
Chapter 12: Exploration

I went over to Brooklyn with the twins and kissed Hope and Zach on the forehead. I got my knife from by the door and stuck it in my boot. Collin led the group out of the house and through the gate. The others kept working while the group was out looking for people and things to bring back. "Should we get on the main road?" I asked. "It's better if we don't for now." Collin said. We kept moving in the woods staying off the main road. We all went back to Bayneville because we just lived a mile or two away. We walked all the way there. "Alright we are taking partners. Bailey and Andrew, Nick and Jaylynn, Sofia and Aden, and then me. Everyone gets what you can and meet at the entrance of the town." Collin demanded.

Andrew and I went to my old house. We walked up in the driveway and into the door. "It would be so good if we could take this town back. It would be perfect, and this is my home." I told him. Andrew looked at me and then I grabbed his hand. I led him to my room upstairs and into my room. I looked at everything and sat on the bed. I looked at my computer and saw it was still powered. I saw the pictures on the screen going through some pictures. I got up and all the dust flew everywhere. I started coughing and went and sat down in my chair at my desk. Andrew came over by me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm staying here." I told Andrew. "No, you have to come back for Hope and Zach." He demanded. I told him that this is my home and that this would be the perfect place for the children. Andrew kissed me on the lips and left me to go to the meeting spot. I had a tear go down my face. While I was sitting in the house cleaning up everyone met back at the meeting place. "Where is Bailey?" Collin asked. Everyone looked at Andrew while he said, "She wants to stay, it's her home and it would be perfect for the kids if we took back half the town little by little." They all looked sad with frowning on their faces. They walked back to the farm not looking back.

Four days later. I heard a car and then heard another. I had power because of solar panels on the roof. I went downstairs and looked through the window. I saw cars parked and then people got out. I saw Andrew and Collin with the twins. I opened the door and started running with tears going down my face. "Oh my gosh." I said while I was giving them a hug and kissed the twins on the cheeks. "I love you both." I told them. Everyone else got out and started coming towards me. "All the houses here have solar panels on this block and a playground for the kids." I spoke. Collin introduced me to Wanda and Bill with their kids as old as mine. Andrew and I went to my house with the twins.

One year later. We all were very happy where we were. The walls were built with a gate and towers for people to see all the walkers and how many there were. I had another dream, and it was about the power of the flower and the kids together. I wrote it down in my diary. After everything my kids are one years old, and everyone worked together to plant some vegetables and fruits. We also cleaned houses and planted flowers. I picked up the twins and let Andrew sleep in a little. I took the kids to play at the park for a while. Andrew, Collin, and I taught them how to walk. Addison had her kid so now Collin is a lot busier with his other kid. We are all still friends and related. Hope wore a light green dress with white sandals. Her hair was short but was growing fast. Zach's hair was the same color as Hope's hair. Zach wore a grey long-sleeve shirt with an over shirt of blue and orange. He also wore jeans and some black and white converses.

Andrew came out of the house and came over by me. We all basically wore the same clothes. I wore the same clothes from a year ago when I decided to stay. Andrew wore the same clothes as Zach which was really cute. "I'm going back to the flower field." I told Andrew. "Okay I'll watch the kids. Just be careful." Andrew demanded, but he was sincere. Nick and Jaylynn opened the gate for me, and I walked all the way back to the farm. I made it there and walked over to the flower field. I walked to the flower and dug up around it not messing with the roots and dug it out. I put it in a bag and walked to the barn we never explored. I walked in and found four horses that were gorgeous.

One horse was white with a white mane and tail, one was black with white mane and tail, the other was a brown horse with a dark brown mane and tail, and the last horse was the same as the last. I grabbed the saddles and placed it on all the horses. I brought them all out with leads and put my bag on the horse then placed the other bag on it. I picked the horse that is white. I swung my foot over the other side and got on the horse. I had the other three horses on leads in my hand while we walked back to our new home.

As soon as we got there, Nick and Jaylynn opened the gate then shut it quickly. I got off the horse and then everyone came over. "This white horse is mine. The black one is Collins, and the two brown ones are Nicks and Sofias!" I exclaimed. Everyone took their horses and tied them on the outside of their houses. I walked to my house and tied up the horse and gave it water and hay. I grabbed the one bag out of the main bag on my horse. My main bag was black on the white horse. I dug a hole out front and placed the flower so it would stay alive. I gave it water then Andrew came over by me with the kids. He handed me Hope and I raised her in the air like an airplane and spun her. I brought her back to me while she was smiling then tickled her. She laughed so hard and then Andrew came closer.