
Horror Book's #2: The Camping

In a camp far away from everything and everyone, Larry entertains his younger cousins by telling them horror stories. What his cousins didn't know was that the stories in question were true, even if they didn't seem so. Gorge, Amber, Oliver see what they don't want to see, and never doubt their cousin Larry again.

3man7el · Horror
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The Camping

Larry tells horror stories to his cousins, while holding a twig with a small marshmallow on the end of it.

Larry was trying to entertain the children and maybe even pass the time faster.

But Larry couldn't scare anyone with his stories, somehow, those tiny little beings had an enormous amount of courage inside of them.

And they were not even scared by Larry's macabre stories.

"There, in that forest, is where I was attacked by a huge creature. Its jaw was immense, and its teeth barely fit in its mouth. The creature in question, was up to six feet tall, the whole thing was very scary." Says Larry with a scared face.

As much as it might not seem so, the story was true.

However, the children did not believe it, and laughed at Larry's frightened face.

"What are you children laughing at? It really happened." Larry says.

"Cousin, you are a good story maker, but this particular one doesn't seem real at all." Says Amber, Larry's cousin.

"Well, if you don't believe it, it's not my fault at all." Says Larry as I storm angrily off towards the cabin.

All that happy and relaxed atmosphere, is covered by a huge silence and seriousness.

"I wonder if that story about cousin Larry is real for real?" Gorge says.

"I doubt it very much, but he got mad because we doubted him, so I don't know." Says Oliver, gloomy and thoughtful.

"Well, unless we were with him, there's no way to know if it was a real event or not." Says Amber as she chews on a burnt marshmallow.

"I agree, however I still believe that-"

Oliver's speech and interrupted by a huge noise that echoes out of the forest.

"What the hell was that?" Amber says with a startled look on her face.

"I don't know, let's see." Says Gorge as he grabs from his backpack, a flashlight.

"What are you going to do Gorge? What if that story is real?" Amber says.

"It doesn't matter, it's probably nothing but animals walking through the forest." Says Oliver.

"That's crazy." Says Amber watching Gorge and Oliver slowly walk away.

"Well, I who will not be alone here."

Amber grabs her backpack and flashlight and heads towards the boys who are a little ways away.

Oliver points his flashlight at every possible location in the forest.

Meanwhile, Gorge carefully walks over an infestation of thorny sticks.

Amber for her part is afraid, and pensive about that story her cousin Larry told her.

"What the hell is that Oliver?" Says Gorge pointing the flashlight staring at a specific spot.

Oliver then stares at the spot, hoping to see something.

"I don't see anything, what did you see?"

"I don't believe in weird humanoid creatures, however I did see a shape of something running through the trees. And that thing was no ordinary animal, it really seemed to be a creature." Gorge says.

A screeching silence echoes throughout the forest.

"Oliver?" Says Gorge, still pointing the flashlight at the scene.

Then Gorge turns away, and in the blink of an eye, Oliver was no longer there.

His belongings still remained there, but Oliver disappeared completely, quickly, without even giving Gorge time to react.

Pointing the flashlight, he realizes that there are several footprints on the side where Oliver was.

Gorge is afraid, quickly takes Oliver's belongings, and turns around to go back to the cabin camp.

"Where am I? Every time I spend more time here, the more it feels like I'm lost." Amber says.

"You're next." Whispers that seemed to come from inside her head echo.

"Who's there?" says Amber pointing the flashlight everywhere.

"You're next." Again the said whispers.

Amber then decides to take the opposite route and head back home.

While making her way to the cabin, Amber hears heavy footsteps a little way behind her.

And then, Amber who was still pointing the flashlight forward, decides to look back.

Amber sees from afar what looks like a silhouetta.

Taking a closer look, Amber sees what would be a creature standing on top of a small hilly relief full of trees.

At that height, the moonlight was illuminating the forest almost entirely, but Amber still could see almost nothing of the creature, only its silhouetta.

The creature was fast, but it was still far away, its hands were stretched out at the height of its chest, and its height stood out among the silhouettes of the trees.

Amber decides to go back to the cabin as fast as possible, because if she continued walking, the creature would catch up with her quickly.

Running, Amber trips over a thorny branch, and falls to the ground.

Looking back again, Amber realizes that the creature is getting closer and closer.

Then, out of fright, Amber points her flashlight at it.

The creature was frightening, it looked like a doll used in horror movies.

Its skin was dark brown, its eyes were big and its hands were carrying huge sharp claws.

But its jaw was huge, with giant teeth coming out of it.

It looked like something out of a nightmare, but it wasn't, it was real, too real to be a simple story.

