
Chapter 261: "This grandma is too stubborn"

With the arrival of the new Herrscher, all the valkyrie troops around the island became tense.

The concentration of Honkai energy spreads everywhere quickly, and infects local creatures into extremely vicious Honkai beasts.

Aurora and her troops were ready for guerilla combat, while Kiana and Cecilia nodded simultaneously.

Seeing Fu Hua who was silent like a statue, Cecilia decisively used the Fenghuang Down feather.

The two of them entered Fu Hua's consciousness.


First layer.

Darkness enveloped the surroundings, and when looking inside, one had the feeling that a terrifying creature was lurking within.

Fu Hua, who was in the middle of the mist, decisively used her ultimate move.



Like Pangu opening the world, the sky became bright, and the forest plants grew cheerfully under the warm sunlight.

Fu Hua, who realized that the surrounding environment had changed, looked around her, and she discovered that she was now at the foot of Taixuan Mountain.

She looked up at the top of the mountain.

Fu Hua could feel Herrscher's presence up there. So without further ado, she jumped over the steep mountain rocks, and she immediately climbed up quickly.

Peak, Taixuan mountain.

Up there there is a pavilion that has stood for more than 500 years, where the red immortal lives, and has many diverse natural beauties.

Kiana and Cecilia had just stepped foot into this place. Before they could carry out their inspection, they saw a woman wearing black clothes with gray hair, standing in front of the pavilion platform.

"Fu Hua?"

Cecilia asked hesitantly.

The girl who had the same face as Fu Hua, turned around when she heard this name.

"Oh, an unexpected guest. I didn't expect us to meet here. This is our first meeting, so I'll introduce myself."

"I am the great Herrscher of Sentience! Please remember this name well!"

Kiana's and Cecilia's eyes met, and this time they were both confused.

Isn't this Herrscher too confident?

Not having a hostile attitude, then this is good news. We can talk to each other.

"Then Herrscher of Sentience, introduce myself..."

"Hey, don't talk anymore, I already know your name. You're Cecilia, right? I didn't think you were still alive."

"Do you know me?"

"Of course! There's nothing this great Herrscher of Sentience doesn't know! I even know that the white-haired girl next to you is your daughter, Kiana."

"It's the first time we've met, but I've known you for a long time."

"I'm just curious, why are you guys here?"


After a brief introduction, Cecilia and the Herrscher of Sentience started talking in a friendly manner, while Kiana slowly distanced herself.

Kiana felt something strange.

Because she already knew Thea's secret and had watched a film together, Kiana felt that the Herrscher of Sentience was exactly the same as the Herrscher on TV.

From their dressing style to their speaking style, they are all exactly the same.

This is what makes Kiana confused.

Could it be her?

But how is that possible?

As Kiana became restless, Fu Hua, who had been climbing as fast as possible, finally arrived at the peak of Taixuan Mountain.

She saw Kiana and Cecilia here. At a glance, Fu Hua immediately understood that the two of them used the Fenghuang Down feather to enter her consciousness.

Fu Hua's eyes immediately fell on a girl who had the same face as herself.

"What the..."

"Old timer! long time no see. You came at the right time."

Herrscher of Sentience immediately smiled widely when she saw Fu Hua.

"After so much time has passed, it seems like you are still fine. How about you, do you miss me?"

"I am the Herrscher of Sentience. Even though you don't know me, I have known you for a long time."

"I came here to visit you."

Cecilia, who had determined Herrscher's personality, began to speak for her as a mediator.

"This is Miss Herrscher of Sentience. Even though she is a Herrscher, she is a good girl."

"She said that she was from another timeline and wanted to tell Thea something important. I think we need to convey this to her as soon as possible."

"What do you think?"

Fu Hua walked step by step past Kiana, and when she got closer, Fu Hua couldn't help but sigh.

Cecilia's innocent face, gave a friendly and close impression to everyone. Perhaps it was because she had already been revive by Thea, making her become extremely resistant to nonsense things like time travel.

The face of Herrscher of Sentience who smiled broadly sincerely, gave the impression that she was very happy when she saw her.

It looks fine.


"Cecilia, you are too kind."



"GAN! Again!?!"

Without speaking any pleasantries, Fu Hua immediately attacked the Herrscher of Sentience without hesitation.

This surprise attack took Kiana and Cecilia by surprise.

"Don't believe everything that honkai says, it's a bloody lesson that has been tested by my old friend. All her words are just deception."

Fu Hua's eyes were extremely cold, and when she saw that the Herrscher of Sentience was still alive, she immediately rushed towards her.

Herrscher of Sentience became very angry.

"That's enough! The Buddha statue will also be angry if it continues to be disturbed! Die! Die! YOU ALL BETTER DIE!!!"

A black aura enveloped the sky, and turned the clouds gray, while the sun became blood red.

The Herrscher of Sentience disappeared from the sight of the three of them, entering a deeper world of consciousness.

At the place where she was seriously injured, there were seven immortals stepping on flying swords.

Lin Zhaouyu, Su Mei, Jiang Wanxi, Jiang Wanru, Cheng Lingshuang, Ma Feima, Qin Suyi.

The seven of them were the traitor students who had stabbed Fu Hua in the past.

Even though some of them weren't traitor students, it seemed like the Herrscher of Sentience didn't care about small things like this, and put them all in one package.

This has another meaning, that this Herrscher of Sentience can already access her memories.

Fu Hua could only sigh once again.

She immediately got into a fighting stance.

"Fu Hua, isn't this too radical? What if she not evil?" Cecilia became speechless after seeing all her hard work just disappear.

According to her, the Herrscher of Sentience was a good girl.

Fu Hua shook her head: "Watch, study, and judge a person's personality when they are facing a crisis. Often they always show their true personality there."

"If that Herrscher was really good, then she wouldn't have accessed my memories without permission."

"Didn't you see how she behaved earlier? She wanted to kill us all."

Kiana was offended: "By the way I'm a Herrscher too... and I'll get angry if I get hit for no reason..."

Fu Hua: "You said something Kiana?"

Kiana: "No, I didn't say anything."

Of course, Kiana's whispered voice couldn't reach Fu Hua's ears. This time, her seven disciples with enhanced power, attacked the three of them with full force.

Cecilia and Kiana stood beside Fu Hua to fight with her.

As for the matter of the Herrscher of Sentience, let's talk about it when all this problem is over.

Next chapter