
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 36: "Comic become live action"

Tower of Babylon, February 12, 2000.

"We haven't had a meteor strike from the moon in a long time. But it seems Dr. Einstein is still very worried."

Patricia Highsmith opened the bottle of alcohol in her hand, and she drank it in several gulps while looking at the Tower of Babylon building in front of her.

These 11 days felt so unreal to her.

She was a spy sent by Anti-Entropy to infiltrate Schicksal, and became their valkyrie in recent years.

Eleven days ago, that is, February 2nd to be exact. She along with Theresa, an S-rank valkyrie, went to the tower of Babylon to investigate a very abnormal event.

Namely to investigate why all the researchers in Babylon Tower disappeared.

She just didn't expect that their investigation here would yield such a huge discovery, namely the discovery that there was a second Herrscher, born in this place.

When the two of them fought, she lost her right arm, and almost died at the hands of the second Herrscher.

What she never expected again, all of that turned out to be just the beginning of a human tragedy.

The loss of her right hand doesn't matter at all.

6 days ago, a meteor fell from the sky, and killed thousands of people.

The meteors continued to fall one after another, killing many humans in the process. She had seen many ordinary people panic, and referred to that day as the [three days of judgment.]

As a person with multiple identities, the valkyrie Schicksal, and also the Anti-Entropy spy. Of course Patricia knew that the fall of the meteor onto the earth was the work of the second Herrscher who was currently above the moon.

"If only I could have killed her back then. This tragedy would never have happened."

Patricia drank the alcohol in her hand again in annoyance. The taste of the drink in her hand had turned very sour.

She used to have the opportunity to kill the second herrscher. But, she failed.

Patricia hated her own incompetence.

"Don't think like that anymore. Complete the patrol, and monitor other areas close to the Schicksal facility. Even though the AE Forces have left the tower, I still have to complete my task."

"Who told me to be their most trusted spy?"

Drinks the alcohol in her hands for the last time. Patricia looked up at the overcast clouds in the sky, and she suddenly frowned rapidly.

"What is this?!"

Using her left hand to protect her face. Patricia suddenly saw a giant meteor falling from the sky.

...Really, an super giant meteor.

"Dr. Einstein, I'm afraid, we have a situasion at the tower."

Patricia gulped down her saliva with difficulty.


Inside the Tower of Babylon...

"Dammit Salome! What the hell is going on here!?!" Shub came in, and she screamed frantically.

Salome Jokanaan, an A-rank Valkyrie from Squad snowwolf, gave her analysis while looking at the monitor screen.

"A large early 20th century warship has just appeared above us. There is a high probability that a second herrscher is on board."

"Really? Hah! I'm just getting a little bored. Time to get the weapons at the garrison armed, and get ready!"

Salome shook her head:

"No Shub."

"There are over 13,000 Honkai beasts aboard that ship. We must organize a retreat at once, and all the key assets here must be removed from this site."

"Our scanners pickup something else as well. Two distinct and very powerful honkai emission sources one of them is far stronger than the 2nd herrscher emission patterns on record."

Shub held her waist: "So?"

Salome stood up: "We should retreat. We should at least get the researchers out to safety."


Above of the tower of Babylon....

Sitting on the mast, and looking at the tower of Babylon that was very familiar to her. Sirin who was sitting next to Bella, looked down in disgust.

"Bella, purify this place of its human stench. Make it comfortable for my return."

Bella nodded her head, and she knelt down: "Your will shall be done, my queen."

Jump from the top of the ship's mast, and open a pair of wings made of lightning. Bella looked down seriously.

"You've heard our Queen, ye Angelit Host! We shall cleanse this place!"


With the roar of thousands of Honkai beasts on board. All of the Honkai beasts descended from the ship, and they all began to carry out their queen's orders.

Wipe all the ants under them clean!


15 minutes later...


With thousands of Honkai beasts descending from the ship, and flooding the entire area of ​​the Babylon Tower entrance and exit. The people who were still in the tower, were trapped from inside there.

Patricia saw all these things.

Uses her weapon to clear G-2 warehouse door. Patricia who was covered in blood saw the barn door open wide, and a convoy immediately rushed through the encirclement of the Honkai beasts.

"Hahaha, it's done."

Patricia wiped the blood that was coming out of her mouth.

"I can't possibly get out of here alone. But you can."

"Shub, Salome, I wanted to say hi to you girls. But I'm afraid you'd be mad if you knowing I have two paychecks."

Even though she is an Anti-Entropy spy. She, who had lived in Schicksal's headquarters for many years, already considered the valkyries there as her own friends.

As their friend, this was all she could do now.

"Keep driving girls. Please don't look back, this damn honkai messed up my face."

Standing on the roof, with a body covered in wounds, and looking at the snow field filled with Honkai beasts. Patricia, who saw the convoy vehicles getting farther away, smiled with satisfaction.


Realizing that a Honkai beast had landed behind her, and they were about to stab her with the spears they had in their hands. Patricia could only smile.

"Patricia Highsmith, A-rank Valkyrie of Squad snowwolf."

"...Sign out."

Closing her eyes, waiting for death to come. Patricia suddenly felt someone tapping her right shoulder.

"I really thank you for making comic stories into live action. But, aren't you too dedicated?"

"You still can't die here. Especially while I'm still here."

Patricia suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"What!? Who's that!?!"

Turn around in surprise. Patricia looked back, and she saw that there were dozens of Honkai beasts lying dead on the spot.

"Someone help me?"

"Yep, and that person is behind you."

Stop making surprise jokes with Patricia. K-423 knocked her out using her Fenghuang Down feather, and she hugged Patricia's unconscious body in a very gentle motion.

"Okay, Patricia is done. Next is Salome."

"Look, it looks like their convoy has caught Bella's attention. Wow, that's a huge ball of lightning!"

Throwing the fainted Patricia into the imaginary space she created. K-423, who is standing a top the Babylon Tower, sees with her own eyes that Bella is throwing ball lightning in her hands towards the convoy of vehicles, driven by Shub and Salome.

"Okay, it's time to act again."

K-423 clears her throat, and she screams with joy.

"ZAWARUDO!!! Stop the time!!!"

Making a very iconic Jojo pose. All the creatures and objects around her started to slow down, and stopped as if someone had pressed the pause button on the video.

K-423, demonstrated the power of her own unique stigmata to this world.

Control the time.