
Chapter 3


The blazing sun that seeps through the window curtain is what woke me up. The first thing I notice once I open my eyes is that this wasn't my room. I was trying to remember what happen last night but the pounding in my head did not suffice.

I felt something hard against my back, when I turn around I see a man behind me, what was his name again Mark, Roy, ohhhh its Ryan. Then the events of last night came crashing in my memory.

"Oh shit" I cried out. I quickly but slowly remove his arms from my waist to not wake him up. Went into his bathroom, pee then flush it, found a extra toothbrush in his cabinet, brush my teeth and fix my bird nest hair.

I came out of the bathroom to found Ryan still asleep, I need to move swiftly, I look around the room for my clothes but didn't find them, then I remembered that we undressed from downstairs.

I slowly open the door and run downstairs quietly. I found my clothes, phone and purse but couldn't find my underwear.

"Oh well that'll just have to stay, I need to move" I thought to myself. I grab my stuffs and walk out the house.

"What is your problem, don't you know it's just 7 am on a Saturday morning" Shanny cursed.

"Sorry, can you come pick me up at the bus stop"

"Jesus Christ girl, fine I'll be there in 5" then rudely hang up the phone in my ears. I shook my head.

Exactly 5 mins later I saw the same BMW that I drove to Shanny's house yesterday. "This bitch just have to drive my car."

She pull up and I went into the car.

"Good Morning" but she didn't answer, I guess she is mad at me. Couple minutes later in the drive, I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Shanny, if you're mad or angry at me, you can just say it" I sigh.

"You know how worried we were for you last night because we've been calling you and you're not answering you're god damn phone. Oshane even wanted to call the police, but I had to cover up for you because what, you just wanted to have a one night fuck" she fume.

"I'm sorry ok, but I can take care of myself" I told her.

"Really, I hope you can tell that to your boyfriend when he sees that big ass hickey on your fucking neck" she snort.

"Can you lower your voice, and I specifically don't need your lecturing this early please" I shouted.

"T, you know that I'm just looking out for you"

"Yeah, I know and I'm sorry. I'm just stress and tired. Do you forgive me," I ask, giving her the puppy face I know she can't resist.

"Fine, fine, just stop giving me that face, I hate it" she laugh.

"I love you bestfreenn"❤

"Love you too Moya" she smile. She literally can't stay angry at me for long.

Couples minutes later, she pull up at my home.

"Get your ass out of this car now and go have a shower". I'm not hearing properly, am I.

"If I remember correctly this is my car, so you should be the one to get out," I argue.

She lift her eyebrow at me, "You really want to start with me Moya. This is what you get after waking me up so damn early."

"Urrggghh" I grit my teeth. I open the door and get out of MY car and she drove off. I can't believe this bitch ran me out of my own car, she is damn lucky that we're friends.

I open the door and went inside to find the place quiet, which means that Shane must still be sleeping; so I don't have to deal with his ranting right now.

I put down my stuffs in the living room and make my way to the bathroom that is here downstairs, to have a shower.

While I am washing down myself, my mind couldn't help but wandered back to last night event. Not even Oshane's dick could satisfy me like how Ryan put it down on me last night.

I finish bade myself, rap a robe around my body that reaches my mid-thigh and dry my hair with a towel. I look at my neck in the mirror and saw the hickey that Ryan had left.

I look in the cabinet where I sometimes left one of my makeup bag in. I found it and place some concealer and makeup that matches my skin tone over the hickey to not make it that obvious.

I walk out of the bathroom, only to find Shane leaning at the door, arms crossed with a pissed off expression on his face.

"Morning babe, who piss in your coffee," I greet walking pass him.

"Morning, really Tamoya, that's all I get after you just up and left yesterday without saying a word to me. I've been calling you last night worried sick and you didn't even had the audacity to answer your fucking phone and tell me you're okay and then you just waltzed in here at 8am and all I get out of it,is a fucking good morning," he shouts angrily.

I went into the kitchen grab a knife, spin around to him and points it towards his face.

"First, you damn well need to lower your fucking voice when you're talking to me and second, I just needed to go somewhere to think for a bit, so you need to calm the fuck down, you hear me," I told him in a deadly calm tone, putting back the knife.

He sigh "All I'm saying is that you could have left a message T."

"And I said I'm sorry ok, I just need to clear my mind off everything" I start to make some coffee. He came up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. He trail wet kisses from my neck to my shoulder then said,

"I know you have a lot going on with your work and stuffs, but you should know that I'm here with you and for you," he whispers turning me around kissing my forehead.

"And ohh, I plan to take the car you bought for me and I'm sorry for the way that I acted on it yesterday," hearing him say this makes me happy.

"You mean it," I ask.

"Yes, I do, I'm sorry,"

"Ok, I forgive you. I love you Shane," I told him.

"And I love you too Moya," he replied and seal it with a kiss.

At that moment in time no-one know that Oshane Smith is keeping a big secret from everyone.

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