Now Amber, more than anyone, knew that the story her cousin Larry told was real.

Amber, feeling bad for not believing her cousin, got up and continued running towards the cabin.

Approaching the cabin, she looks back again.

But the creature has completely disappeared from her field of vision.

Now even more afraid that the creature could be anywhere, Amber runs as fast as she can to the cabin.

She has never been so relieved in her entire life.

Soon that feeling of fear is filled by a huge relief.

Amber runs with a huge smile on her face towards the cabin.

However, she still felt that she was being watched.

And what's worse, now the creature could find the cabin and trap everyone inside.

On the way to the cabin, Amber feels a discomfort on her back, as if something is hurting her and cutting her every time she moves.

But it was only the pieces of thorny branches that were sticking to her clothes, and Amber pulls on one of them hard, and a piece of her sweater is torn off.

Pulling on the others, Amber realizes that one in particular not only stuck to her clothes, but also stuck to her skin.

The thorn looked like a hook stuck in her skin, so Amber would have to be careful when pulling.

Amber knowing this, pulls the thorn out slowly.

The thorn stuck in her skin caused a lot of pain because of its poison, but Amber managed to pull it out with great effort.

Parts of her favorite clothes had been torn off too, but even with all of this, Amber was happy that she was still alive after all of this.

Arriving at the cabin, Amber runs to the main door, but it was locked.

Getting more and more crazy and distressed by the creature, Amber thinks of a way to get into that cabin.

Amber then decides to check all the entrances to the cabin, including the doors and windows.

One window in particular had a more loose lock than the others.

Amber then pulls on the window in order to break it to get in.

Amber pulls so hard that the window lock is broken.

And then Amber gets ready to enter the cabin, she opens the window, and scales the window.

Entering the cabin, Amber notices that the cabin was a little different from the casual one.

Everything was totally messed up, things overturned, food scattered on the floor, furniture half-destroyed, and so on.

"That's not right, everything is very different." Amber says.

Amber then hears small knocks on the door.

Then she hides and waits for whoever it is to come out of there.

The main door of the cabin has no magic eye, so she can't see who it is.

That suspense to know who it was that was outside, along with the silence followed by knocking, were driving Amber crazy.

Going silent, and trying to breathe as little as possible, Amber then hears the knocking simply stop.

But now the knocks were on the window, as if the thing outside wanted to get in anyway.

Amber then, because of her fear of something entering the cabin, decides to slowly climb the stairs to try to find something to hide behind.

Going up the stairs, again, everything was in a mess.

As if there had been a party there.

Amber then hears the knocking getting louder, which makes her even more desperate.

Amber then quickly heads for an upstairs room, which just happens to be normal, nothing was messy.

Amber then hides under the gigantic double bed and waits.

As time goes by, Amber's fatigue only increases.

And then, slowly, Amber begins to fall asleep.

Her eyelids close, followed by her head, which gently lies on the floor.

When out of nowhere, Amber is surprised and awakened by huge, loud, heavy footsteps.

It seemed that the "someone" who was outside the cabin had made it inside.

Amber then starts to see feet coming towards the bed where she was hiding.

"It can't be, does that thing know I'm here?" Amber asks to herself.

The creature's breathing was loud and strong, that scared Amber even more.

As Amber thought about this, the creature slowly came closer and closer.


In their cabin, Larry and Gorge discuss the sudden disappearance of their other cousins.

"I wonder what happened to them? Did the creature get them cousin Larry?" Gorge says.

"I believe not Gorge, however we must be prepared. For now, the creature knows where we are." Says Larry.

"Come here Gorge, I'll give you this here - Larry hands a baseball bat into Gorge's hands - and I'll take this." Says Larry holding a long pot handle.

"I wonder if they..."

"Don't think that Gorge, they're fine. Trust me." Says Larry

All that trust from cousin Larry was too weird for Gorge, however Gorge knew he didn't have much choice, and chose to follow Larry's plan to the letter.

The great silence was broken by the sound of something trying to open the door.

Whatever this thing was that was trying to open the door, it must have had huge claws, because the noise of its claws hitting the old iron doorknob was loud.

"Come on Gorge, let's go upstairs." Whispers Larry.

The two go slowly up the stairs, and getting there, Larry points to the bed in one of the bedrooms and whispers, "Stay there, and don't come out of there until I tell you okay?"

"All right." Gorge whispers with a scared face and the baseball bat shaking in his hands.

Gorge runs to the bed, and hides.

He doesn't know what his cousin Larry is doing, but he trusts his cousin.

Gorge then hears his cousin's scream, and soon after he hears a noise of something heavy falling to the floor.

"Cousin Larry, are you okay?" Gorge whispers worriedly.

