
Horus the falcon

This is a story about Horus, who was a superhuman, living in the lands of the god's and fairies. This story is full of monsters who were fighting the children of the light. Horus had a destiny to bring together the magic world and the human world together. He is met with many experiences in his journey as he travels in the human world. He is challenged by the Lord of Darkness Seth into his throne, who keeps fighting against him and destroying his plans, and Horus should act as the protector. A war takes place between Horus armies and that of Seth and a great final frontier is confronted in who the victor has to take the throne as one is defeated. Horus then must build the new world, with his wife Xena beside him.

Iman_Questa · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Horus asked ''Would I be born in a new family or I will be a dream walker''? Xiang said ''You would have to chose that yourself"' Troy responded ''I think that will take time and may have its own difficulties, rather be a dream walker with an avatar body that will suitable for you''. Horus responded ''Wont the avatar also need adapting as I would have if I took a new born avatar'' Troy responded ''Yes, but the time frame will be different, plus you wont be having an amnesia as would when you are a baby''. Xiang responded ''And I have just an avatar for you, I just need to finish it up and it looks like you'' Sir. Lancelot ''We must decide also on your new identity there and all things you need down there as an agent''. Horus asked ''would I be alone down there, apart from the behind the team of course'' Sir. Lancelot said ''I'm glad you asked, we have agreed that my daughter will later on join you on the mission''. Horus replied ''Your daughter, whose that now''? Sir. Lancelot said she will join us for dinner tonight, you will have an opportunity to see her''. Horus said ''So basically this whole mission is fighting from the inside against the infiltration of Seth which dominates the people's minds.'' Xiang responded ''Yes and its very important that you keep your true identity hidden, till the right time comes. You will be making friends there and acting normal as a human, fortunately you wont be having your powers with you, they will be returning bit by bit'' Horus interjected ''the lack of my powers scene is the most difficult one, how do I fend myself against Seth and his minions if I am powerless'' Troy responded ''Because we will be there to assist you all the way, you can count on us''. Horus replied mumbling ''I wish I can count on myself rather'' Xiang said ''But you will eventually have all your powers back, on the final frontier with Seth you will be as you are now''. Horus replied ''Much better, so when is the mission beginning'' Sir. Lancelot said ''in few months from now, I say the work must start, but yet again I guess, Troy has to give the permission for you''. Troy said ''Yes, I fully understand at the time, I agree with you Sir. Lancelot, lets say two months, but I will have to inform the elders'' Sir. Lancelot said ''Well gentleman, I think its time for dinner'' they all went out from the chamber to the dining hall, and the table had been set, and they all sat down. Sir. Lancelot's daughter Xena came in and sat along with them, and she was very pretty, with dreadlocks that reached to her waist. Sir. Lancelot said ''Oh gentleman, this is my lovely daughter'' and they all nodded their heads to welcome her, Horus was mostly taken by her beauty. Troy said ''Nice to meet you Xena, you have such a great presence, and this is Horus my mentee''. Xena replied ''Nice to meet you Sir, and Horus'' Horus just nodded and said ''Nice to meet you Xena''. Sir. Lancelot said ''Well Horus, Xena will be your companion down there, and I find that you may both be suited for each other''. Both Horus and Xena looked shyly at each other. They all began to eat while they converse, and Troy said ''I must admit the meal is spectacular'' Sir. Lancelot said ''Yes, we have the best chef's in Town''. Horus said ''Will I be able to have children down there'' Xena chuckled and looked down, and continued eating. Sir. Lancelot said ''Oh my, you not there for children, do you think you will make the time'' Horus said ''But I am there to have an earthly experience am I not, what's the fun if I am deprived of the privilege's that come with being human'' Troy said ''I think you do have free will and if you want that experience, you can create it, we not there to control you but help you make better decisions around your mission that's all. Xena said ''And I am not the mother type, I am a warrior'' and she looked at Horus while taking a sip of wine, Horus said ''Well am sure I will bump into people who will be interested in my kids'' Sir. Lancelot said ''I think by the time you get there, with all the mission projects that will be waiting for you, you may lose that desire''. Horus said ''You mean its that hectic'' Xiang said ''This is not a holiday resort, its hell by the way''. After the meal, Xena and Horus took a walk around the garden, Horus said ''This is a beautiful place you got here'' Xena said ''Indeed it is, I take walks here when I feel I need to recharge myself, it always gives me peace'' Horus said ''Doesn't the experience of earth frighten you and the mission we have, we like savours and am not sure am ready for the title and the responsibility'' Xena replied ''It doesn't get to me at times, but I been preparing all my life for it nonetheless, so I was born prepared''. They both looked at each other and giggled, Horus picked up a rose, smelled it and gave it to her, she also smelled it and smiled. Horus said ''I admire your courage, I think you will make a best team down there'' she smiled and said ''I like your vibes too Mr. Daddy'' Horus said ''Hey, you making fun about me and having children aren't you'' she smiled and said ''not really, maybe not my ideal, but I admire one who resonates with that, it means they more than what I am not''. Xiang came and said ''You are being requested to come back inside to the basement, we will be discussing more on the mission, and then bed after''.