
Chapter 75: The Devil Runs Away

Chapter 75: The Devil Runs Away

  Late at night, the three Snake sisters and the quadruplets sat on the sofa downstairs and were very anxious. Snake said worriedly, "They haven't finished talking since we went in this afternoon. Haven't they done anything wrong?"

  The steady Lan Er said, "Nothing should happen. If something happens, with their fighting power, it will definitely make a huge noise. It is impossible for it to be as quiet as it is now."

  The girls felt relieved after hearing this, but Snake Queen was still irritated and thought, "We don't need to talk for so long. No, I'll go crazy if this goes on. I must go up and take a look."

  After thinking it over, Snake Princess said directly: "I'll go up and take a look, you stay here."

  Sony reached out and grabbed Snake Princess who was about to leave and said, "Sister, Auntie said we are not allowed to go up there. We will be punished if we go up there without permission."

  Mary said directly: "Big sister, you should listen to the second sister and don't go up."

  Snake Princess turned around and glared at the two sisters coldly and said, "Are you going to stop me?"

  When the two sisters saw the look in their eldest sister's eyes, they knew that she was very angry, because if Little Snake Princess gave such a look, someone would be in trouble. The two sisters tactfully let go of their hands and said quickly, "Sister, we were wrong." Then they lowered their heads. The quadruplets did not dare to stop Snake Princess and just sat there quietly.

  Snake Princess snorted and went upstairs. The two sisters were relieved to see Snake Princess leave and sat on the sofa. Sony said, "What's wrong with sister? Why are you so angry?"

  Mary said, "Maybe he's worried about the queen mother and aunt."

  The quadruplets also thought so, and the girls just sat there quietly waiting for news. Snake Princess walked to the door of her mother and saw her aunt guarding the door like a door god. As soon as Snake Princess approached, she heard her aunt's voice: "Who is it?"

  Snake Princess said, "It's me, auntie."

  When Yi Li heard Snake Princess' voice, she said, "Snake Princess, why are you coming up here? Didn't I tell you that you can't come up here without my permission?"

  Snake Princess said worriedly, "It's been so long. I was afraid that something might happen to my mother and aunt, so I came up to check. My sisters down there are very worried."

  When Yi Li heard that Snake Princess was being filial, she said, "They are still inside. My sister just told me that the Demon King is healing her and asked me to guard the door and not let anyone in."

  Snake Princess felt relieved after hearing this but was still very worried and said, "But it's been so long, why hasn't he come out yet?"

  Yi Li was also helpless after hearing this and said, "I don't know what happened. My sister was screaming in there at first, but then it became quiet. There was no sound at all."

  After hearing this, Snake Princess quickly said, "Auntie, why don't we go in and take a look."

  Yi Li immediately said, "No, unless my sister allows us to go in."

  Snake Princess said seriously, "Auntie, why are you so rigid? Let's go in and take a look. Nothing is wrong. It's so quiet inside now. What if something happens to them and they need our help? If they really die in there by accident, can you take responsibility? Without the Empress, the whole island of Nine Snakes will be in chaos. Now that the Demon King is dead, how will the Navy and the government treat us? Think about it yourself."

  After hearing what Snake Princess said, Yi Li was thinking in her mind: "Am I really too rigid? Disobeying orders is a small matter, but if something really goes wrong inside, I will really be the sinner of Nine Snake Island."

  Yi Li figured it out and said to Snake Princess: "Snake Princess, you are right. I was wrong. Let's go in now."

  Snake Princess heard the satisfactory answer and said with a smile: "Auntie, you are so kind."

  Yi Li smiled and said nothing, she directly broke the lock inside, pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as the two of them walked in, they kissed a scent different from roses, which made them feel a little excited. Yi Li looked around and saw that there was no one around. Then she looked at the bed covered by the pink gauze curtain and saw two figures lying there. When the snake princess saw the two figures sleeping in the bed, she thought to herself: "The devil will not be with my mother..."

  Snake Princess ran over and directly opened the gauze curtain. Yi Li wanted to stop her but couldn't. Snake Princess opened the gauze curtain and was stunned when she saw the scene inside. She kept saying, "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

  Seeing the dazed look of Snake Princess, Yili thought something had really happened, so she went over to take a look. Yili's face immediately turned red when she saw this scene, watching her sister and the Demon King hugging each other naked, with her sister's snow-capped peak serving as a pillow for the Demon King to sleep. The two of them smiled happily and hugged each other tightly, like a pair of happy lovers. Yili was shocked by this scene and thought blankly: "How could this happen? My sister actually had a relationship with the Demon King who came to attack our Nine Snake Island. From the look of my sister, I know she was not forced. Why did my sister have a relationship with the Demon King?"

