
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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281 Chs

Chapter 31: "A fake dream or real dream"

Kiana suddenly had a dream.

In the sea of ​​fire where all the trees were burnt violently. She saw her father who had lost his left arm.

Her father hugged her tightly, and said his mission was accomplished.

After that, he left.

By leaving herself alone in the sea of ​​fire without even looking back.

After losing her father, she leaves the place where she lives, and tries to find her father again.

2 years passed just like that.

Wandering all over the place, entering many cities, questioning many people.

She still hasn't found that smelly daddy.

Even the only photo that has her father's face, disappeared somewhere.



... Confusion.

If it rains, hide in the shade to avoid fever and wet clothes.

If hungry, hunt in the forest alone or ask other people for food by selling her cuteness and tragic story.

If she wants to sleep... she can sleep anywhere.

No one cares.

She is a strong girl.

She's grown.

She believed that one day she would find her father who had abandoned her, and beat him black and blue in the face.

It was her own only wish, and the wish she always clung to when she slept under the moonlight.



Kiana screamed frantically, and she looked around her very anxiously.

She woke up.

"Kiana are you okay!?"

Hearing her father's worried voice. Like a drowning person getting a life buoy, Kiana gripped Siegfried's clothes tightly.


"Yes, I am here."

Siegfried's tone softened when he saw Kiana wake up from her sleep, and had a frightened expression on her face.

She must be having a bad dream.

"...You won't leave me right?"

Siegfried tilted his head: "Of course not! Why should I leave my cute baby doll alone?"

Hearing this, Kiana's frantic heartbeat subsided, and her tense heart began to slowly relax.

"I had a dream."

"A very long dream..."

"About a lonely girl who keeps looking for her father figure."

Kiana, who was in Siegfried's arms, squirmed to find a comfortable position, and she smiled peacefully.

"Fortune everything is just a dream."

In the real world, her father never left him at all.

In the real world, she is not alone. There is another self who always accompanies her when she is lonely.

She was grateful, that the tragic experience she had in the dream was just a dream.

It's all fake.

"Don't be afraid, if the nightmare comes again father's sword will cut it in two! Father will not leave Kiana."


Kiana nodded her head, and leaned against Siegfried's chest while listening to his soothing heartbeat.

Her eyelids became very heavy. An overwhelming sense of lethargy came from all directions.

"Sleep well, father will always be beside you."

When she was about to fall asleep, a big hand covered her head, and little Kiana felt her heart feel very warm.

That's right, what she had before was just a bad dream.

The nightmare only made him feel irritated.

Kiana fell asleep smiling sweetly.

"Ich liebe dich~⭑"


Belarus, 2 hours later...

"I'm framed."

Welt Yang patted his forehead dizzy.

After making an alliance with Ragna, they all went to the area where Siegfried and the Herrscher of Void were fighting quickly.

Along the way they discover that the concentration of the honkai's energy begins to drop drastically. When they got there, the honkai energy in the surroundings had almost disappeared.

In the sea of ​​fire created by burning trees everywhere. Both Welt and the valkyrie Stormtrooper looked at the ice-filled area with confused faces.

There's nothing there.

This place is also very strange, like a former battle.

Ragna proposes to split up to find the herrscher's location as soon as possible. Welt who didn't suspect a human heart, nodded his head in agreement.

Welt just never would have guessed that Ragna's heart could be so flexible on other levels.

When he did not find any clues and intended to return to the meeting place they had agreed upon. Einstein made a phone call, and Welt learned that there were about 200 valkyries making a siege in the outer area.

Asking one more time, it turns out that Ragna and the Stormtrooper valkyrie team were there too!

They all change objective, and try to catch him!

Ragna Lothbrok, your heart and tongue are too flexible!!!

Welt was unable to curse again.

"[I'm starting to suspect that yellow-haired bastard deliberately released this news just to frame you. I can already see that tomorrow there will be propaganda that the founder of Anti-Entropy, a herrscher, is trying to carry out forbidden experiments in a certain area which kills a lot of people! Bastard Otto!!!]"

Tesla became very angry, and she gritted her teeth tightly.

"[Stop your daydreaming Dr. Tesla. Getting angry at yourself and blaming others for what he has never done is bad girl behavior.]" Einstein said.

"[Haaah?! You're defending that yellow-haired dog!? Besides, I'm not a child!!]"

Einstein shook her head.

"[Correction, brat.]"



Looking at the communicator, and listening to Einstein's interactions teasing Tesla. Welt's heart, which was originally anxious, eased a bit.

"So what should I do?"

Einstein stopped making jokes: "[According to the current situation, before Schicksal really collects all the valkyries, you should quickly leave the area secretly.]"

"[Your body is still weak, and your Identity as a herrscher there can also be used by Schicksal as propaganda for the valkyries to tarnish Anti-Entropy in their eyes.]"

"So all I have to do is leave here quietly, right?" Welt Yang understands.

Tesla said: "[Siegfried's current whereabouts are still unknown. But seeing as the valkyrie Schicksal is still setting up an encirclement area, and the honkai energy zone is dropping drastically, it is certain that Siegfried has managed to deal with the herrscher's problem alone.]"

"[Maybe he's running away with that girl right now. Just like you.]"

"[We have dispatched a reconnaissance-type Mecha in the hill area near the valley in the North area. You can use the latest camouflage system to hide from the Schicksal valkyries. Be careful.]"

Welt Yang nodded his head.

"Thank you Dr. Tesla, Dr. Einstein."

Turned off the communicator, and saw a sky filled with black clouds. Welt sighed tiredly, and he rushed North in a low-altitude flying method to hide from the eyes of the satellites.

Apparently, he came here for nothing.

"Woi Welt, wait a moment!"

"... Siegfried?"

Stopped moving, looked down, and saw Siegfried who was holding the sleeping little girl in his arms. Welt suddenly opened his mouth dumbfounded.

The person he was looking for was actually looking for himself.

What an ironic fate.

"Please take me to Anti-Entropy."

Finally this arc is finished too. The next few chapters will be connecting stories, before moving on to the next arc.

Main keywords: Train to the future.

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts