

BL? It's not what you think, girls! screamed Kazehaya Kazuya. Why not they're not thinking one when a 15 old boy is surrounded by three gorgeous men around him. It's serial series full of antics and comedy.

nhscl · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Damn You!

"I don't get an extra salary for it. It would be too unfair to me."

"Please blame yourself for the extra sleeping time in class," mumbled Kazuya. He could guess the next Hairen's excuse to drag him down.

Hairen looking out to the garden. The green grass, plants, flowers, trees, and scenery are alive in his soul. The presence enlivens him, was it because Kazuya is here? The student comes to a dear teacher because he wants a solution that might as well be an advantage to his problem requiring him to think it's lucky enough for him to live together with his teacher.

Why not he wouldn't think of it. It's his future though later he would unnecessarily need it. All that he learn now.

The memories come and that's all he needs to live though the world coulnt be as much as kind to antagonist. Hairen couldn't think how he and Luka fit combination together.

Hairen sat down back. All that leaves to him is to cross the bridge when the time comes. He can't trust Luka being Kazuya's side at all times because the man is part past of Kazuya's domination dream. Raging it all the point of ballistic. The reason disappearance of male witch guardians a long time ago. He doesn't believe Kazuya is the only one left in this world as a male witch but certainty he's the only male demon witch. The one extracted all existence of female witch.

"Don't be dumb to not know it deeper meaning behind those words. In simple logic, I won't help you."

The end. It wasn't much of a negotiation but the teacher's logic is no one repudiates them. "Not to worry, my teacher. I'll always take my time to understand your personality that's I can't make heads or tails of it. " Kazuya get up and get the door. "There is something I want to tell you, I have made my stance clear and obvious. I like you and love your subject." The dear student who have have so much love and respect for his teacher slams the door. Never in Kazuya's life until the tenant come into one, did any door safely escape from his slamming is a habit resurrect back. As well as his internal screaming. Aaarrrggghhh!

Never did he regret seeing Hairen in the early morning for lessons in his life to never ask dear teacher help in anything he does. The blame shifted to Kira though the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In distance, Kira hold hostage in Kazuya's eyes across living room, Kazuya quick another route, and walk past the dear doctor because likely he won't want the see the doctor who give sickness to him.

Of course, the dear doctor won't let dear patient go past him without treatment whether it's going for the worst or reverse. Kira grabs Kazuya's hand from behind. Kazuya's expectation of it. "Kazehaya! A moment, please." Kazuya turns to him in bad mood, "Mind release my hand, well reverse doctor?"

"I'm sorry, Kazehaya. It didn't work well for you." Kira's sympathize. It sympathizes on his behalf for Hairen who is dumb enough to bring trouble for the three of them later on. Kazuya accelerates pacing, "I don't want to hear of 'Let's not get mad. It wouldn't be good for your health. Rather why not, 'I still have a lot to improve on. Why not we're studying together in mean you get out of my sight till your learning complete of studying how not to get Kazehaya Kazuya mad at me for rest of my life." Kazuya's fine flame calm lecture .

"I'm willing to say I am sorry it won't work the way you want," Kira called off his grasp on Kazuya's hand.

"Thank you." Kazehaya walks away and going climbs upstairs.

The feelings of irritation were none in Kira's mind after he sees Kazuya's act. He goes to Hairen without knocking nor does he kicks the door open but touches it. Hairen who saw him riddled by the entity at the door. He put his book down and walk over to him. "What did I deserve today to have owed you rampaging burning down my door?"

"Please settle your debt through Kazehaya."

"Kazuya? How does my debt to you collision with the kid?" The situation when fire meets fire.

"Please don't quit being his private teacher even though you've quit a long time ago."

"I am not willing to teach him because I give him homework. Please understand by yourself what homework means." When the same type of person with few words in a situation where everything is not conveyed thoroughly.

"It's not irresponsible for you to be a little assistant for him."

"Please don't blame yourself for Kazuya always not paying attention in my class."

"You!" Kira clench his hand. A calm moment comes, Kira unclasps his fist. "Dear beast, do you forget who Kazehaya is? Let me utter the demon witch to your ears. The witch but the demon and the importance of all, he's born the male witch in thousands centuries. The resurrection of Sabien. It's unreasonable to treat Sabien like how you did."

"He's not Sabien yet. He's the student in my eyes and I'll treat him like one," conclude Hairen.

"Looks like you don't have a grudge against Sabien when he slaughtered all the guardians," retort Kira. The vivid scene in of infinite years never let bygones by bygones in Kira's time.

"Why suddenly bring Guardian in our petty arguments? The Guardian and the student is two different being and meaning. There is no reason to treat him like a golden child just because of Sabien."

"True to what I see right now you're just driving your student to the corner plus the bonus making your Guardian hate you if he ever awakens sometimes sooner." Kira take the step out from Hairen room.

"Your care toward Kazuya…is it coming from grieves losing your own Guardian?" Hairen never knows about sensitive word in his dictionary book nor he care to knows about the word.

The word touched Kira's deep wound. He leaves without a reply. At the hallway, raging despite so to to treat the patients no matter it killing them their soul, feelings and lives. To calm the wizard specialize in killing than healing, wide spread the plague than eradicate, Kira clench break the wall. It was to his knowledge the ryokan had it back normal again. Luka come in front of him and hold out a hand to him with a smile. The one devil and the other one half devil and half demon. The abode of demons' ryokan. How his grip to Kazuya's hand granted him what he has lost for long. The ryokan very much helping in balancing the power between the three of them. Kira take his hand and both step away from Hairen's room.

