
Horizon: Freedom Soul

A man from Earth, just an average Joe you passed by on the street. He reincarnates into a fantasy world, but the guy has read and watched fantasy stories before... lots of them, and so he makes the stories his spirit guide. Warning: The protagonist has negative views about heroes and villains, good and evil. He isn't too smart, alien way of thinking, and questionable morals. Depending on your point of view, he's rather crazy. You have been warned. The cover isn't mine and I will take it down if the owner wished for it. Just give me a call.

AveryLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

It Works Out

Viers was watching intently while Nakala preparing her magic. After the lecture, the trainees were given instructions to started training how to master mana. Just a set of breathing techniques and meditation, nothing overly magical. Viers didn't find any difference when comparing it with the yoga lessons on Earth.

While practicing in the class, Nakala gave guidance and corrected students that were doing it wrong. Viers just followed the instructions without questions. After Nakala satisfied with their progress, Viers and the other students were taken to the field where now exist a large pit the size of 7 meters and about 1 meter deep, the pit was covered with stone and it looked like an empty pool. Viers suspected Teldo made this pool.

She didn't utter any chanting or magical verse, her palm raised at the pit's direction. She stood there for a while and then water was gushing out like a pump suddenly appeared on the ground. She stopped after the pit was full.

The trainees were separated according to their elemental affinity and given different training each. He saw other trainees buried to their chest a bit farther on the field while Teldo was overseeing them. Viers guessed those were the earth type students' training.

"For those of you who have the element of water, your task will be practicing in this pool until you can 'sense' then 'manipulate' the water. Tomorrow you shall bring swimwear and a change of clothes because you will be swimming there," she turned around and said gleefully to Viers and the others.

There were 4 people who had water element including Viers, there were other 2 girls and another boy. The girls looked a bit embarrassed after Nakala said they will be swimming with the boys. For now, they were told to put their feet inside the pool while sitting around the edges.

"Now, now trainees, you with water element are actually quite lucky, your training isn't as complicated compared to others. Fire types must stand beside a bonfire while meditating, while you kids just dip your toes in the pool, nice right?" Nakala said while putting her hands on her hip.

"This concludes today's lesson, after you feel enough practicing you can go home. If you want to practice at home, simply use a glass of water, sense the water inside it and try to manipulate it. Keep practicing the breathing method and as your mana grow, you'll be able to do it eventually. You all have the affinity to do so, I guarantee it."

"Remember to be diligent trainees, don't be late for tomorrow. Do take care not to drown on the shallow pool, ta-ta." Nakala left while humming a tune.

Viers took off his shoes and rolled his pants above his knees before dipping at the pool, the others also followed him. Viers wanted to practice immediately but apparently meet and greet were in effect, they started chatting with each other.

"So water element, huh… kinda lame don't you think?" The other boy said to Viers.

"It depends on the person using it." Viers replied.

"You seem confident at least, I'm Terry, I live in this town, nice to meet you all, friends." The boy introduced himself.

Terry had a lean build, green eyes, and black hair. To Viers' eye, he appeared to be a handsome lad from a good family.

"Viers from Peja town, greetings to you all," Viers replied.

"I'm Farley, nice to meet you all. I hope we will all be good friends," the petite girl had brown hair cut short, her energetic voice and body language were brimming with energy.

"Paina…" whispered the last girl softly. The black-haired girl wore spectacles that fit her homely looks, her black eyes almost hidden by her bangs.

'Is this the start of a ragtag band of misfits? I hope not…'

Terry and Farley continued chatting while Viers and Paina started to meditate.

Viers tuned out the sounds around him, he wasn't sure that a yoga exercise would be enough to make him able to do a Hydro Pump but he did it anyway. He focused on feeling the water that touched his feet.

After a while, Terry and Farley also started to practice earnestly, Viers continued his meditation but his mind was wandering.

'My elemental talent is below average, if I only follow the conventional way I won't be able to excel… It's time for me to explore my other ability. Hopefully, it can offset my lackluster talent.'

