
Horus: The Forsaken Sage

Humans... The beings that were forsaken by the Existence faced their last battle with the utmost conviction to save their race.... "Conviction my ass, every single great family was a slave to those lizards damn those son of bitches" ----------------- ---------------- ------------------- --------------- -------- [I the World Spirit of Celestia greet My Son Alexander Sylvius, it's about time you reclaim what's yours, and shed that weak past of yours.......] "You have awakened huh, now that everything is doomed! Took you long enough" The humans were even forsaken by their own world spirit.... -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- [Alexander, My Son are you ready to enter the Genesis Plane] Yes, The genesis plane, the strongest pillar of existence, where the laws governing the reality resides, the plane which held the secrets to.............. ------------------ [Fate Of Oroborus] The Timeline resets causing the future to be disrupted from the original path... ---------------- Join to see how Alexander schemes against other nations, destroy the plans of other Race and bring Forsaken Beings to the Peak of what the universe has to serve... And unravels the mysteries surrounding his existence... ______________________________________________ hi there! thank you for reading my novel, do let me know if you have any suggestions, or advices you would like to share, critisism much appreciated

Infinity_Quill · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Introspection

Sighing at his plight, Alex enters the hut, the interior wasn't too extravagant, while having all necessities like bed, work table, a fire place, etc..

Without further ado Alex, closed the door, and shut the windows, darkness took over the room, Alex sat down on the floor in Lotus Postion. And focus inwards, examining his new body, with utmost care, leaving no nook or cranny of his body left unchecked.

But to dumbfound him, he found him unable to enter his mind space, something that shouldn't be a big deal for him...

"Leave it... I will focus on that later, for now I want to see why I can't use my ability" Alex engrossed himself with his ability, going through every possibility he could think of..

"Could it be....? Yes thats it" Alex found the reason, but his face turned sour, "how could I even forget it, an ability manifests when the soul resonates with the body...." Alex sighed

" And it seems my soul is the same as the one in my past, but my current body feels artificially created, by converting energy into matter, haah that was to be expected only my soul has entered the genesis plane"

"This won't do, if it goes like this I won't even be able to manifest my other talents, leave average my combat strength will be that equivalent of cannon fodder"

Alex had two choices, he either somehow solves the crisis of his body or transfers his consciousness into a mechanical body, while choosing the later his only choice of progression will be to upgrade his body.

Even his knowledge of the past won't help him, to enact any of his plans he will need precious resources, which are nowhere near his reach.

Alex shook his head, "leave the concerns to my future self, anyways nothing goes as planned. Currently let's focus on strengthening the body"

Before Alex could start, his stomach growled, making him attend his more intermediate needs. It was already night time, so he decided to go join everyone in dinner, he opened the closet, getting himself something decent to wear.

Alex headed out, observing the village as he went on towards the communal area of the village. When he reached, he was presented with a bonfire in the middle surrounded by villagers who were savouring the food, with children playing every now and then.

He got himself a plate full of food, and found himself a secluded place to eat. Alex pondered on what he is to do.....,

Hey... Ethan, right?? a description of the guy Alex nodded,

"I'm Chris, I live next door to you, hey so could you describe the forest?, it's forbidden for others to enter it except the hunters"

Alex went on to describe whatever he saw, mostly about the huge trees, and a made up story of how he escaped.

After listening to Alex, Chris exclaimed fantastic, "now I wanna head in too, it would be so fun, I could definitely take on one or two of those panthers, you mentioned"

After listening to Chris, Alex's face twitched, yea like hell you could face someone who even I couldn't he was about speak him mind, but then he remembered nvm, I am the blank here.

Getting reminded of his inability, Alex got pissed, to shoo away Chris he asked "hey, where are your parents??, go give them company instead of me"

"They... passed away, I'm a orphan"

The atmosphere got weird"perfect, that's exactly what I was missing" Alex grumbled mentally.

"So what do you?" Alex asked to deviate from the topic.

"I collect wood from the forest, not alone ofc, the hunters accompany me"

Slowly the both started opening up, somehow Chris exactly matched the his vibe. They went to talk for hours, throughout Alex started asking about where they were in the empire, most answers left unanswered, as Chris wasn't ignorant about it.

Alex also went out to meet his rescuers, Jack and Emily, expressing his gratitude. They tried assuring Alex, that he will awaken his ability later on, and not to worry about it.

And so the dinner concluded, Alex went on his way, Chris accompanying him, he internally thought "things aren't so bad here, maybe I need not rush things"

Alex reached back home, "now that everythings done, let's start by getting my body in place before I start cultivation" Alex once again meditated in the dark room, apparently he preferred cultivating in the dark.

Alex started focusing, but rather outwards, he struggled a lot, that was to be expected because though he had some strength in his past, it was based on a weak foundation.

He had started too late, and to make up for it strength he consumed all expensive elixirs and pills using them to amass mana, and his combat was mainly aided by Nebula.

Alex refused to give, trying harder, initially nothing happened, but slowly many bright blue particles emerged, converging towards Alex, he subtly guided them, making them pass through his body, and then exit from the pores on his skin.

He used the mana to replenish his body, making it artificially provide nourishment to his body, Alex continued to repeat the cycle with much effort, each cycle making his complexion slightly better.

Alex went on strengthening his body, throughout the night, stopping only when the morning arrived, his body wet with sweat. He got freshed, changed his clothes, and went out.

His body now appears as 13 year olds should, while appearing slightly muscular. He headed out, the villagers looking at him, in surprise to see him recover in, but a day.

Someone in the crowd muttered, though without an ability, he does seem to have some gifts.