Until, the creature seems to have heard Gorge's whisper.

And walks over to see who was there.

The creature's footsteps were very scary, and its breathing even more so.

Gorge was the youngest among the others, but he was braver, for he had never seen anything that traumatized him before.

The creature slowly approaches Gorge, and Gorge becomes more and more afraid.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die." Gorge thinks fervently with his eyes closed.

When Gorge opens his eyes, his cousin Larry's feet appear behind the creature, along with loud laughter.

Understanding absolutely nothing, Gorge wonders what was going on over there.

"You can come out of there Gorge." Says Larry while finishing himself off with so much laughter.

"I wonder if this was all just a silly joke from cousin Larry, it can't be." Gorge thinks.

Gorge then builds up courage, and slowly gets out of bed, and sees Larry laughing at his face as the said "creature" slowly took his head out of the costume.

The one who was wearing the costume was his father, Laurence.

Laurence was tall, and that costume was really scary, even more so because of how big the creature seemed to be.

"I don't find it funny, why did you do this, and where are my other cousins?" Gorge says with an angry face.

"Wow, calm down cousin. It was just a joke, you didn't believe my stories, and every time I told them you laughed in my face. Here's your change for all that." Says Larry almost choking from laughing so hard.

Gorge then asks where his other cousins are and what his father Laurence and his cousin Larry did with them.

"I haven't even seen them, I have no idea what happened to them. They must be out there, both together and safe. Don't worry son." Laurence says.

Gorge then drops the baseball bat on the floor, and angrily leaves the room.

Then they all go downstairs together.

"Aren't you going to dinner Gorge?"

"No, I want to wait for my cousins. I won't eat without them." Says Gorge staring at the window that overlooked the backyard.

"May I retire please?"

"Sure Gorge." Says Laurence.

Gorge then walks up the stairs and heads towards his room in the cabin.

Once there, Gorge locks his door, and tries to fall asleep to forget about the sudden disappearance of his cousins.

Until Gorge begins to hear noises coming from outside his house.

The noises were so loud that they disturbed George.

Gorge then gets up angrily to see what was the source of the noise.

However, Gorge sees nothing, but a small squirrel looking for fallen nuts on the ground.

Gorge then ignores it, and goes back to his bed, thinking that the source of the noise is the poor hungry squirrel looking for food.

But the noise starts again, but this time, it sounded like footsteps, deep, dry steps walking on the sand, coming from outside the hut.

And then George decides to look again to see what it was that was causing the noise.

Gorge then stares out the window, and all he can see is the poor squirrel looking for food.

The poor squirrel was hungry, but there was nothing for the poor thing to eat.

Gorge then looks carefully outside, and notices a strange movement in a tree near the hut.

He sees dark brown feet, and also hands with very sharp claws.

The light from the house dimly illuminated the outside of the hut, but it was possible to see the creature a little clearly from afar.

And then, the creature nods to Gorge.

But Gorge ignores it completely, for he thought it was his father in costume again.

Gorge then stops staring at the creature, and closes the window.

As he descends the stairs, however, Gorge realizes that his father was there, without any costume.

"How could that be possible? My father doesn't know how to change clothes that fast." Gorge thinks to himself.

"Are you guys trying to nail the same play for the 2nd time a day?" Gorge says.

"I don't understand what you are talking about Gorge." Says Laurence.

Gorge but ignores it all again, thinking it was just something in his head.

Gorge then decides to look for his cousins in the vicinity of that hut.

Only out of nowhere, a heavy rain begins to fall.

Now that Gorge knew that it was all just a stupid "joke" of his cousin, Gorge was determined to try to find his cousins.

Gorge then takes his raincoat, puts it on and goes towards the main door of the hut to get his boot and leave.

Putting on his boot, Gorge opens the door, and sees the creature again, standing there, staring at him in the heavy rain.

The creature was standing, but its head was down.

Its arms were half fallen, along with its torso, which was a bit crooked to the side.

Its claws glistened, and the reflection of the puddle of rain was reflected in its claws.

It made no sense.

George looked back and saw his father sitting up, still eating, and then he looked outside and saw the creature still there, static.

How was this possible?

Gorge then looks again at his father, and when he turned around again...

The creature was in front of him, staring at him, Gorge then screams desperately in fear.

His father and Larry quickly leave to try to help.

But the door closes abruptly, because of the intense wind that the rain was causing.

The creature then takes Gorge by the cape and holds him like a kind of toy.

Larry and Laurence get to the door as fast as they can.

However, when Larry and Laurence open the door, it was too late, the creature was gone with Gorge, leaving only his belongings scattered on the floor.