After about an hour he bid farewell to others, it was 3 o'clock and the sun was still bright. Too early to return and Viers wanted to test his ability. He jogged around the town to seek out a suitable area; he bought a pocket watch from a vendor along the way.

'I need to find out more about my body. With healing factor, I should have more stamina than before. I must test it.'

He found a somewhat secluded area from prying eyes; it was an abandoned mansion with enough space to run around. He slipped through the fence and made his preparation for a running exercise.

'For now, sprint until I drop!' Viers dashed around the mansion garden as fast as he could. Hwent back and forth from fence to fence.

The sprint continued for about ten minutes, Viers flabby body sprawled on the ground while he was he gasping for breath.

'I ran as fast as I could, ten minutes is quite good, right? Perhaps not but hey, it's a big improvement from what this body was capable of.'

He rested for a few minutes to get his breath back. 'It seems my recovery speed also improved, I am ready for more!'

Viers thought, then Viers sprinted once again. After a while, he lay on the ground because of the tiredness, he looked at the watch and saw that he had sprint for eight minutes this time.

'My body feels incredible, this is just the start right? My fat will diminish, my muscles will get stronger. If I can increase my healing factor won't all of this will increase too? Oh, also mana, I know others can use mana to improve their body strength so my body strength will go up once again after I layered it. Great!'

He started to feel thirsty, Viers then decided to return to the dorm first before continuing another test in his room.

'Usually, after such a sprint my feet will be sore, but I feel nothing. This is really, really great. If I can't beat something, outrun it, I can come back to defeat it after I get stronger... nice!'

After returned to the dorm, he went to the kitchen to refill his body water content, there was tap water here for drinking, courtesy of magic item.

'Where the water from this tap comes from? Can it generate water infinitely or it filters it from a water source? Mysterious but convenient, at least there are some advancements in the standards of living in this world.'

He met Yisha in the kitchen and exchanged pleasantries.

"Hello dear, how was your first day? Is it everything you hope for?" Yisha asked while doing cooking preparation.

"It was good Mrs. Yisha, the rest shall depend on myself," Viers answered positively.

"Right, it's good that you know that you must work hard to be successful. By the way, do you see that board? That is the schedule for kitchen duty. Please make sure about your schedule Mr. Viers." She points out at the blackboard on the sidewall.

"Thank you Mrs. Yisha, and there's no need to be so formal with me, just call me Viers. We will be meeting every day after all," Viers said.

"Thank you for the offer dear, we shall see." She said while looking at Viers sideways with a hint of smile.

"I will be in my room. I may be late for dinner a bit, see you later Mrs. Yisha." Viers bid her goodbye.

Before he went to his room he took a basin filled with water from the bathroom and locked his room, he also put the do not disturb sign on the front door.

His first order of business was to continue his gym session. He lay down on the floor and started doing sit-ups.

'I have to continue without breaks, time to see what this body made of.'

The sound of grunting and panting escaped his lips from time to time, the progress had exceeded Viers's expectations.

'25… 26… 27… Nice, it's getting tough but I can keep going!'

'32... 33... 34... Oh yeah baby, I shall have a six-pack in no time, nonono, make that a seven-pack!'

'46... 47... 48... Muahaha, begone you foul fats! Your days are numbered. Henceforth, never again shall you desecrate my body!'

The sound of knocking came from his door.

'What is it now, just when it was getting good.' Viers grudgingly opened his door and saw Max.

"Dinner is ready," said Max with a deadpan face.

"Okay thanks," Viers returned with the same deadpan expression.

"…I know you are upset but we have thin walls here, so you probably shouldn't be doing that, it was quite disturbing. Now I see your face and couldn't help to imagine it. It's going to haunt me for a while."

It took Viers a while to realize what Max was talking about, he made a big O with his mouth. He stayed like that for five seconds before he replied to Max.

"… No, no, no, you got it wrong! I was working out, doing sit-ups! See my body? I'm sweating bullets, I was exercising."

"Righhhttt, you should take a bath before dinner buddy. Don't let the others know," Max said while closing the door slowly.

Viers managed to stop himself screaming out of shame.

ARGHHHH!!! Damn teenage dorm life.