
Out of the Blue

As Code advises me that the jury is prepared to vote, butterflies fill Ace's stomach. He knows it won't be a unanimous vote in either direction, but the fact that all of them have already come to a decision… Ace can't help but have a bad feeling about this.

Meanwhile, I was also wondering how the jury's decision would fall. 

"Alright. Is everybody satisfied with the information you have taken from the trial? Do you feel ready and confident enough to vote?" I ask.

The jury gave visual and auditory reactions, informing me they were ready to vote. With that, I nod and hold up four fingers.

"Okay, let's get started then. The verdict will be determined by the first four votes, collectively for or against Ace. Cliff, you'll be first up. Is Ace guilty or not guilty of murdering Grace?"

Cliff replies, avoiding any eye contact with Ace, "Guilty."

His gaze slightly drops, and Ace nervously rubs his lips together.

"Sky, is Ace guilty or not guilty?"

"Not guilty."

Relieved, Ace cracks a small smile.

One for and one against. Not too bad. At least the jury did not come to a unanimous decision. Now, I just need three more votes in my favor…

"Hunter, same question. Is Ace guilty or not guilty?"

"I believe Ace, he's not guilty."

Chin up, Ace makes eye contact with Hunter, and Hunter gives a reassuring nod. 

I just need two more…

"Ember, you know the drill."

With arms folded and eyes closed, Ember soundly responds, "He's guilty."

Clasping his sweaty palms together, Ace's right leg starts shaking as his foot quickly taps the ground. It felt like years were passing as Ace impatiently waited to hear the next vote.

"Violet, it's your turn. Is Ace guilty or not guilty?"

"He's right, Scar… there's something else out there. Flora wouldn't have been so scared if there wasn't… Ace is not guilty."

Ace's eyes beam as he thinks.

One more!

"Hazel, guilty or not guilty?"

"I'm sorry, but I think he's guilty."

Ace's heart drops as Delta snickers. It's all coming down to the last vote. As Ace's eyes shift to the final jury member, his heart drops a little more.

"Code… is Ace guilty or not guilty?"

Code glances over at Ace, and their eyes lock. Dragging his bottom lip against the underside of his teeth, Ace's eyes are filled with pity. Without looking away, Code speaks.

"I believe…"

The crumpling of a tarp interrupts Code, and a light breeze whisks across Ace's face. Hearing a groan, Ace turns around and realizes Blue has stumbled out of his tent. Flashing a grin, a newfound hope is birthed within Ace, staring at Blue, who's holding his head. The entire camp was silent, the sudden entrance of Blue leaving people speechless.

Blue is awake! It doesn't even matter if Code says I'm guilty now… Blue was there! He saw everything! He knows everything, and he'll back me up for sure!

Coming to his senses, Blue gently massages his head as he looks around at everyone, "I've been awake for quite some time now, and I've heard a lot, which didn't make this killer headache of mine any better."

Ace quickly looks at Delta, whose face bears a conflicted expression.

It's over, Delta; with Blue waking up like this, he'll confirm the unknown, and I'll be proven not guilty!

Hearing his feet shuffling, Ace looks back at Blue as Blue limps toward him.

"I was there with Ace, I know what truly happened."

Weakly smiling, Blue extends his hand to Ace. Snickering in delight, I go to shake his hand.

"I'm glad you're awake, Blue. Maybe now-"

Just then, Blue suddenly grabs Ace's wrist, swiftly reeling him in before delivering a vigorous punch across Ace's face.

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