  Just in case, Yili reached out her hand to feel their breath. Yili shook her head and said calmly, "They are fine. Let's go out first and listen to what sister has to say when we wake up tomorrow."

  Snake Princess' tears flowed down drop by drop and she said, "They are so happy, how can there be any problem? Scammers are all scammers. Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong? Why did you have sex with me? Who do you think I am, Snake Princess? I hate you so much."

  After saying that, she glared at the two of us fiercely and ran out crying. Yili thought that Snake Princess was so angry because she couldn't directly let her mother have a relationship with the Demon King. Yili knew that it was useless to say anything to Snake Princess now, so she had to wait for her sister to wake up and explain. Yili looked at us deeply, blushed and walked out.

  Snake Princess walked downstairs crying. The other girls thought something had happened. Sony looked at her tearful sister and asked, "Has something happened to you, sister?"

  Snake Princess wiped her tears and said, "They are fine."

  After saying that, she ran out. It was the first time that the two sisters saw their elder sister so sad. They were worried that something might happen to her, so they quickly said, "Let's go out and see our elder sister. You guys go up to our mother's room and take a look."

  After saying that, the two sisters ran out after their elder sister. The quadruplet sisters hurried upstairs and saw Yi Li. Lan Er immediately asked, "Has something happened to the captain? Snake Princess ran out very sadly."

  Yi Li shook her head and said, "Nothing, we can talk about it tomorrow. Go and have a rest."

  As the girls walked downstairs, a female guard came in hurriedly. Seeing Yi Li, she said quickly, "Captain, this is terrible. Princess Snake and her three sisters stole a boat, broke the door, and rushed out."

  Yi Li didn't expect Snake Princess to be so impulsive. She thought: "It seems that this incident has dealt a heavy blow to Snake Princess."

  Yi Li said seriously: "Send someone to catch them right away. Do not harm them. Got it?"

  The female guard quickly said, "I understand."

  After saying that, he ran out. Hong'er asked anxiously, "Captain, what happened to Sister Sheji and the others? Nothing will happen, right?"

  Yi Li sighed and said, "No, don't worry. The three Snake sisters will be back tomorrow. You should go to bed first. Something big may happen tomorrow."

  The quadruplets had no choice but to go back to their room to rest, thinking: "What happened tonight? What big thing will happen tomorrow? It must be related to the devil."

  It was still quiet in Lunya's room. Both of them were still sleeping soundly. Lunya was too tired and hadn't done it for a long time. She fucked me so hard all of a sudden and slept very soundly. I didn't know what was happening outside. She was still dreaming and loving me. I was completely isolated from the outside world. I absorbed Lunya's essence and fell asleep. I entered a black space, which was completely different from Ling'er's red space. Ling'er's space was charming and murderous, while this black space was weird and evil. I stood in the black space and quietly felt the same breath as my magic energy. It was very comfortable. I thought: "What happened this time? This space is different from the last time."

  I yelled, "Is there anyone here? Whoever pulled me in here, please come out and show yourself."

  My voice kept echoing in the space, and soon the surrounding evil spirits slowly gathered on my head and slowly formed a devil's head that looked at me quietly. I saw the devil smiled and said, "You were the one who pulled me in, what's the matter, partner?"

  The devil opened his mouth and said, "Master, I pulled you in this time because I have something important to tell you."

  I heard the devil's neutral voice, which I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, and said in surprise: "Devil, you can talk, why didn't you talk when you were outside?"

  The devil opened his mouth and said, "I couldn't speak outside because I didn't have enough energy. Only after the master absorbed the essence of women several times did I have the opportunity to pull the master in to talk."

  I smiled and said, "So that's how it is. I haven't killed anyone recently so you can't eat blood. Are you very hungry and want me to kill someone so you can suck their blood?"

  The devil was very moved after hearing what I said and thought: "My master has never forgotten me. My master is so kind."

  The devil smiled and said, "Thank you, Master. Actually, I am not sucking blood because I am hungry. I am sucking blood because I want to improve my strength as soon as possible so that I can help you in the future. Master, you cannot exert your strength in the fourth and fifth levels of the Devil Desire Sutra because the demon sword gave you too much energy and you rushed directly to the fifth level. It is ineffective to improve the Devil Desire Sutra with the help of external forces. You must practice it yourself to be effective. Master, you did not absorb their essence at all when you made love before. You just wanted to be refreshed and wasted such a good thing. Otherwise, you could have practiced to the fourth and fifth levels long ago. Master, you must have sex with more women as soon as possible to absorb their essence to fill the gaps in the fourth and fifth levels. I believe that after filling them, your strength will definitely go up a level. Master, remember to absorb their essence when you make love in the future, especially the essence of virgins. I will give you a surprise when we really meet. Come on, Master."

  I wanted to say something after hearing it, but it was sent directly to the devil.