
Chapter. 6. The bathroom of faces.


I took a bite of my juicy apple. There are hardly ever fruits around here. But merchant guys always have a lot of things and today we were indulging ourselves.

-That's all? Don't you want more fruit? - That was Julio, one of the merchant boys.

Thanks to these guys who exchange the objects they get, we managed to survive here. They are handsome and always say nice words. But we must not trust them. Well, we can't really trust anyone.

I looked at the girls doing the exchanges while I was sitting next to Jack who was also eating an apple. Since he showed us his refuge, he has been with us almost everywhere. It seems that we are now a team of four.

The girls came and sat across from us. Classes are over today and luckily we didn't have to face anyone in PE class.

-Aren't you going to buy more fruits? - I asked watching the girls eat an apple each. Abi denied and Verónica explained to me.

-Fruits can spoil. We have no way to keep them fresh.

-These seem fine. So we just indulge ourselves. Also so we finish eating faster and seek refuge first.-I finish clarifying Abi.

We take it for granted not to speak of our refuge. So for anyone, we would be running around. As most groups do.

-There is something left of what I stole ...

- Borrow Abi. Borrow.- I clarify and interrupted Veronica. Take the bag and look at everything in it. Black sheets, dry and canned food, candy, batteries, two lamps.

-There were some jewels, a pair of shoes and a coat. Nothing more.

-Why are the sheets black? I like pink.- Ask interested. Enough black with the darkness of this place.

-You'll see ...- answered a smiling Abi. Veronica took another bite of her apple and said:

"We have to get ready ... you understand?" I shook my head and listened to Jack slapping his palm on the head. It seems that he did.

-Then we'll explain.- Veronica finished.- Besides, it's starting to get cold, we shouldn't risk getting sick.

-Sure! Christmas is coming and the end of the year- I said excited- Do you think they give us a vacation?

Abi lowered her head sadly at my comment, Jack looked away and only Veronica answered me in a low voice.

- I do not believe it.

Everything looked calm, but I can't stop feeling that feeling that they are watching me. It seems that I am not the only one. Abi also looks around us looking for something specific.

"I think the third years don't take their eyes off us." Abi whispered. I looked where she looked to get a reprimand.

-Do not see! Don't be obvious ...- Veronica told me. Hide a bit and take a better look around me.

"Actually I think that boy is paying special attention to you Abi." I said mockingly and she looked with the corner of her eye.

"I found him the other days in the forest." She answered, blushing a little.

-Uuuuu ... What were you doing in the forest, with a boy and alone? - I said to annoy her.

-Look for the ball they had thrown. And by the way ...

Abi told us how he had seen the teachers remove the bodies of three students. They were wrapped in sacks and carried in wheelbarrows outside the school.

-A lot of information for my taste.-Veronica said.

-I met him there, but he's a year older than us. Its name is Tom.

-Anyway, I think the whole school is really paying us too much attention. Something tells me it's because of the football game.- Continuous Verónica.

-I don't understand ...- I said to my friends.- What does one thing have to do with the other? Besides, that was the weekend. -I let them know my point of view.

-Marlia. When I finish the game: How did you feel? Weren't you tired? - Abi began to explain.

-You are right. Quite.

The truth is that I am not used to physical exercises, although I am usually quite energetic. Now that I remember that football game: that day I played like many years ago, and I had a lot of fun. Mainly when he kicks the ball straight into Luis's face. It's been a long time since I laughed like this. Thinking better. It will be OK? Had he bothered? Today I have not seen.

-They wanted to tire us. They wanted us weak to defeat us easily at night.-Abi explained and then Veronica supposed:

-They were probably looking for us. As we have been lucky they have not found us. We must be very careful.

The night was not long in coming. We agreed to separate because it was not a good idea for all of us to go to the safe place at the same time. Veronica went first with a small bag. A while after the lights were turned off and everyone was asleep, Abi went to join Jack. She left me her watch so I could light the way. With that child she did not need to see, for he guided her. After confirming that the rest of the girls were sleeping and leaving the pillows under my sheets, simulating my body, I went to the Face Bath. Just like my friends I carried a small bag with some things.

Walk trying to make as little noise as possible. According to Jack even before 3:00 we had to be careful as some groups began to prepare before Dead Time. That little boy seemed to know a lot more than his sickly state appears. He doesn't seem to have any evil, so I suspect he just wants to team up with us.

Look around me. All day he had felt it. As if someone was looking at me, paying great attention to my every move. I am never wrong about this. That made me nervous. My breathing became ragged. My hands were shaking. No. Marlía concentrate. The girls and Jack are waiting for you. I have to deviate. Change paths even if you arrive a little late to the shelter. I cannot lead my pursuer to my friends.

I quickened my steps as I turned down the opposite hall to get to the stairs. Get into the first class I found. Close the door and be quiet. Hopefully he had been misled. But luck was not on my side today.

"What do we have here?" Asked a cynical voice. I turned around slowly, hoping that voice wasn't with me. However, I found a smile too big to be human.