
10th class struggle

Later when 10th class started

Daisy find a new friend named shivansh.. She was happy to make a good friend like him... He was good in academic and scored good marks in exam...but still daisy was low in her academic... Then a friend named muaz came in her life.... Muaz was a leader of his friends group named PAPA KI PARIYA.... Then daisy meet muaz... And after sometimes they became very good friends... Muaz started to interact daisy and her friend kaira to his group... Some time later shivansh and ayaan also join that group.... Muaz was very good in academic and his group was also good in academic plus they enjoy alot....


and I don't know how I became member to the group...

This was the group whome I am searching from 6th class... Now finally I have one best group I ever wanted

They help me in my studies... If I don't understand the question... My friends help me alot... After sometimes pre boards came... Then we all started hard working for that... I do a lot of hard work.... Every time I read and write what's going in the class.... I solved so many maths questions

Then result came.... And I was shocked..... Because I scored 60 percent in the pre board. I am happy because I scored little bit more percent as a average student. I scored 60 percent all because of my friends how helped me alot... Thats how we find good friends in life