
Chapter XXIII: Beyond knowledge

After that big flash, the young people realized that they appeared in the city library. Concerned that the librarian would find out, Hobson asked Dominus:

- uh... excuse me, don't you think Mr. Hoffman knows we're here with you?

- "quiet young Hobson as long as you see my presence the space time where I am will be stopped... are you ready for the test?"-

- Well... I'm ready.

- "you must know that the wisdom keeper was the one who not only guarded all knowledge... also possessed all the knowledge of the world, if you claim to be worthy of being the next wisdom keeper you must answer: What was the one thing the ancient wisdom keeper could never learn?" -

- Come on, old man! He couldn't have asked for something easier - says Lenz

- Lenz! - they all say

- Sorry... I better not speak-