In calm room, Hairen standing near the window looking out. In his eyes, Kazuya wearing black jacket going out somewhere. Early in the morning wasted by strolling around nowhere. He couldn't comprehensive how the teenager manage the time.

Where did he want to go at this time? Hairen hoping no trouble comes because that one is not fine. As he turns away from the window, it's evil the gust of wind. He's looking out from the window. "Kazu…ya…!" Kazuya's friends. The gaze focused on Seirin. The boy contracted with the dark and it has been signed in. Hairen exhaled the breath. "Let's not think. Protecting the bratty brat is all the job I have to do. I don't have foul power yet troubles love coming knocking on the door. It wasn't troublesome as the thought." Hairen picks up his coat and head outside to where Kazehaya and his friends are.

"Sensei!" Fuyuki's big eyes at Hairen's sudden appearance from the main door. "Eh, sensei why are you coming out from Kazuya's house?"

Hairen goes to Kazehaya and put his hand around Kazuya's shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I am living together with Kazuya."

"Sensei, you live together with Kazuya?" Fuyuki's filled with excitement. He turns to Kazehaya. "Is that true, Kazuya?"

"No, it is not. It is only a bluff. Don't trust him." He shoves away Hairen's hand from his shoulders. "Put your hand away."

"Oh, I am not sorry. So then, where do all of you plan on going? Let your beloved Sensei tag along?" Hairen's smile.

Oh. Fuyuki's disbelief face makes his speech sound like a robot. "Oh, yeah sure you can come together with us."

"Thank you. What are you doing there standing like a mummy, Kazuya? Come let us go."

Ah, dear teacher's speech never disappointed him. Kazuya's endless unforgivable to Hairen's deeds recently is the rejection to teach and now the dear teacher freely wanted to come on tour with his friends. What a joke.

I did it for your sake and safety otherwise; I won't bother myself to stay with you.

Flashing voice in his head. Kazuya looks up to Hairen. "Did you say something?"

"What are you talking about now? When did I talk to you?"

"You did talk to me. I hear your voice in my head. I hear it."

Hairen pinched Kazuya's cheek. "Stop being so crazy. I didn't talk to you. Did I speak to you through telepathy if you hear my voice in your head? Enough of nonsense. Come. Your friends have waited for a long time right now." Hairen takes Kazuya's hand and Kazuya lets him.

The tour of visiting a few places in childhood memories. Kazuya's out of having fun. Kazuya's depressed's feelings with Hairen walking by his side. Is he my bodyguard or something?

Kazuya's first notice of seeing Hairen wearing glasses. Why did the guy wear it? Having defective vision?

"Sensei, come here! Let's catch some fish together." Fuyuki shouts out loud while holding his bamboo fishing rod.

"I'm coming." Hairen accepted his lovely student invitation leaving Kazuya alone.

'Oh my, that was the first time he leave my side. Finally.' A sigh of relief. Inner dialogue.

"Kazuya, let's find some woods twigs so that we can have a barbeque later." Seirin asking for a moment of peace.

"Oh, okay. Let go." Kazuya's glances at Hairen and Fuyuki. Looking likes they are fine. Why the worry, then?

"Kazuya…?" ah, he spacing a lot these days. The reason is Hairen-sensei. He kept being by Kazuya's side all the time.

The town spirit beast Iro's having communication.

Master, I can have some play time right now?

Rin's easy recognization of the dark. Iro is the name? What yours playtime? No time for that right now.

Why? The opponent's here.

Where's your opponent here? I don't see others as you.

Your so-called Hairen-sensei is the one. He's divine master creation the spirit beast.

Seirin instant look at Hairen who still faking enjoyment of his little time with the fishing rod. 

"Kazuya,... Kazuya...?

"Oh, Rin. Sorry, I was lost in my thought. Let go. We don't need much of them, I see it."

The destiny to level completely higher than me but his power was not yet fully awakened. Will you take me?

You're against your creator is a foolish act. You'll be slashed by him in peace and peace.

How do you mean it?

Getting rid of you for you to be at peace. Don't be foolish than Kazuya not to understand it.

"No, just a little bit will be enough. There is not much fish either. Oh, on top of that let go and buy some seasoning from the nearby shop. The fish will taste tastier if we put some spice on it."

Fine, play as long as you want as long as you disturb my peace.

I will express my gratitude later.


It's the morning but they're having a barbeque at the riverside. It's a chilling and thrilling morning. It's barbeque using firewood. "You're making me droll just by hearing." Kazuya exhaled the breath. "I really hope you can stay until graduation."

"It's in your dream, Kazuya." They both laughed.

"A filial son compared to my two sisters who're nothing to my amazement. They are so much caring, I end up here together with the piece of junk."

"Hah?" The actor staging spurious effects on the theater.

Did he just say something regarding suspicious men living in my grandparent's house? "Haha, did I say something?"

The teenage chats continue while eyes and hands are searching for twigs and collecting them. Feeling enough, Kazuya asked his best friend who will turn him into leftover dust in the world later. "Is this enough?"

"Yeah, combined ours it should be enough. Let's leave these here. We can pick it up later." Seirin leaves the twigs woods beneath the tree. Kazuya did the same. "Let us go."

Both Kazuya and Seirin leave the river heading to shop across the road.