration, I decided that wasn't for me.

Being a doctor made it hard for me to pick a nameless person out of a stack. All the candidates supposedly told you everything in their family history, but I didn't trust it. It was easy to not give whatever information you didn't want to fess up to.

I'd searched high and low, and I'd found the perfect person for the job-a nurse I worked with at the hospital. Now I just had to break it to him.

"Heard you had an interesting case in the ER," Kenton said as he poked his head in the door.

Speak of the devil. Like a sign from above, I smiled and motioned for him to come into my office.

"Would you shut that?" I asked as he took a step through the door.

"Uh oh, I must be in trouble. Did Brad tattle on me?"

Kenton had this easy way about him. The smile that spread across his lips would charm any woman. The employees at Paradise General gave him a hard time, calling him Ken-like the Ken doll-because of his pretty-boy looks.

"No, do I need to be worried?"

"Nah, he's only mad because I beat him in the wheelchair race the other night." My pointed look came naturally, and he held up his hands like he was turning himself in and said, "I swear there was nothing better to do. It was dead that night, and it was between three and four." As if the time mattered.

"Well, that's good, I guess, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."


"No, it's something a bit more personal."

"Now, Doctor Montgomery, you just need to ask, and I'll go out with you. It's not the nineties. Women ask men out on the regular these days."


"To go on a date."

"Well, that's sweet and all, but I don't want to date."

"You don't?" Kenton's face scrunched up in disbelief.


"I swear it looked like you wanted to ask me out. The closed door, all this small talk. I guess I assumed wrong."

"You know what they say about assuming," I quipped.

"Guess that makes me an ass."

"I have a question for you, though."

Kenton's eyes bore into mine, as if he wanted me to change my mind about dating him.

"I want to have a baby." There. I'd just come out with it. That was the best anyway. There was no good way to say something like that.


"I need your sperm."

Next chapter