
Hot Bodyguard, Sassy Heiress

Jane Morrison stands next in line to inherit the Morrison fortune. A near-death ambush escape leaves her dad with no choice but to hire a bodyguard. Security Guard, Marcus Connelly, struggles to hang on to life as his previous job's complications cost him his partner's life and causes him to flee and seek homage in Austria with his family. He is drowning in debts and yet to get on his feet when a light at the end of the tunnel shines on him; a job as a bodyguard to a wealthy heiress. He is determined to keep her safe and impress her father, but her rudeness, arrogance, and pampered attitude pose a challenge. What was meant to be a guard-and-mistress relationship, grows into a union that would yield patience, love,. and trials that would enable them to pull through obstacles like an evil boss and a greedy fiancé.

Bright_Akpan · Urban
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4 Chs

The Meeting.

Marcus was more than elated. Back at the forest when he sighted the crashed Bentley, he could tell the lady was rich, but he never for once thought she'd be the daughter of the most wealthy Mogul in Austria. He was about to work for a man so powerful, a snap of his fingers would take out his best of enemies. No more finance issues. No more threats from lenders. This meant a heavy burden was going to be eased off his shoulder. But first, he needed to get along with this lady who sat staring at him as she was his lottery ticket.

"Hi," he greeted me for the second time.

"Look Marcus or whatever your name is, my father, likes you, I don't. But thank you for saving me. I don't need this whole bodyguard thing but it appears I don't have a choice. Go and spit whatever you have to say to him because I need to rest," said Jane as she returned to her sleeping position on the bed.

He was dumbfounded. How could this rich brat even think of talking to him like that? This girl needed to be taught a lesson in gratitude and attitude. Not wanting to ruin his chances, he kindly exited the room to cool down his fuming temper.

As soon as he sighted his new boss in the hallway, he ran up to him, making the man who had just finished rounding up with some journalists spin around to face him.

Struggling to catch his breath when he finally caught up with him, he spoke, " Sir, your daughter doesn't like me. It's going to be tough, but I think I can pull it off."

"Marcus, why don't you leave for now and come to our place tomorrow around 3 pm and we can discuss your new job? Jane is stressed out right now and needs a little rest and time to think."

"I understand sir. I will be there. But can I request my mom be present? She would want to thank you personally."

"Sure, why not? Just be on time."

"Okay, Sir. Bye."

As he headed down the hallway full of flirty stares and on the way home, he still couldn't get in touch with reality. The man was so poised, graceful, and surprisingly affable— qualities he had convincingly expected him to lack. He was outrightly dissimilar to his daughter who despite her beauty, had given him the impression of being a mouthful of utter rudeness. He put the line of thought on hold as he made his way into his abode.

Creaking open the door, Emily, his sister's face was the first thing that welcomed him.

"How did it go?" she asked, barricading the front door as she interrogated him with her face hunched in anticipation.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes," she said as her hands left the doorway gaining him entrance into the house.

"Marcus! Is that you?" his mom's voice and the spicy aroma of the meal she was preparing caught his ears and nostrils respectively in the couch which he now slumped on.

"Yes, mum. And please come out when you're done, I have something to say."

Feeling uneasy, he strode across to his room, and after a cold shower and changing into a more comfy outfit, he reappeared in the makeshift living room.

His curious little sister had already occupied her seat at the dining table with her ears itching to absorb what he had to say, while his mom was dishing out the meal and after her custom of sharing the grace, she went straight to the reason for the summon.

"So, are you hired yet? Cause when the bank serves its notice next week, we are going to be homeless."

Starting with a little chuckle at how she said it in a matter-of-fact manner, Marcus narrated out how the day's event went and ended it with, "Mr. Morrison hired me."

Emily's jaw was on the floor. Jane Morrison was like her model. She deeply envied her, in a good way though. The mere thought of her one day being able to meet the heiress was the height of her dreams.

"Oh my gosh! I can't wait to meet Jane," Emily said as her face flushed from fantasizing.

"Trust me, even if you could, you wouldn't want to. She is so annoying and hard to be around," Marcus said in irritation as he sliced the beef on his plate.

Mrs. Rebecca on the other hand was unmoved. She sat contemplating the proposal. She didn't feel safe around rich people since she lost her husband in a burglary that happened in one of the mansions he worked as a chef. She cringed at the mere imagination of her son taking down three armed men. She wasn't ready to lose a son either.

"You're not going there," she thundered, pausing the joyous chatter Marcus and Emily were having.

