
Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Author-san here! Well, you're smart to stop by here. So I won't praise you all anymore. (^_^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly pop your popcorn and read away!  Oh… And don't forget to check out my other books: • I'm The King Of Technology •Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me! And, •In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park... You can also visit my website for more books: https://LumydeeNovels.Gumroad.com/ Ps/// THE PACE WILL BE SLOW AT THE BEGINNING TO SET EVERYTHING IN MOTION. But after a while, it will pick up quickly. . . Now, back to the synopsis. Er-Erhmm.. (narrator-voice on) ... In another world called Blue Star, the famous son of wealth, Dorian D. Tian, is thrown into a whirl of unfortunate circumstances, resulting in his death. . His parents had a brutal car accident that left them in a coma, and his uncle had quickly taken over the company,  and seized the company, making sure that he was financially crippled for good. With that, the famous young master struggled desperately. And in the end, he gave in to his despair and depression, leaving the sad, lonely world. The end? Heh... Think again! Because in that brief moment, the lifeless corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a deep calm look. That's right. Another mysterious soul had entered the body. But if one thought this story was just about revenge, then sorry... that wasn't even the half of it! .... The mysterious entity suddenly triggered an exorcist system. And from then on, both humans and even those from the underworld shuddered in fear and despair at the mysterious soul's cruelty. [Humans]: "Demon! Demon! You're definitely a demon!" [Demons]: "Help! Help! The famous demon wants to eat me!" [Evil Spirits]: "You!... Are you the one who is an evil spirit or us? Why the hell did it seem like you're the demonic one instead?" [Ghouls]: "You stay away from me! Stay away from me now, you evil entity!" [Hellhounds]: "Are you sure you're not the son of hades?" The system couldn't help looking at its host in doubt. Its indicators said that its host was indeed mortal. But why did it feel like something was wrong with its host? Dorian lightly chuckled in amusement. He would also like to ask the same question. What exactly was his identity? Well, this would be the biggest mystery of all. But Dorian wasn't in a hurry. Who were his enemies, and who were his allies? Soon, he would find the truth. In the meantime, why not play a little? "Demon! stay back!" "Oooo~~~... I... I want to go back to the underworld where it's safe." "Run for your lives! The demon is here!" …..

lumydee · Horror
Not enough ratings
561 Chs


Sota was left standing in a daze.

What was this?

He squeezed the little bell in his pockets with a hint of fear and confusion.

But very soon, he shook off the inkling of fear and stared at Dorian's fading silhouette angrily.

What was this stupid nonsense about his time being up?

For sure, this bastard only said those things to scare him and run away.

To think that he almost fell for it.


Sota was about to take out the bell and throw it away, but he suddenly stopped his actions when his hands came in contact with the bell.


There was no way that he would need that bastard's help.

He only kept the bell to see what tricks the good-for-nothing was up to.

Yes... That was it, and nothing more!

After adjusting his mindset, Sota hugged the beauty and left the scene with his guards, not knowing of the ominous shadow following him.

Dorian chuckled a bit after leaving the scene, causing Butler Sheng to be more confused than ever.

Could it be that there's really something wrong with the young master's brain?

As a family member, he wanted to find out what the whole scene back there was about.

But as a butler, he shouldn't be asking too many questions.

Again, what left him a little hurt was that the young master was making plans and didn't involve him in it.

Doesn't that mean that the young master doesn't trust him?

How else is he supposed to let the young master know that he's not alone if the young master decides not to open up in the end?

The young master can't and shouldn't get his hands dirty when coming up with any plans.

It should be him or the other remaining guards who should do things.

Butler Sheng, who had taken himself as a family member all these years, was a little hurt and inwardly sulking.

He opened his mouth and closed in hesitation without making a sound.

Dorian, who had been walking ahead, suddenly stopped, startling him.

"Butler Sheng. You have been loyal and trustworthy to our household since I can remember. 

So you are also my person.

That's why whatever I have planned, you will be one of the first to know.

All this in due time, butler Sheng.

All in due time."

"Yes, young master."

Butler Sheng's mood improved, and the duo proceeded into the V.I.P ward once more.

At least that bastard uncle of his still kept his promise of leaving his parents in the V.I.P ward.

He probably did this to keep suspicions out of the way.


~Peep. Peep. Peep. Peep.~~

The machines beeped loudly in the silent room.

Seeing that it was Dorian coming in, the bodyguards who had been guarding their master and mistress faithfully, finally gave way and stepped aside.

Dorian looked at the handsome couple placed close to each other and felt a strong wave of emotions hit him.

Maybe it was because of the original owner's emotions, but seeing the couple like this made Dorian angry with rage.

His hands trembled as he gently caressed the pale faces of the handsome man and woman lying down.

In his previous life, he had also been an orphan who was never adopted.

That's right.

No visitor or guest ever chose him when it came to adoption.

According to many, he was too gloomy, and they liked children that constantly smiled and buttered them up.

For him, he wouldn't say he was gloomy.

He just didn't find anything that interested him much.

He hardly spoke, making many think he was mute, and he spent his entire time reading whatever books were brought into the place.

So he lived in the orphanage till he was able to leave and get a job for himself.

And that's when he discovered the highlight of his past life.

From there on out, everything about him was a mystery.

He had seen and done one too many things that no one around him knew of.

Even those he sometimes did 'jobs' with weren't aware of his other professions.

He was an enigma wrapped in a riddle.

And because of this, he rarely had emotional bonds with people.

But now, what he felt was so strong that he almost couldn't control himself anymore.

Alright. Since he was Dorian and Dorian was him, he would take and treat them like his parents.

'I swear! I swear that I will get revenge for you all and do everything I can to wake you up! 

Just wait for me, parents. It won't be too long.'

With that, Dorian kissed them on their foreheads while deep in thought.


There was something that had been bugging him since he came to this world, but now it couldn't be clearer.

The him in this world looked identical to the him of his previous world.

They also had similar habits growing up, although his was extreme.

And when he came onto this world, he felt like their souls had been merged into one instead.

Thinking about it more, he felt like even if the system wanted to force some other person into this body, it wouldn't have worked.

It was like a fraction of his soul had been kept here just for him.

Why was that?

Dorian felt that his entire existence might be a mystery that he would have to solve.

And since another fraction of his soul was here, he was more inclined to believe that the answers would all be here as well.

Who was he?

What was he?

For the first time, Dorian was utterly stumped.

He had a hunch that only by growing in strength would he be able to get his answers.

But now, he was sure that the parents here were his true parents too.

Sigh... What a confusing turn of events.


Dorian went through his parents' files, as well as inspected them, ensuring that there were no supernatural entities around.

Of course, he secretly paced several talismans around to ward off any troubles from both humans or creatures alike.

One could never be too safe.

And when he was done, he looked at all 5 bodyguards, alongside Butler Sheng with a calm expression on his face.

It was time to let them in.

But the question remains... Can they handle it?