
Chapter 4: The weekend vacation

When I woke up, he was already awake laying there still, so he didn't wake me up and he was staring at the ceiling. I moved my head a little and he knew I was awake now and so he whispered to me, "Good Morning." I told him good morning and realized it was Saturday and I laid there and looked at him. Collin leaned in and started kissing me and he moved his hands, so they were touching my waist and my hand going through his hair and one was on his shoulder. My phone went off and scared us and we bit each other's lips. I felt my lip with my finger, and we were both bleeding. He kissed me and I reached over to my phone and saw six missed calls from my mom. "Oh, Crap!" I shouted and he leaned over to see. I called mom right then and there.

Me- Mom?

Mom- Where are you?

Me- I overslept. I'm sorry.

Mom- Get home and then we will talk and then you can go out for this weekend.

Me- Ok

I hung up the phone and I leaned up and stroked my hair back with my hands. Collin reached on the other side of me and grabbed my glasses for me. He slid them on me and asked if I needed a ride back home. I nodded and he got up out of the bed and went over to a chair and got his shirt. He slid his arms in the shirt and put it on. He came over to me and picked me up like last night and got all my stuff. I'm pretty sure no one stayed late in the day, so he didn't care. He carried me over to his black Chevrolet Suburban and opened the passenger door and placed me inside. He got in and drove me all the way home and I was starving, and I bet he was too. The windows were tinted black so no one could really see in. "Thanks for the ride, I'll text you." I told him. "Ok your welcome," he told me, and I started opening the door and he grabbed my hand and said, "Wait!" He pulled me back to him and kissed me again and we made out a couple of minutes and then I got out and went inside. My mom was right there and had a smile on her face. "What's going on mom?" I asked her. "I'm going on vacation for this weekend so you and your sister will have the house to yourself!" Mom told me, but no parties. "Heard you loud and clear mom." I told her with a smile. She left right after that for her flight to Hawaii and I was bored already. I got out my phone from on my bed and went over to my balcony and looked out at the sky. I turned my phone back on and walked back in the room and laid on my bed imaging last night in the cabin.

I started to think of what to text Collin and thought of something.

Me- Hey my mom is out of town on a vacation do you want to come over?

Collin- I would love too.

Me- I'll be waiting.

Collin- See you soon.

I was waiting and waiting for him to knock on the door. And all of a sudden, I heard a knock while I was in the middle of watching Twilight. I went to go and open it and there he was Collin with his hair and a dark blue quarter sleeve V-neck. He came in kissing me, his hands around my waist and he moved me backwards and he shut the door with his foot. He laid me on the couch and all I said in a whisper was, "Wait! Let's go up to my room. My sister is still home waiting for someone to come over and hang out with her." Collin nodded and I took his hand and led him to my room quietly and shut the door. He let go of my hand to look around my room and saw my laptop open with pictures going through it. One was me, dad, mom, and twin sister at a water park and I sat down on my bed. He came over to me and put his hand on my hand and asked if I was ok. Of course, I wasn't because that had a lot of memories on it. I nodded my head no and a tear went down my cheek. Collin reached over to my cheek and wiped it away because he finally knew that my dad left.

Collin instead of kissing me hugged me and I felt much better when he did, it took my mind off of it. He stopped hugging me and started kissing me and we laid down in bed. It has been an hour and we would lay on the bed playing with each other's hands and fingers asking each other questions. "When did your dad leave?" he asked me. "When me and my sister were four years old." I told him. "I'm sorry," he told me. "What are you most scared of?" I questioned him. "Frogs," he told me, and we both started laughing. It went by another hour and me and Collin were making out again when my sister Hollard. "I'm sorry," I told Collin. I got up and went to her room and there was a spider, a wolf spider. I yelled and said, "I'll smash the spider for you, just me!" I smashed it with a flip flop and my sister looked over with a weird look on her face. I left her room and back into mine and shut the door. "So, are you staying the night?" I asked him and he got up and walked my way and pulled me against him. "Does this answer your question?" he told me while kissing me on the neck from behind.

I told him I needed to put my pjs on and that I'll be right back. When I left, he was laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I grabbed my pj clothes and went to the bathroom. I put on my favorite outfit. It was dark blue shorts with dark blue lace on the bottom and then slipped on my white spaghetti strap and brushed my hair and teeth. When I walked back into the room and Collin was gone, I couldn't see him anywhere. I shut the door behind me, and Collin came out from behind the door and scared me. I screamed and then covered my mouth and Collin was laughing. "I'm fine Brooklyn just saw a spider in my room also!" I yelled to her. Collin came over still laughing and said, "I'm sorry, but that was hilarious and priceless." I play-slapped him and he started tickling me and I laughed so much. Collin started kissing me and he moved me back to my bed and we heard a doorbell and we just continued because it was Brooklyn's friend.

When I heard the door shut Brooklyn yelled up at me, "Matty is here he's coming up and then we are hanging out!" Collin heard it to, and he jumped up hearing footsteps getting closer. He threw his hands up not knowing where to go. I directed him toward the balcony and threw a blanket just in case he got cold. As soon as I shut the balcony door my bedroom door opened, and I saw Matty. "What do you want?" I told him. "Look I can explain what happened the other night." Matty told me, looking in my eyes. "What are you talking about? I don't care what happened, it's done and over! You hurt me and you know it!" I yelled at him. "Please get out of my room?" I asked him. He left and shut the door and went to my sister's room. I opened the sliding door, and he walked in with the teal blanket around him. And I reached and shut the door and stood on my tippy toes and hugged him.

It was eight o'clock at night and there was no sound, so I went to go check on my sister. I walked out of the door and into her room. I saw Brooklyn sleeping on her bed with Matty right next to her. They had space in between them though. I shut off the light and creaked the door and went back to my room. I shut the door behind me, and I went to go sit down on the bed with Collin. He moved his hands gently to my side and started kissing my neck pulling my hair out of the way. I took my hand and put one on his back and one hand moving through his hair. We started getting way too far so I told him that we should slow down. He nodded his head, and I started kissing him and I put my hand under his shirt where his body warmth heated me. I started removing his shirt slowly and he was raising my shirt slowly. I put my hand down so he couldn't pull my shirt off and he said that it was fine. He took me and laid me down and he laid facing me with his shirt still off.

I laid there with only my lamp on in bed with Collin and asked, "Did you think we would ever happen?" He looked down at me and answered saying, "No considering I wasn't really nice to you until you slipped in the cafeteria, but I'm lucky to have you now." Collin laid on the left side of the bed with his left hand touching the back of his head. The other arm pulled me closer so I would be warmer. I thought to myself, how did I end up with Collin the jerk and jock of the grade?