
Honkai:Planet Hopper

a fanfic about honkai star rail.

Bradley_Jacques · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Of Tails and Scales

This time around, when I was escorted to the general, I had no cuffs on my wrists, and the so called "cloud knights" were less cold towards me. One of them even asked me if I would like something to drink.

'It seems that since I'm a Vidyadhara, they are treating me better? Not that I'm complaining.'

"We have arrived."

One of the cloud knights speaks.

"Thank you for escorting me again."

"It is not problem. It is our job."

I am once again face to face with the general, Jing Yuan.

"It seems that the situation has changed. Since you are native to the Xianzhou, your previous crimes have been removed. It was a wise choice for you to turn yourself in to the divination commission. Since you have no memories of your previous incarnation, I will give you a brief overview of the Xianzhou Loufu. Our goal is to eliminate the abominations of the abundance, and we serve the aeon of the hunt, Lan. Most citizens of the luofu are long life species, with there being 3 types.

Foxians, Long Life Humans, and Vidyadhara.

Foxians can live up to 500 years, and long life humans up to 1000. Both of these species become something called mara struck at the end of their lifespans. In this state, they become mindless beasts and must be put down."

A echo of an frown brief flashes on the generals face, but it is quickly suppressed.

" Vidyadhara have no life span, and can live theoretically forever. When they sustain fatal injuries, or reach the end of their lifespan, they revert into a egg like form and revert to a child. This is what happened to you when you landed on that planet."

"So, I'm immortal?"

"Yes, you are. The Vidyadhara normally reside in the scalegorge waterscape, but it is currently sealed. You will be given a home to reside in."

"Thank you for the assistance."

"It is of no problem."

I walk out of the room.

"He truly reminds me of you, Lunae."

The general mumbles under his breath.

I leave the room, and am escorted to the exit of the structure by a cloud knight. As he leads me to what I assume will be my new home, as we pass by the main square, my eyes widen. A bustling area, comparable to as small city. Various street vendors are selling things to others, and the overall environment of the place is radiant.

"How interesting! This seems to be based partially on Chinese culture, even though this is a different planet? Wait, this would be a pseudo planet. But the similarities are striking!"

A grin form across my face. I can't wait to see what awaits me here.

I arrive infront of a house.

"This is your residence. Here is your key. You shall receive a temporary salary of 1200 strales a month."

"Thank you. If you mind me asking, what do people do for fun around here?"

"Fun? Although it's quite a peculiar question, people find pleasure in doing various things on the Luofu. Some popular things are celestial jade, reading books, and practicing the sword. But most find pleasure in their jobs. It can vary from person to person."

"Thank you for the information."

The Cloud knights leaves, and I enter the house.

It's a simple, but cozy house. A couch, a dinner table, and a bathroom and bedroom. I've noticed that there is a small ice box, but no fridge.

I go upstairs, sit down in the bed, and think.

I always seem to think better when I'm sitting down on a bed specifically.

'So, I'm Immortal.'

"That's kind of horrible?! I don't want to live forever! If I'm immortal, will I become bored with everything eventually?"

"No, that probably wouldn't happen. Let's think clearly. The general told me I had a past life before this. If I can't remember anything about it, then I can probably say that I lose my memories on entering a new life. But some still lingered. That dream I had was an example."

I stop, and my mind grinds to an halt for a second.

"How did I even get here? I'm on another pseudo planet! The last thing that happened was me saying that I'd do anything to get a thrill. Was there some sort of cosmic diety that chose to grant my wish on a whim?"

"I want to find out more about this. I should probably go to a library or something so I can learn more about where I am, and how I got here. I remember Jing Yuan saying that they followed the Aeon of the hunt? What is an aeon? It must be something powerful for an entire planet to follow it."

I stand up from the bed, and resolve myself to go explore, and find a library while I'm at it.

As I walk through the streets, completely lost, I decide to ask the next person I bump into for directions.

I turn a corner, and someone runs into me.


I look down and see a young girl with a shakeled tail and horns. Her purple hair and sea green eyes made her stand out.

"My bad."

I say, without thinking much about it.

"It's no problem, but I have somewhere I need to be, which is anywhere other then here. Goodbye."

She spits out words like her mouth is on fire, and tries to run off.

"Wait! Can you tell me where to find a library? I'm new to the Xianzhou Loufu."

She glances back at me.

"There's a library 3 blocks down, on the left of the main square. Now, i really must be goi-

"Lady Healer! Please return to the alchemy commission! It is unscrupulous for you to abandon your post!"

"Lady healer? Such a young person can aquire such a title? The Xianzhou Loufu really is strange."

A deep frown forms on her face.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it? As long as it's nothing too troublesome, I'll help you."

"Hide me."

"Didn't you just hear what I said? You seem to be someone important to the alchemy position, so why try to hide?"

"They keep me cooped up in a room all day! I don't want to stay in one place for too long unless it's necessary!"

"Fine, I'll hide you. My house is down the block, on the left side before the turn into this corner."

"Thank you, I will remember this."

She runs off, and not even 10 seconds later, the person who was calling out to her sees me, and begins to question me.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen a purple haired young lady with horns? The reason as to why I'm asking you this is because she was recently seen in this area."

"Oh? Yes, I've seen her. She seemed to be in a rush though. Might I ask why you are looking for her?"

"Yes. The person that you just saw was Bailu of the alchemy commission. She has run away, and we need to take her back to the alchemy commission."

A smirk forms on my face.

"She has run away? I wonder why? Maybe it's because she was overworked? Or her work wasn't appreciated? This is just speculation, but what would cause a child to run away?"

A shocked face appears the man's face.

"N-No! The reason why she keeps running away is due to her free spirit!"

'He's so easily flustered. He must be new to the job or something of that manner. The Cloud knights that escorted me were much more formal and steadfast than this'

I look down upon him.

"I see, her 'free spirit'? I won't pry any further, if that is what you claim it to be. She went down that left."

"Th-Thank you."

He hurries away, and I walk back towards my house.

I open the door, and see bailu sitting on my couch.

"The coast is clear. But, mind if I ask you a few questions?

"Sure. Since you've just helped me, I'll answer your questions."

"I heard you were called the healer lady. What does that title mean?"

"Well, since you want to know so badly, I am the high elder of the Vidyadhara. I can heal people, and have extensive medical knowledge."

"You're the high elder of the Vidyadhara? Does that mean that you can boss me around? I wouldn't like that very much."

"Unless you are a Vidyadhara, you don't have to worry about anything. I wouldn't use my position for my own ben- well, to force others to do something."

"I'm a Vidyadhara."

this chapter was the beginning of the interaction between bailu and the mc. more will be revealed soon.

Bradley_Jacquescreators' thoughts