
Chapter 4 - Blondie

"Where's your mother Bumble Bee?" The mention of Mummy just broight more tears to my eyes, "That's the thing, she's gone!" I cried, falling into more hysterics. "Shh, shh, it's going to be okay, we'll find her" I was so relieved that he was going to help me. "What's your name Bumble Bee?" I sniffled and gave him a small smile, "Hope" He grinned, "That's a beautiful name, and what was your mother's name?" He looked at me like he knew something about Mummy already, "Effie, why? Do you know her?"

I squealed at the prospect of somebody willing to help find Mummy, and if she already knew them, she'll be so relieved to see somebody sp familiar. I came back to the fact of where we are, "Where am I?" I asked Blondie, he chuckled and ran his hand over my hair, "We're at a concert Hope" I had heard about those, Mummy told me the stories of when she had been to concerts with her friends before she had me. They were a big show where peopel liked to perform infront of loads of people.

"Who's concert are we at?" Blondie looked me dead in the eye and smiled at me, "We're at my concert" I gasped, that means he performs, "So all the people....out there-?!" He laughed and nodded, "Now where's that ice we asked for huh?" I just nodded, we were still in the middle of the hallway. "Now, I have to go back on to perform in a minute, so I'm going to get you something really comfy to sit on so you can rest your ankle why'll I perform, and maybe you can even watch? How does that sound?"

I gave him the biggest smile in the entire world. "Yes!" He smiled again. I have a hunch this guy likes smiling. "Ok, come on then" He adjusted me so I was on his hip, he walked with me back towards the stage before I was sat down on something comfy, I looked down and saw a stool covered in fluffy stuff. Blondie was on the stage, he looked my way and a waved to him. He waved back and grinned, he had a guitar with him, it was a dark blue with some white patches.

I don't know anything about guitars. When the massive crowd saw Blondie, they all screamed and cheered for him, "I thought I'd tell you all about what just happened, we had to stop the show as an old-" He looked back at me as I grinned his way - friend backstage" The crowd laughed and went quiet as Blondie started talking again, "So this is only a cover but it's for a special someone" The crowd did an "ooh" sound before he started performing, you could tell he was an amazing performer, he could make the crowd go wild.

His song finished, and he was grinning into the microphone, "Thanks so much for coming out tonight, and as for my new album, let's just say I've had new inspiration" He waved at the crowd goodbye "Thanks so much for coming, and goodnight!" He ran backstage to me and lifted me in his arms and swung me round. "Did you like it?" He asked, I nodded frantically and hugged him. "We have to go now Mr De Luca" The horrible man from earlier called. "Yes Vin, we're coming, just keep the crowd and paparazzi at bay please"

There was papawhawha? What's that? "come on Hope, let's get you home" Home? Home is where Mummy should be, but she's not. But if Mummy trusted Blondie, I would too.