"What?!" they both chorused.

"I am not repeating myself."

"But mum, I don't have a choice. The bank is serving a notice, my side loans are chewing me up. I get your point but we can't risk this opportunity," he said, trying to make her see things with him.

"You can always find another offer. Risking your life like your last job shouldn't happen again," Mrs. Rebecca said, picking up the cutlery she dropped.

"Mum, don't eat much. You still have a dinner to attend," his smart sister tried to change the topic.

"What dinner?" his mom asked, puzzled.

"He invited me and you to lunch at their mansion."

"Fine. But any slight danger sign and you are out, understood?" she hesitantly warned in surrender."

Raising his hands dramatically, he agreed, finished off his meal, and went out for an uneventful run to clear his head.


As soon as the motorcade carrying her and her parents pulled up at the mansion the following day, she immediately went up to her room to rid herself of the previous day's stress. Her mum was already en route to board a business flight, but her dad had insisted on staying back to ensure his daughter was comfortable and also prepare for the meeting with Marcus.

The fragrance air as she stepped foot into her room danced with her nostrils putting her legs in a static spell as she paused to it all in. Flinging her handbag across the room, she crashed into the comfort of the well-dressed king-sized bed.


"Miss Jane, your dad needs you downstairs," a maid's voice at the door rang out disrupting her beautiful sleep.

"I'm coming," she barked, making the maid flinch as she sat up and rubbed the remnant of her 4-hour nap from her eyes with the aid of her palm.

As quickly as she could, she freshened up, changed clothes, and descended the steps to meet Marcus looking all cordial and sexy and he was accompanied by an aged lady who he strikingly resembled.

"Welcome to our humble home, Oh! Look! There she is. Mrs. Rebecca, my daughter, Jane," announced her father when he sighted her.

Totally ignoring Marcus, she mouthed a quick "welcome ma'am" to the woman her dad introduced as Marcus' mother and then headed for the dining table.

While she was lost nibbling away at her food, Mr. Morrison, seated adjacent to her, called, " Jane, is that convenient for you?"

She raised her face from the food and after stealing a glance at Marcus who was displaying one of his killer smiles, turned to my dad, " Sorry what?"

Nervously sighing, Marcus passed her the terms of service which was precisely drafted out on a sheet of paper; Respect Jane's private space except in cases of emergency, no emotional attachment whatsoever during working hours, working hours are from eight in the morning till when she gets back, work description is security guard/ personal assistant, and earnings to be paid monthly is 50,000 Euros.

She had no complaints about the agreement as she was still in control, so she responded with an affirmative "yes.' All she wanted was to just finish the damned dinner and go back to her room to prepare for another booze-filled night at the club. But Marcus' mum seemed to have different plans for her.

"Jane dear, how are you doing? You sound a little less lively," she asked Jane with a motherly tone sprinkled over her words.

Sensing worry in her voice, Jane politely answered, "I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday so I'll be fine."

That was the first time Marcus had heard something nice escape those curvy lips of hers. After all, maybe she wasn't so much an asshole as she appeared to be. Then an idea popped into his head.

"Mr. Morrison, thanks for the dinner, but if I need to start work tomorrow as you say, I need to fill in the schedule and routes we are going through so I can know how to arrange the security team."

"I understand. Jane, why don't you show Marcus your schedule, I'm still trying to calm his mum over here," he pointed to Mrs. Rebecca who was cracking up in laughter.

Her face immediately sprang upon hearing her name, and after a moment of debate within herself, she finally beckoned on himself on to follow her.

The garden they went to was exquisite. The evening was still young, so the reclining sun was illuminated enough for one to admire the pink flower petals that drizzled around the fountain at the center.

"It is a beautiful garden you have here, but you look more beautiful," he complimented as his gaze scanned the garden and finally rested on her.

"Don't disturb my ears with unneeded compliments. In this iPad is how my weeks are going to look like."

She continued to elaborate the timetable, but he could help but notice the on-the-job attitude she was showing.

"Are you always like this to others or it's just to me?" he casually asked.

"I'm a lady that doesn't condone unprofessional manners when it comes to working. Who are you, Mr. Marcus? Because for a second there, you had me thinking you were a professional that understood the importance of upholding an agreement," she stated bluntly without mincing words.

"Finally! Playing hard to get I can see, I like that. You want formal, okay. I will see you tomorrow Ms. Jane," he said as he grabbed the tablet and joined the others for a glass of wine, after which he headed out with his mom, leaving Jane slightly gobsmacked.