
Hot Crazy CEO

One morning, he woke up to find himself transformed into the very gender he'd always bullied – a female. ******************************************************** Grey Wang, a tough-as-nails CEO, who's been treating his female employees like his morning coffee – cold and bitter. But here's the twist of the century: one fine morning, Grey wakes up on the wrong side of his manly bed, only to discover he's now wearing the shoes he used to step on – female ones!. Now, with an "OMG, I have boobs?!" moment, he faces a struggle to understand why this happened and how to survive as an ordinary worker in his own company before it crumbles. Get ready for a gender-bending rollercoaster as Grey, now Lisa, navigates a world filled with estrogen, high heels, and the very emotions he once scoffed at. **************************************************** "Gender doesn't define leadership; it's what you do with it that counts” Laughter alert: If you're not a fan of laughter or have a serious allergy to humor, kindly refrain from reading.

HiddenPearl · Urban
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


Grey's POV

The initial shock of seeing my altered reflection in the mirror left me in a state of utter disbelief. I was convinced it was some kind of bizarre nightmare, so I ran back to bed, seeking refuge in the certainty of slumber.

However, as I lay there, I was jolted back to reality by the fact that this was no dream. I sat up , my heart racing, as the realization washed over me: I had truly transformed into a woman. Panic surged through me, and my thoughts raced.

Unable to accept the truth, I dashed back to the mirror, a sense of desperation driving me to confirm what I had seen. In a moment of sheer madness, I raised my clothes and exposed my new form to the mirror. "OMG, I have boobs!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with shock and disbelief.

I reached out to touch them, my fingers brushing over the unfamiliar softness. "They're so soft and warm," I muttered, my hands slipping down into my trousers and I lost consciousness.

Several minutes later, I regained my senses, my eyes wide with panic. I was experiencing a full-blown panic attack, my chest heaving with anxiety. Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone and sent a panic message to Blue, my assistant, pleading for her to come over.


I woke up like this," I repeated, emphasizing the unbelievable nature of my situation.

Blue stared at me, skepticism etched across her face. "It's never possible to wake up that way. Did you have surgery or something?" she asked.

"No, I didn't," I replied. "I just... I have boobs, and, well, a c*ochie." I was still in the throes of my freak-out.

Blue tried to reassure me. "You need to calm down. Its probably stress.We'll figure it out"

"I'm already late for work, and I don't trust anyone there, not even Finn",I protested.

She chuckled at my distrust. "First, I'll pass a message to them at work that you're really sick. I'll dress up and take care of everything. We need to finalize the contract with Joe Hotels today. I'll let them know you won't be coming. You need to rest or It's probably stress."

Her practicality and calm demeanor helped ease some of my anxiety. I finally managed to say, "Thank you."

Blue's response was unexpected. "Wow, you never said that to me. I guess I like female Grey better," she quipped, chuckling ."We need to find out what really happened,do you rem

I spent hours staring at myself in the mirror, desperately hoping that some magic would return me to my normal self. But nothing changed. Eventually, I retired to bed, holding onto the hope that the following morning would bring a return to my familiar identity.

The following morning, I awoke with a surge of hope, hoping against hope that my previous day's predicament was a mere illusion. Swiftly, I touched my chest, only to be met with the undeniable reality that I still had breasts. Panic set in, and I rushed to the mirror once more.

"No, no, no! This can't be happening!" I exclaimed, my frustration boiling over. I began to punch the glass, the pain in my knuckles secondary to the pain in my heart as shards of glass rained down, slicing my hands in the process.

Just as I was hurting myself further, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find Blue standing there, concern etched across her face. "Why are you hurting yourself, Grey? You need to calm down. Stop hurting yourself. Let's find a solution," she urged.

She swiftly took out a first-aid kit and began dressing my wounds. "Well, there's something to make you smile," she said, her tone lightening. "We finalized the contract yesterday, and we got the money."

A faint smile played on my lips. "It's not going to be an easy job, and we have to go according to plans so we wouldn't breach the contract," she continued.

She finished dressing my wounds, and as I got up, she had an idea. "Grey, I know a shaman who might be able to shed some light on this matter. But she's in my hometown, which is quite far away "

Without hesitation, I agreed, eager to find a solution. However, Blue brought up a valid concern. "My hometown is really far, and we can't just leave the company for days. I wish you'd come to the office; some things aren't going as planned."

I hesitated, apprehensive about returning to the office in my altered state. "I can't go like this. They would all make fun of me," I confessed.

Blue offered a practical solution. "They would if you go as Mr Wang, but they wouldn't if you go as Lisa."

My confusion was evident. "Who's Lisa?" I inquired.

With a playful grin, Blue declared, "Well, that's your new name now, Lisa. I'll help you get a job in the company."

I was slightly relieved, as I remembered that after dismissing my previous secretary, I had instituted a policy of not hiring females in my company. I pointed this out to Blue, and she assured me, "I'll take care of it. We need to fake a CV and get to work before it's too late."

After arriving at the office, I remained stubborn and insisted on wearing my suit rather than the dress Blue had suggested. The oversized suit looked comical on my transformed frame, but I clung to my old identity, even though it was now absurd.

As we stood in front of Wang's Empire, Blue leaned in and whispered, "I'll call you Lisa in here. I'm here for you, okay?"

We entered the building, and for the first time as Lisa, I was surprised that the staff didn't pause to acknowledge my presence or bow their heads. Instead, they continued with their tasks, bustling about, which irked me.

Inside the elevator, we made our way to the HR department. Blue called out to Mr. Xu, the HR manager, introducing me as her best friend ,Lisa. He extended his hand and shook mine, offering a compliment. "Nice to meet you, Lisa. You look good."

Blue wasted no time and requested, "I need you to please get her a job here in Wang's Empire."

However, Mr. Xu had news I wasn't prepared for. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I can't help with that request," he replied. "The new policy is no female employees anymore. I need to get back to arranging the files, and the interns are starting today."

Blue, in her usual persuasive manner, attempted to sweet-talk him into helping. She hinted at the possibility of a promotion for him, and he finally agreed. "There's no new job at the moment, but she could take the job as the courier if she doesn't mind.The previous courier quit yesterday ," Mr. Xu said.

Blue seized the opportunity, suggesting that the role of the Director of the HR department would look great on him. Mr. Xu smiled and gave me a task, asking me to make 200 copies of some documents before noon. Blue and I left his office, and as we entered the elevator, I vented my frustration.

In the elevator on the way back, I expressed my frustration. "I can't do this, Blue. Working as a courier, running errands in my own company?" I questioned, my anger evident.

But Blue responded with a sense of practicality. "You should be grateful I got you the job, ma'am. It's not that bad. You could even find out who the mole in the office is, the one who leaked our secret project to the media, or why our financial situation is declining, or why staff members keep quitting."

She continued, "I've been secretly working on that. You could help me too. It's your company. Take good care of it."